Interesting article. :
Michigan: Court Rules Against Christians in Dearborn Arab Festival Case (Sept. 2, 2014)
In a stunning decision, a federal appeals court has sided against Christians and for violent Muslims in a case involving rights violations at the Dearborn Arab Festival in 2012. Dearborn, Michigan has the largest Muslim population of any city in the United States, and last year when a satire site made mention of the fact that the city was under sharia law, conservatives took it as truth. The mainstream media mocked, but the truth is, Dearborn, Michigan is under sharia law. This case is proof.
It might not be “official” but it is there. Furthermore, the war on Christianity just took a decidedly deadly turn in a case that should never have ruled in the favor of a ravenous Muslim mob. The court ruled against Christians attacked by violent Muslims at the Dearborn Arab Festival in 2012, as this video so clearly shows.
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The video does not show that the evangelists’ speech was intended to incite the crowd. Clearly, in the video the evangelists were standing in the crowd being swarmed by a vicious Muslim mob, throwing rocks and water bottles. This is sheer insanity. The Christian plaintiffs had free speech protection, until the court ruled against them!
Walking through the crowd with banners, they had a right to be there. They were not inciting ANYONE to violence. But just as what happened with the nixing of the Jesus Day Parade in Toronto, the tide is turning against Christians and in favor of Muslims. How did this happen? Multiculturalism, and allowing Muslims to have special rights and privileges, as Dr. Fred wrote in his article, “Time to Stand Against Islam is NOW!” By allowing these people to come in openly and without reserve, they have conquered. Thus, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of ultimate defeat for Christians in America and around the world.