They're not extreme!!! They are fundamentalists. There are ANY number of videos floating around showing ISIS in controlled areas with the religious police patrolling. The people are happy, sober, productive and don't seem the least bit bothered because this is the faith as they were taught as kids; fundamental. It is telling the people they punish, especially drug users who expect to be put to death. They are VERY calm about it and accepting as it is the LAW they were taught their whole lives. They act like people who strayed and know it and knew the penalty and have simply accepted it.
There isn't a fundamentalist Christian out there who can't at the very least, respect the world these people wish to live in; devout, consistent, fair as per their faith. No surprises. Immodesty is punished as is corruption, idleness and drug use.
This is NOT an endorsement. These people are taught and, at core, believe in a religion that is very strict by Western standards of today but, not so very much different than the old Testament Christianity days of not too long ago many in the US say they miss.
That is what they are fighting for; a fundamentalist, faithful life. It has it's rules and ways but, they are not, not remotely, a bunch of loons just making it up as they go. They are fighting against the corruption of their faith by the modern and Western world.
There are some threads of truth in this post but to say their only objective is to return to a "fundamentalist" practice of the Islamic faith is a fallacious oversimplification. It's about establishing totalitarian rule over the Islamic world, a caliphate, and eventually over the entire world. And, it's not only westerners that view them as extremists, the Islamic moderates view them this way as well. The ISIS interpretation of the Islamic faith, is in a word, extreme.