Understanding Taqiyya

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No. I am, however, in agreement that the OP article is misleading regarding who practices taqqiya. Nothing more and nothing less. I say what I mean and mean what I say, no need to read into my words.

And I never referenced the article. I expressly laid out the context it matters, or, should matter, to we, the people; Iraq. Because we backed Shia's. And they haven't much done what we'd hoped for.


Active Member
I think you and Gilligan are missing the very simple point. Punjabigyrl was not making a statement about Middle East issues, rather she was making an observation that the article is misleading in one aspect and why. Her point is not that hard to understand...unless you don't want to.

That is exactly what I saying.


Active Member
Let me rephrase that - I got my numbers wrong. About 11% of Muslims are Shia, or about 112,000,000, that should follow taqqiya, leaving about 1,000,000,000 of the other muslim sects that say they don't agree with taqqiya. If this about 9 - 1 ratio is not settled by the Sunnis, then they are guilty and hypocritical for not eliminating the threat that is allegedly insulting their "religion". As I said before, there is no doubt that a large amount of those Sunni's either quietly agree with it, or are just too afraid to fight it, and if taqqiya prevails, they will submit to it.

Here is a pew research on Mapping the Muslim population.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
And I never referenced the article. I expressly laid out the context it matters, or, should matter, to we, the people; Iraq. Because we backed Shia's. And they haven't much done what we'd hoped for.

That. I saw a response that I interpreted as "No..that's just those few guys over there in the corner...they might be liars but the rest of us aren't". Diversion. As Larry pointed out, the US has invested heavily in blood and treasure supporting "those few guys over there in the corner". But let's pretend they don't exist, right? Sure are one heck of a lot Shia Muslims in the geographic area we are most heavily involved in. In fact..that is where most of them are.

Iran 66 – 70 million 90 – 95% 37 – 40%
Pakistan 17 – 26 million 10 – 15 10 – 15
India 16 – 24 million 10 – 15 9 – 14
Iraq 19 -22 million 65 – 70 11 – 12
Turkey 7 – 11 million 10 – 15 4 – 6
Yemen 8 – 10 million 35 – 40 ~5
Azerbaijan 5 – 7 million 65 – 75 3 – 4
Afghanistan 3 – 4 million 10 – 15 ~2
Syria 3 – 4 million 15 – 20 ~2
Saudi Arabia 2 – 4 million
Last edited:


24/7 Single Dad
The Muslims that aren't actively trying to kill you will do nothing to interfere with the ones that do want to kill you


New Member
Interesting article. :

Michigan: Court Rules Against Christians in Dearborn Arab Festival Case (Sept. 2, 2014)

In a stunning decision, a federal appeals court has sided against Christians and for violent Muslims in a case involving rights violations at the Dearborn Arab Festival in 2012. Dearborn, Michigan has the largest Muslim population of any city in the United States, and last year when a satire site made mention of the fact that the city was under sharia law, conservatives took it as truth. The mainstream media mocked, but the truth is, Dearborn, Michigan is under sharia law. This case is proof.

It might not be “official” but it is there. Furthermore, the war on Christianity just took a decidedly deadly turn in a case that should never have ruled in the favor of a ravenous Muslim mob. The court ruled against Christians attacked by violent Muslims at the Dearborn Arab Festival in 2012, as this video so clearly shows.

Go here ----- > http://www.fortruthssake.com/2014/0...st-christians-in-dearborn-arab-festival-case/

The video does not show that the evangelists’ speech was intended to incite the crowd. Clearly, in the video the evangelists were standing in the crowd being swarmed by a vicious Muslim mob, throwing rocks and water bottles. This is sheer insanity. The Christian plaintiffs had free speech protection, until the court ruled against them!

Walking through the crowd with banners, they had a right to be there. They were not inciting ANYONE to violence. But just as what happened with the nixing of the Jesus Day Parade in Toronto, the tide is turning against Christians and in favor of Muslims. How did this happen? Multiculturalism, and allowing Muslims to have special rights and privileges, as Dr. Fred wrote in his article, “Time to Stand Against Islam is NOW!” By allowing these people to come in openly and without reserve, they have conquered. Thus, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of ultimate defeat for Christians in America and around the world.



Well-Known Member
The Muslims that aren't actively trying to kill you will do nothing to interfere with the ones that do want to kill you

My take as well all along, and have stated such a few times in this thread. By not fighting taqqiya themselves, they are guilty as well.


mama to two
Interesting article. :

Michigan: Court Rules Against Christians in Dearborn Arab Festival Case (Sept. 2, 2014)

In a stunning decision, a federal appeals court has sided against Christians and for violent Muslims in a case involving rights violations at the Dearborn Arab Festival in 2012. Dearborn, Michigan has the largest Muslim population of any city in the United States, and last year when a satire site made mention of the fact that the city was under sharia law, conservatives took it as truth. The mainstream media mocked, but the truth is, Dearborn, Michigan is under sharia law. This case is proof.

It might not be “official” but it is there. Furthermore, the war on Christianity just took a decidedly deadly turn in a case that should never have ruled in the favor of a ravenous Muslim mob. The court ruled against Christians attacked by violent Muslims at the Dearborn Arab Festival in 2012, as this video so clearly shows.

Go here ----- > http://www.fortruthssake.com/2014/0...st-christians-in-dearborn-arab-festival-case/

The video does not show that the evangelists’ speech was intended to incite the crowd. Clearly, in the video the evangelists were standing in the crowd being swarmed by a vicious Muslim mob, throwing rocks and water bottles. This is sheer insanity. The Christian plaintiffs had free speech protection, until the court ruled against them!

Walking through the crowd with banners, they had a right to be there. They were not inciting ANYONE to violence. But just as what happened with the nixing of the Jesus Day Parade in Toronto, the tide is turning against Christians and in favor of Muslims. How did this happen? Multiculturalism, and allowing Muslims to have special rights and privileges, as Dr. Fred wrote in his article, “Time to Stand Against Islam is NOW!” By allowing these people to come in openly and without reserve, they have conquered. Thus, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of ultimate defeat for Christians in America and around the world.


Wow. Very frightening, indeed.
Interesting article. :

Michigan: Court Rules Against Christians in Dearborn Arab Festival Case (Sept. 2, 2014)

In a stunning decision, a federal appeals court has sided against Christians and for violent Muslims in a case involving rights violations at the Dearborn Arab Festival in 2012. Dearborn, Michigan has the largest Muslim population of any city in the United States, and last year when a satire site made mention of the fact that the city was under sharia law, conservatives took it as truth. The mainstream media mocked, but the truth is, Dearborn, Michigan is under sharia law. This case is proof.

It might not be “official” but it is there. Furthermore, the war on Christianity just took a decidedly deadly turn in a case that should never have ruled in the favor of a ravenous Muslim mob. The court ruled against Christians attacked by violent Muslims at the Dearborn Arab Festival in 2012, as this video so clearly shows.

Go here ----- > http://www.fortruthssake.com/2014/0...st-christians-in-dearborn-arab-festival-case/

The video does not show that the evangelists’ speech was intended to incite the crowd. Clearly, in the video the evangelists were standing in the crowd being swarmed by a vicious Muslim mob, throwing rocks and water bottles. This is sheer insanity. The Christian plaintiffs had free speech protection, until the court ruled against them!

Walking through the crowd with banners, they had a right to be there. They were not inciting ANYONE to violence. But just as what happened with the nixing of the Jesus Day Parade in Toronto, the tide is turning against Christians and in favor of Muslims. How did this happen? Multiculturalism, and allowing Muslims to have special rights and privileges, as Dr. Fred wrote in his article, “Time to Stand Against Islam is NOW!” By allowing these people to come in openly and without reserve, they have conquered. Thus, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of ultimate defeat for Christians in America and around the world.


The "Christian" group's motivation and plan was to incite the Muslim's to violence, film it, and post it on the web to support an anti-
Muslim agenda. They were successful.

This is the second time I've seen this posted to SOMD. The underlying goal is clear. To influence Americans, especially conservative Christians, who are looking to find validation of their growing hatred of Muslims.


professional daydreamer
The "Christian" group's motivation and plan was to incite the Muslim's to violence, film it, and post it on the web to support an anti-
Muslim agenda. They were successful.

This is the second time I've seen this posted to SOMD. The underlying goal is clear. To influence Americans, especially conservative Christians, who are looking to find validation of their growing hatred of Muslims.

The mere presence of Christians, or anyone who does not worship Allah, is enough to incite violence from Muslims.


Well-Known Member
The mere presence of Christians, or anyone who does not worship Allah, is enough to incite violence from Muslims.

Physical presence not required. All it takes to incite muslims is for someone to tell them that they overheard somebody say they heard another person say that they did not agree with jihad, or likes bacon, or whatever........


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
To influence Americans, especially conservative Christians, who are looking to find validation of their growing hatred of Muslims.

They should just leave it be, IMO. The Muslims are doing a remarkably good job at alienating the rest of the civilized world without any outside help. :buddies:
The mere presence of Christians, or anyone who does not worship Allah, is enough to incite violence from Muslims.

Nope, not true in the US, and not even universally true in the middle-east. Broad-brushed statements like this are indicative of a bigoted and intolerant mindset.
They should just leave it be, IMO. The Muslims are doing a remarkably good job at alienating the rest of the civilized world without any outside help. :buddies:
Yup, primarily driven by the extremists, although it's true that a great many in the middle-east are sympathetic to the extremist's cause.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yup, primarily driven by the extremists, although it's true that a great many in the middle-east are sympathetic to the extremist's cause.

They're not extreme!!! They are fundamentalists. There are ANY number of videos floating around showing ISIS in controlled areas with the religious police patrolling. The people are happy, sober, productive and don't seem the least bit bothered because this is the faith as they were taught as kids; fundamental. It is telling the people they punish, especially drug users who expect to be put to death. They are VERY calm about it and accepting as it is the LAW they were taught their whole lives. They act like people who strayed and know it and knew the penalty and have simply accepted it.

There isn't a fundamentalist Christian out there who can't at the very least, respect the world these people wish to live in; devout, consistent, fair as per their faith. No surprises. Immodesty is punished as is corruption, idleness and drug use.

This is NOT an endorsement. These people are taught and, at core, believe in a religion that is very strict by Western standards of today but, not so very much different than the old Testament Christianity days of not too long ago many in the US say they miss.

That is what they are fighting for; a fundamentalist, faithful life. It has it's rules and ways but, they are not, not remotely, a bunch of loons just making it up as they go. They are fighting against the corruption of their faith by the modern and Western world.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Yup, primarily driven by the extremists, although it's true that a great many in the middle-east are sympathetic to the extremist's cause.

Please tell me you aren't that stupid. There are the ones that cut the throats and carry out suicide bombings...and there are the rest that support them and feel bad they don't have the balls. Get a grip.

And because you are obviously geographically challenged, please explain how, for example, the Phillipines became part of the "middle east".