Unhinged Progbots


PREMO Member
Watch: Coffee shop worker slices up singer’s Confederate flag cap right in front of him

One Molten Java coffee shop employee apparently couldn’t take the sight of a Confederate flag baseball cap inside the Bethel, Connecticut, coffee shop any longer — so she did something about it.

A video camera capturing Stan Weston’s performance last Thursday also caught the moment when a Molten Java employee walked right up to stage area in the middle of a song, began slicing up his baseball cap with a knife and then tossed a piece of the cap at him.


Police arrived on the scene but soon departed after the employee in question agreed to apologize and give Weston $20 for the hat, police spokesman Capt. Steven Pugner told the paper.

Molten Java owner Wendy Cahill told the News-Times on Friday she hadn’t spoken the employee but said her actions were “wrong.”

“If they had a verbal conversation about the hat, I would have supported her,” Cahill added to the paper. “The sentiment I agree with, but not her actions. Everyone is welcome here, but they have to be willing to engage in civil discourse.”


PREMO Member
The video is no longer available on YouTube, but the words cited (“You’re not safe…. We need to make racists scared”) do indicate a terrorist intent.

Vitale was informed by campus police that the new evidence raises it to a felony theft charge. Speaking to The College Fix on Monday, Vitale said he wanted to take a stand.

“I do want to send a message,” Vitale said. “I am not vindictive, I am not vengeful, but people especially in my generation need to realize you can’t do things like this because you don’t like what someone is saying or wearing.”

“Free speech is under attack on campus,” he added. “As cliche as it sounds, the facts of our laws and our Constitution … don’t care about what you feel. For millennials everywhere who believe their feelings give them the right to step on the rights of others — you are sadly misguided. That is not the real world.”

Like any bully, Masias is shocked and outraged that her victim dares to fight back and cries out that she is the real victim. Even more comically, her supporters are demanding the university and the taxpayers fund her living costs:

Edith Macias’ friends have responded by rallying to her defense, demanding that the college protect her from any charges and even “pay for alternate housing accommodations for Macias and their family while simultaneously covering their current housing costs in order to keep them safe from threats of harm.”

As the statement implies, Macias identifies with the pronouns “they/them.”



PREMO Member
Two videos went viral last week, showing a University of Washington student named Edith Macias rip a “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat off the head of fellow student Matthew Vitale. Macias ran off to the student life offices with the hat, but not before sharing this exchange with Vitale:

Vitale: “This is mine. You do not get to take other people’s property that is legally theirs in this county.”

Macias: “Man, f— your laws.”

Vitale: “I have a freedom of speech to wear this hat.”

Macias: “Your f—ing freedom of speech is genocide, homeboy! Is that what you are trying to represent?”

When it became clear that campus staff wanted to return the hat to Vitale, Macias was upset. “Oh my God, you’re going to keep letting him wear it? That just shows how the f*** UCR [University of California, Riverside] is and the education system. It’s geared to benefit white people, white people, not me. In the premises of the university I deal with microaggressions on the daily, as do other people of color and you have people out there wearing hats like those, y’all don’t say s*** about it. Make America Great Again? Really? Lynches, mass genocides, mass deportations. Constant killings, and y’all are just gonna shut the f*** up?”

It’s important to note at this point that Vitale is half-Nicaraguan, and when he tells Macias, this she tells him that doesn’t matter, because he appears to be a white man, and is privileged. In a time when mislabeling people and silencing them is considered hate speech and a microaggression, it’s telling that Macias erases Vitale’s race and ethnicity.

During an interview, Vitale said, “My hope for this is that people in my generation will wake up to the idea of free speech. Too many people in my generation believe that their feelings supersede everything, even the law. This country was founded on the ideas of individual rights. No one can take those rights away because they’re endowed by God, not the government or one’s peers. I’d like to see basic respect return to this country. We don’t have to agree on everything, but the one thing I hope all Americans can come to agree on is that everyone should (and does) have the right to speak their mind uninterrupted.”

Student Who Stole MAGA Hat, Saying ‘Freedom Of Speech Is Genocide,’ Could Face Felony Charge


PREMO Member
EVENT: Leftists Plan To 'Scream Helplessly At The Sky On The Anniversary' Of Trump's Election

To commemorate the anniversary of President Trump winning bigly over his bragadocious rival Hillary Clinton last November, leftists have the best plan ever to ensure the MAGA man gets to live another four years behind those big, beautiful White House walls: scream like banshees up to the sky in hopes the political gods will hear their cries of pain and strike lightning upon their orange ogre.

According to a Facebook invite from Julia Helene and Johanna Schulman, residents of Boston are invited to drag their Trump-weary selves over to Boston Common for a good old-fashioned session of exhaling exorbitant amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere at unfriendly decibel-levels to accomplish absolutely nothing. Basically, what leftists do all day long.

Titled "Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election," the event reportedly has 4.400 pledged attendees with another 33,000 interested. "Come express your anger at the current state of democracy, and scream helplessly at the sky!" the description reads.


Well-Known Member
EVENT: Leftists Plan To 'Scream Helplessly At The Sky On The Anniversary' Of Trump's Election

To commemorate the anniversary of President Trump winning bigly over his bragadocious rival Hillary Clinton last November, leftists have the best plan ever to ensure the MAGA man gets to live another four years behind those big, beautiful White House walls: scream like banshees up to the sky in hopes the political gods will hear their cries of pain and strike lightning upon their orange ogre.

According to a Facebook invite from Julia Helene and Johanna Schulman, residents of Boston are invited to drag their Trump-weary selves over to Boston Common for a good old-fashioned session of exhaling exorbitant amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere at unfriendly decibel-levels to accomplish absolutely nothing. Basically, what leftists do all day long.

Titled "Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election," the event reportedly has 4.400 pledged attendees with another 33,000 interested. "Come express your anger at the current state of democracy, and scream helplessly at the sky!" the description reads.

If they do it at night---that's called barking at the moon.


PREMO Member
Earlier this month a group of a few dozen University of Oregon students shouted down the University’s President, Michael Schill, as he attempted to deliver his state-of-the-university speech. Today the NY Times published a piece in which Schill suggests students shouting down speech are adopting some fascist language and tactics even as they claim to be protesting fascism.

Armed with a megaphone and raised fists, the protesters shouted about the university’s rising tuition, a perceived corporatization of public higher education and my support for free speech on campus — a stance they said perpetuated “fascism and white supremacy.”…

It is…ironic that they would associate fascism with the university during a protest in which they limit discourse. One of the students who stormed the stage during my talk told the news media to “expect resistance to anyone who opposes us.” That is awfully close to the language and practices of those the students say they vehemently oppose.

Fundamentally, fascism is about the smothering of dissent. Every university in the country has history classes that dig into fascist political movements and examine them along very clear-eyed lines. Fascist regimes rose to power by attacking free speech, threatening violence against those who opposed them, and using fear and the threat of retaliation to intimidate dissenters.

In other words, the behavior of the students has something in common with actual fascists. Schill goes on to say that he personally finds their claims (that UofO perpetuates fascism) offensive because members of his extended family were murdered by fascists during the Holocaust. But he is quick to add that he would never attempt to silence their speech even though he finds it offensive. Schill’s problem is with students who don’t extend the same respect to his speech or that of others.

University of Oregon President: These far-left protesters don’t seem to understand fascism


PREMO Member
"Now the statue is bleeding," the group said. "We did not make it bleed. It is bloody at its very foundation. This is not an act of vandalism. It is a work of public art and an act of applied art criticism. We have no intent to damage a mere statue. The true damage lies with patriarchy, white supremacy, and settler-colonialism embodied by the statue."

The group described the attack as an attempt at "kickstarting" the statue's removal, according to Gothamist. The vandalism doesn't appear to have jump started anything, except perhaps Donald Trump's sense of purpose; the President predicted that removing Confederate Memorials wouldn't satisfy activists, and that the effort would inevitably lead to calls to topple other monuments, like this one of Teddy Roosevelt.

The attack comes just days after a separate New York "anti-fascist" and "anti-colonialist" group complained to the museum that the Teddy Roosevelt statue was "racist" because the statue depicts the former President flanked by two men: a Native American and an indigenous African.

The statue is supposed to symbolize Roosevelt's adventurous history; the former president began the Natural History Museum, essentially, in his home, compiling the first bits of the collection from items he obtained while traveling the world.

But the group "Decolonize This Place," says its a symbol of "white supremacy" and "colonialism," because they claim Roosevelt espoused racial hierarchies and aided in foreign wars, and wants the statue removed. On Columbus Day, a group of about 200 people protested outside the museum and threw a tarp over Roosevelt's memorial. They sent a follow up letter, asking the museum to remove the statue and apologize to those it offended.

Vandals Attack Teddy Roosevelt Statue At The American Museum of Natural History


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The cops and city governments should have nipped that #### in the bud. It's like a screaming child - if you spank their ass and set them down, they'll stop acting like that. If you give in to their fits, they'll ratchet up.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The cops and city governments should have nipped that #### in the bud. It's like a screaming child - if you spank their ass and set them down, they'll stop acting like that. If you give in to their fits, they'll ratchet up.

Which is why I'm patiently waiting for a world class smackdown to occur on the entire Progtard Army AND their Masters.


Well-Known Member
Which is why I'm patiently waiting for a world class smackdown to occur on the entire Progtard Army AND their Masters.

These things do not occur on their own.
These kids have something driving them.
Where are they getting these fascist ideas?
IMO it is being taught by their liberal professors in the colleges.

Wherever they are getting it, it is destructive to our country.
The idea that we are right and no one has a right to any ideas but us is somehow being passed on to these (WTH are they) kids., liberals?

Who is feeding them this sh1t and why?
America better wake up. We are being torn apart by this crap.
Is there some power behind it?
Some conspiracy to brainwash our youth into destroying us from the inside.
Or is it all simply coincidental?


God bless the USA
EVENT: Leftists Plan To 'Scream Helplessly At The Sky On The Anniversary' Of Trump's Election

To commemorate the anniversary of President Trump winning bigly over his bragadocious rival Hillary Clinton last November, leftists have the best plan ever to ensure the MAGA man gets to live another four years behind those big, beautiful White House walls: scream like banshees up to the sky in hopes the political gods will hear their cries of pain and strike lightning upon their orange ogre.

According to a Facebook invite from Julia Helene and Johanna Schulman, residents of Boston are invited to drag their Trump-weary selves over to Boston Common for a good old-fashioned session of exhaling exorbitant amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere at unfriendly decibel-levels to accomplish absolutely nothing. Basically, what leftists do all day long.

Titled "Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election," the event reportedly has 4.400 pledged attendees with another 33,000 interested. "Come express your anger at the current state of democracy, and scream helplessly at the sky!" the description reads.

Well, today is the day that the Leftists were going to scream helplessly at the sky because of Trump. Did y’all hear anything? I didn’t. :crickets:

I guess because they scream every day, they were just too tired. :shrug: Poor babies.
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God bless the USA

Thanks, ghls! Great entertainment while I finish up the laundry. And, I love the live comment feed! :lol:

Ok. A couple things. Why are they helplessly screaming; helpless being the keyword there. And, what are they saying, actually? That they don’t believe in the voting process, and Trump was elected fair and square? I think they just like to identify as bohemians, and get out and play their bongos, and be artsy; or something like that. Go home, and write a resume.

The feed flies by, but the one that caught my eye was ‘Happy MAJA day!’ Love it!

And, the fact that the Left is acting out so much like children do, let’s me know how close America was to the brink of no return. And, do people know that George Washington was not the first choice for prez? Politics have never changed from the beginning. Here...

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PREMO Member
Leftists PANIC Over The Possibility Of Having To Spend Thanksgiving With Trump-Supporting Family

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means its time to start preparing for forced interactions with family members that you never see and probably don't like — and leftists are in a panic at the mere thought of having to spend one meal in the same room as relatives who might have voted for Donald Trump.

Last year at this time, the Obama Administration was issuing memo after memo to Democrats, explaining to everyone from Millennials to union members, how to lecture on the topic of — err . . . make the case for — universal health care, while you had a captive audience gathered around the Thanksgiving turkey. The "talking points" ran the gamut from "obnoxiously out of touch" to "downright insulting to people who actually pay taxes."

But this year, the same crowd is issuing survival guides for social justice warriors whose extended dinner table treatises failed to convince their blood relatives to select Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

Because, apparently, it's simply not enough to just suck it up and stay silent on the subject of politics when in potentially mixed company, so that everyone enjoys a national holiday devoted to eating, shopping and football, like true Americans or, in the alternative, just cook your own turkey TV dinner in the microwave before sitting down to a solo Samantha Bee marathon.