Unhappy marrige



Well kara, I have seen your website and let me tell you. If he's lying to you and Maybe I dunno cheating on you. Then HES A FOOL. Girl you are too beautiful to sit there and take that from him. I know almost a year of marrage and already doing it? What will the rest of your time together be like. Look if it doesnt work out Let me know. LOL J/K No seriously though, if he's lying now it only gets worse so be ready of things to come. I hope it works out for you..


Kara, I was in a marriage with a man that lied to me a lot too. I realized that I could not love someone that I could not trust and I knew that he would never stop lying to me because no matter what I said or did, he just didn't know anything else. He truly made me feel like he did not care if he hurt my feelings. He just did what he wanted to do and did not take me into consideraton. If this man of yours ever does straighten up, it won't be for a very very long long time. I mean years. If you've got the patience, good for you. I never used to believe in divorce either until I was sitting in a doctors office being treated for depression. Now, even with all the debts I was stuck with, I am much happier with out him. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about a child since I don't have any. Good Luck, I wish you and your daughter the best.


PREMO Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
WOW Travel, it sounds as though times are pretty tough for you.  I've been in the same situation before and I can completely understand what you are going through.  No matter how many times we tried to talk and work things out...the past was constantly getting brought up, which just made everything even more unbearable.  Neither of us were willing to forgive or forget.  There was A LOT of control and insecurity on his part.  I felt as though I couldn't wipe my own a$$ w/out his permission.  It wasn't a happy relationship, and even though we tried SEVERAL times to make it work...we just ended up hating each other in the end. :burning:  We haven't talked to this day, and this was over 5 years ago.  I've gotten over the whole experience and couldn't be happier today.  You need to search for peace and harmony and do what makes YOU happy.  :biggrin:
What an old tread.


New Member
Don't consider divorce.... You made a committment when you got married and you should live up to that committment. Talk with your wife and find out why one(or both) of you are unhappy. Identify the problem and fix it.

I can't help you with an unhappy marriage b/c I have the best wife ever. She is wonderful and I make sure that she stays happy. Good Luck & God Bless....


PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
Don't consider divorce.... You made a committment when you got married and you should live up to that committment. Talk with your wife and find out why one(or both) of you are unhappy. Identify the problem and fix it.

I can't help you with an unhappy marriage b/c I have the best wife ever. She is wonderful and I make sure that she stays happy. Good Luck & God Bless....
Hey Pic man, did you look at the date?


New Member
Originally posted by DoWhat
Hey Pic man, did you look at the date?

sorry didn't get a chance... I don't have the convenience of sitting on the site all day, counting posts and watching the time pass! Duck boy! :biggrin:

Thanks for keeping me updated though... :bubble:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by ceo_pte
Don't consider divorce.... You made a committment when you got married and you should live up to that committment. Talk with your wife and find out why one(or both) of you are unhappy. Identify the problem and fix it.

I can't help you with an unhappy marriage b/c I have the best wife ever. She is wonderful and I make sure that she stays happy. Good Luck & God Bless....
Regardless of the fact that this tread is old as dirt, it is possible for incompatible people to get married, and it's pointless for them to stay married if they're unhappy. Not everyone believes that marriage has a religious aspect, a lot of people see it as a legal thing. Telling someone not to get divorced when you don't know their situation firsthand isn't a good idea :rolleyes:
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Football season!
Originally posted by ceo_pte
sorry didn't get a chance... I don't have the convenience of sitting on the site all day, counting posts and watching the time pass! Duck boy! :biggrin:

Thanks for keeping me updated though... :bubble:

really tough to look over to the side and see the date of the posts. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by Nickel
Regardless of the fact that this tread is old as dirt, it is [/] possible for incompatible people to get married, and it's pointless for them to stay married if they're unhappy. Not everyone believes that marriage has a religious aspect, a lot of people see it as a legal thing. Telling someone not to get divorced when you don't know their situation firsthand isn't a good idea :rolleyes:

Incompatible simply means that both of the individuals involved in the marriage are not willing to work out their differences. If they work out their differences then they would be compatible.

Now that should be worth a 'dime.' :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by kwillia

Disclaimer: The above advice has been spouted by a newlywed.

This is true... We have disagreements too though, but we deal with it and move on. Everyone will have disagreements. It's how you deal with them that matters. We will never get divorced. It's not an option for us. That's the decision we made when we got married. :biggrin:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by ceo_pte
Incompatible simply means that both of the individuals involved in the marriage are not willing to work out their differences. If they work out their differences then they would be compatible.

Now that should be worth a 'dime.' :biggrin:
So you believe that I could walk into a courthouse, with a man I have never met and marry him, and since we have a little piece of paper declaring us man and wife, that we must work through our differences b/c "Hey, this piece of paper says we have to stay together for the rest of our lives..." That's :bs:. Personally, I will marry for love, and nothing less, and I'm sure that no one plans on getting divorced when they marry someone, but the fact of the matter remains that if I'm unhappy with someone, and they're unhappy with me, I will not stay with them. Not everyone views a marriage as sacred, you have to respect the decisions of others.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
This is true... We have disagreements too though, but we deal with it and move on. Everyone will have disagreements. It's how you deal with them that matters. We will never get divorced. It's not an option for us. That's the decision we made when we got married. :biggrin:
I don't think anybody actually plans on getting a divorce. :rolleyes:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by kwillia
But Rose.... he is an expert on marriage.... he has been married successfully for a whole year now. :nono:

Rose, did you notice how nice the morning was when ^she wasn't around??


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by kwillia
But Rose.... he is an expert on marriage.... he has been married successfully for a whole year now. :nono:
I know, I know, I saw that One Year Anniversary. Woo-hoo for him. Let him tell us all about it in a few years. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by Nickel
So you believe that I could walk into a courthouse, with a man I have never met and marry him, and since we have a little piece of paper declaring us man and wife, that we must work through our differences b/c "Hey, this piece of paper says we have to stay together for the rest of our lives..." That's :bs:. Personally, I will marry for love, and nothing less, and I'm sure that no one plans on getting divorced when they marry someone, but the fact of the matter remains that if I'm unhappy with someone, and they're unhappy with me, I will not stay with them. Not everyone views a marriage as sacred, you have to respect the decisions of others.

If you are dumb enough to do that and take marriage that lightly, then you will probably end up divorced....


New Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
I know, I know, I saw that One Year Anniversary. Woo-hoo for him. Let him tell us all about it in a few years. :rolleyes:

I can feel your support and it's precisely why I associate with the right people. People who fail, hope others fail too. This way, they don't look so bad..... Good luck on your marriage! If you are married, I sincerely hope that you don't get divorced.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by ceo_pte
If you are dumb enough to do that and take marriage that lightly, then you will probably end up divorced....
:roflmao: And you know me from where? Dumb? Maybe you, but not me, I think realistically. Nothing I have said, except for stating that I will only marry for love, has been "my mantra". I'm trying to explain to your dumb ass why people get divorced. Have you ever seen a battered wife? Or her child with a broken arm b/c daddy threw him down the stairs? Try telling them that they "just need to try harder to make it work". You truly are a simple mind.