Unhinged Progbots


New Member
The Atlantic Claims Monday's Solar Eclipse Is Racist
Essayist professor says that the solar system has an "implicit bias" against African-Americans

At first glance, the headline, "American Blackout" appears to be an attempt to one-up the Boston Globe, who claimed that the sun, dastardly conservative that it is, was biased towards Trump supporters, since the swath of the country that will witness 100% coverage, is made up, mainly, of counties that went for Trump in the 2016 election.

But no, the essay, penned, unsurprisingly, by a university professor — Alice Ristroph of Brooklyn Law School — insists that the solar system, which itself exhibits signs of "implicit bias," has it out for minorities.

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people. Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system.

I think we can safely presume, yes, that the solar system is not capable of exhibiting either implicit nor explicit biases or, frankly, any preferences whatsoever. But of course, that doesn't mean the solar system itself isn't guilty of, say, "inanimate object privilege."

Ristroph goes on:

Oregon, where this begins, is almost entirely white. The 10 percent or so of state residents who do not identify as white are predominantly Latino, American Indian, Alaskan, or Asian. There are very few black Oregonians.

That. That is some insanely ridiculous sh*t


PREMO Member
Tax-payer funded African American studies professor Tyler D. Parry from California State University, Fullerton claims that white people breed racist, “anti-black” dogs to attack and kill black people. Parry suggests to young minds that not only was this going on in the United States three centuries ago, but this ongoing practice was seen as recently as 2014, when racist dogs were used exclusively against black folks during the protests following the death of Michael Brown.

Parry made the comments at an event at the Fullerton Public Library on Tuesday, in which he explained that “racist dog breeding” is a long-standing tradition, occurring for the past three centuries.

“People of African descent were being placed lower on the scales of species than the dogs were,” said the professor.

The African studies professor noted that this sentiment originated from the institution of slavery, but that it is still being “manifested today.”



Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Here is the piece:

To be fair, this crazy person isn't really saying the eclipse is racist... hang on...


Anyway, she is trying to draw an analogy - darkness (gasp) blotting out the light (double gasp). In this long rambling horribly boring piece, I *think* she's trying to say that more black people need to move to Nebraska and Oregon; and that metaphorically, the sun is terribly indifferent to human suffering (that bastard).

The Boston Globe guy, on the other hand, is definitely trying to make the case that the sun is racist.

These people are freaking bonkers. But the good news is in the comments - most realize that the writer is bonkers and aren't shy about calling him out.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tax-payer funded African American studies professor Tyler D. Parry from California State University, Fullerton claims that white people breed racist, “anti-black” dogs to attack and kill black people.

And here is that original piece:

The tortured byzantine method in which these people make their case...good grief. And again, the good news is in the comments. The race hustlers are getting so ridiculous that they're losing their audience.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Here is the piece:

To be fair, this crazy person isn't really saying the eclipse is racist... hang on...


Anyway, she is trying to draw an analogy - darkness (gasp) blotting out the light (double gasp). In this long rambling horribly boring piece, I *think* she's trying to say that more black people need to move to Nebraska and Oregon; and that metaphorically, the sun is terribly indifferent to human suffering (that bastard).

The Boston Globe guy, on the other hand, is definitely trying to make the case that the sun is racist.

These people are freaking bonkers. But the good news is in the comments - most realize that the writer is bonkers and aren't shy about calling him out.

It appears that, if the Boston Globe guy has any truth, the eclipse is dodging those "always Blue" states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc. You know, all those places Hillary neglected.


How in the heck did we get here; that even a natural phenomenon has a racial bias? After Dr. MLK Jr, after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, after electing our first black president - who was supposed to heal the divide - this is where we are... the solar system itself is racist. The entire universe is biased against 'people of color'. How do you overcome that?

Well, there is no reasoning with this. When folks have come to believe that the universe itself is racist, you just can't have a rational conversation with that. I don't know what is causing people to think this way, but with this thinking, there is no healing. There can't be. I mean the entire universe is aligned against people of color.


New Member
Well, there is no reasoning with this. When folks have come to believe that the universe itself is racist, you just can't have a rational conversation with that. I don't know what is causing people to think this way, but with this thinking, there is no healing. There can't be. I mean the entire universe is aligned against people of color.

It is!

Look up at the night sky.

All that inky blackness and the only thing scientists pay attention to are the little white specks.


Psy, they don't want healing. They want war. Did you see the piece I linked in another thread?

I didn't get a lot of comment on it in the thread I started, probably because people just like to bitch and moan and not learn anything.

I don't think I saw it.

But, I've said as much that they don't want healing. They want perpetual chaos and division. It's the only way they can get to tearing down our constitution. I'd also argue that most of these ANTIFA and BLM people don't even know why they're out there committing violence; they just want to be violent for the sake of being violent.

So, you believe we're headed towards war?


New Member
Put yourself in their place, Psy.

Imagine how much power you could accumulate in such a short time.

Think back to the U.S. Govt. pre and post Civil War.