Unhinged Progbots


New Member
I saw your response. I just thought more people would find it interesting.

I didn't respond...but I found it very interesting. I liked how the author just put it all out there. You had said something to the effect of the piece being a true OP because it addresses why's and how's, not rights and wrongs and I got that right away when I started reading it. Very good read. It brought some self-awareness up for me, aka things to avoid - like seeing the other side as "bad" and the side I'm on as "good". That's a hard one!


PREMO Member
Bart Knijnenburg is an assistant professor at Clemson University who teaches human-centered computing. And he has declared that every single Republican is "racist scum" and that we should use "any means necessary" to eradicate racism, "violent or non-violent."

In a Facebook post which came to the attention of Campus Reform, Knijenberg declares that everyone who supports President Trump and is a registered Republican is "racist scum." He proceeded to go a step further in the comments section, writing that all Republicans need to "denounce your affiliation, or admit you're a racist."

Naturally, the professor faced pushback in the comments section, but he refused to retract his statement.

"I haven't seen any of them [Republicans] renounce their political affiliation yet," Knijenberg wrote. "In fact, all of them fell in line with Trump once he became president. They selectively criticize him when it is politically convenient to do so, but they don't take any actual, sustained actions."



PREMO Member
Tuffy Tuffington, a 45-year-old artist and designer, created a Facebook event page to promulgate his idea of San Franciscans taking their dogs to Crissy Field for a stroll so the dogs could fertilize the field. He said he was walking his dogs when the idea struck him. He said, “I just had this image of alt-right people stomping around in the poop. It seemed like a little bit of civil disobedience where we didn’t have to engage with them face to face.”

Tuffington’s idea took off; some people excited by the idea responded by stating they would save their dogs’ poop for days, then bring bags of the excrement to the field. The group of volunteers is also planning to meet at the field on Sunday to “clean up the mess and hug each other.”

Other activists plan to confront Patriot Prayer by offering them flowers for their hair. Shannon Bolt, a behavior scientist who works at Crissy Field, told The Guardian that if security keeps the two groups apart, “We will have to offer our Flowers Against Fascism to them symbolically.”

Patriot Prayer has conducted free speech events in the Pacific Northwest. Despite the effort by House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi to label Patriot Prayer a white supremacist hate group, even the notoriously left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reportedly does not consider Patriot Prayer to be a hate group. The SPLC reported that at a recent rally, its organizer, Joey Gibson, shouted from the stage, “F*** white supremacists! F*** neo-Nazis! ”

FULL OF CRAP: San Franciscans Spreading Poop On Field For Planned Right-Wing Rally


PREMO Member
Will this ‘keep your job’ tweet work for prof who called Harvey flooding ‘instant karma’ for Texas?

harvy - twitter.jpg

He’d said he was clear in that he was referring to GOP leadership’s lack of preparation for weather events like Harvey, but for a freelance writer, he could have been a little more clear.

Twitter Screen Caps at the link as Ken Tried desperately walk back his comments



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Will this ‘keep your job’ tweet work for prof who called Harvey flooding ‘instant karma’ for Texas?

View attachment 119795

He’d said he was clear in that he was referring to GOP leadership’s lack of preparation for weather events like Harvey, but for a freelance writer, he could have been a little more clear.

Twitter Screen Caps at the link as Ken Tried desperately walk back his comments


Houston voted overwhelmingly for Hillary.


So not only is this "professor" vicious, he's stupid. Way to go, UT, you sure know how to pick 'em.


PREMO Member
Yes, we must talk about Politico’s awful, smug insult to Texans and faith


Matt Wuerker - Respectfully--- it's making fun of the Secessionist movement. Not at all aimed at all Texans. https://twitter.com/shelbywebb/status/902948462949519360

Is Harris County, where the bulk of Harvey damage is taking place, a hotbed of secessionists? Not exactly, no. In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump 54/42 in Harris, and also in hurricane-ravaged Fort Bend, 52/45.

But that’s not really Wuerker’s only target or even the main one. In his usual sledgehammer style, he includes a Gadsden flag to slam conservatives, Confederate imagery to smear Texans as racists, and then also includes a gratuitous slap at people of faith. It’s a smug, arrogant, and utterly tone-deaf attack on hurricane refugees in the midst of their crisis, exploiting their tragedy to ride his hobby horses all over their pain.


Washington Post analyst Aaron Blake isn’t buying the “secessionist” explanation either:

The first problem with the cartoon is it’s crassness. People are still being saved, and it’s making fun of those same people.

The second problem is the stereotypes. It’s almost a caricature of what you’d expect a liberal cartoonist to draw in response to conservative Texans relying upon the government in their time of crisis. The Confederate flag T-shirt. The Gadsden Flag. The reference to being saved by God (which seems extremely dismissive of Christianity). The Texas secession banner. It’s all kind of … predictable? …

But the cartoon suggests that normal people who believe in small government should essentially forfeit government help in their time of need — or, at least, that they should suddenly recognize that their belief in smaller government is wrongheaded. It’s all very smug, and it gives extremely short shrift to very complex issues.


Well-Known Member
Yes, we must talk about Politico’s awful, smug insult to Texans and faith

View attachment 119810

Matt Wuerker - Respectfully--- it's making fun of the Secessionist movement. Not at all aimed at all Texans. https://twitter.com/shelbywebb/status/902948462949519360

Is Harris County, where the bulk of Harvey damage is taking place, a hotbed of secessionists? Not exactly, no. In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump 54/42 in Harris, and also in hurricane-ravaged Fort Bend, 52/45.

But that’s not really Wuerker’s only target or even the main one. In his usual sledgehammer style, he includes a Gadsden flag to slam conservatives, Confederate imagery to smear Texans as racists, and then also includes a gratuitous slap at people of faith. It’s a smug, arrogant, and utterly tone-deaf attack on hurricane refugees in the midst of their crisis, exploiting their tragedy to ride his hobby horses all over their pain.


Washington Post analyst Aaron Blake isn’t buying the “secessionist” explanation either:

The first problem with the cartoon is it’s crassness. People are still being saved, and it’s making fun of those same people.

The second problem is the stereotypes. It’s almost a caricature of what you’d expect a liberal cartoonist to draw in response to conservative Texans relying upon the government in their time of crisis. The Confederate flag T-shirt. The Gadsden Flag. The reference to being saved by God (which seems extremely dismissive of Christianity). The Texas secession banner. It’s all kind of … predictable? …

But the cartoon suggests that normal people who believe in small government should essentially forfeit government help in their time of need — or, at least, that they should suddenly recognize that their belief in smaller government is wrongheaded. It’s all very smug, and it gives extremely short shrift to very complex issues.

No dark skinned caricatures, so he gets a pass?


PREMO Member
Left-Wing Website Hoped Hurricane Irma Would 'F*ck Up' Trump's Mansion

Hurricane Irma is massive, killing dozens and destroying homes as it barreled through the Caribbean on its way to Florida.

And that's just how one leftist website would have it. In fact, DeathandTaxes.com, which says it's "for lovers of news, culture, and politics" and "produces some of the best-loved social content on the web," hopes the deadly hurricane does more destruction.

"If it’s any consolation, Hurricane Irma might #### up Trump’s Caribbean mansion," the website wrote on Tuesday, before the storm ripped through St. Martin.

The only silver lining is that while Irma ravages the Caribbean, one building at risk is the president’s $16.9 million, 11-bedroom compound on Plum Bay in the French territory St. Martin.

According to the Washington Post, the estate is named Le Château des Palmiers (“Castle of the Palms”) and sports two villas, a tennis court, marble floors, gold curtains, gold-hued wallpaper, and a two-story master suite. Despite ethics concerns, Trump’s been trying to sell the thing for months and recently cut the price by 40% because nobody is biting. It’s located directly in Irma’s path and will likely get destroyed.

Just something funny to remember when Mar-a-Lago refuses to provide shelter for displaced Floridians on Friday.


Well-Known Member
Left-Wing Website Hoped Hurricane Irma Would 'F*ck Up' Trump's Mansion

Hurricane Irma is massive, killing dozens and destroying homes as it barreled through the Caribbean on its way to Florida.

And that's just how one leftist website would have it. In fact, DeathandTaxes.com, which says it's "for lovers of news, culture, and politics" and "produces some of the best-loved social content on the web," hopes the deadly hurricane does more destruction.

"If it’s any consolation, Hurricane Irma might #### up Trump’s Caribbean mansion," the website wrote on Tuesday, before the storm ripped through St. Martin.

The only silver lining is that while Irma ravages the Caribbean, one building at risk is the president’s $16.9 million, 11-bedroom compound on Plum Bay in the French territory St. Martin.

According to the Washington Post, the estate is named Le Château des Palmiers (“Castle of the Palms”) and sports two villas, a tennis court, marble floors, gold curtains, gold-hued wallpaper, and a two-story master suite. Despite ethics concerns, Trump’s been trying to sell the thing for months and recently cut the price by 40% because nobody is biting. It’s located directly in Irma’s path and will likely get destroyed.

Just something funny to remember when Mar-a-Lago refuses to provide shelter for displaced Floridians on Friday.

Those leftists are some stupid people. Trump can't sell it and knocked 40% off in order to sell it ,so the leftists who hate Trump want it destroyed to get back at Trump who probably doesn't care if its destroyed , then he can collect the insurance.


New Member
Those leftists are some stupid people. Trump can't sell it and knocked 40% off in order to sell it ,so the leftists who hate Trump want it destroyed to get back at Trump who probably doesn't care if its destroyed , then he can collect the insurance.

They're not renowned for their intelligence... Just their zeal.


PREMO Member
Leftist Blogger Claims Trump's Election Is 'Equally As Disastrous, If Not More More So' Than 9/11

One particular left-wing blogger has such a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that he seriously claimed that President Trump's election is as bad or worse than the 9/11 terror attacks.

Charles Johnson, who runs the far-left Little Green Footballs blog, issued the following disgusting tweet:


Johnson actually used be on the right; his Little Green Footballs blog was one of the key players involved in bringing light to the Rathergate story. He severed ties to the Right in 2009 for a myriad of weird reasons.

It's clear that Johnson is filled with plenty of delusional hate; he would have to be to get to the point where he puts the election of a president on equal footing with one of the worst terror attacks in American history. Words cannot properly convey how disgusting that is.


PREMO Member
"So this guy thought it would be a good idea to go into a conference wearing this f***ing hat,” the female student wails. “Look at the kind of sh*t he’s wearing, You know what this represents? This represents genocide — genocide of a bunch of people.”

When Vitale asks for his hat back, because the rules define stealing as a crime, she shoots back, “man, f*** your laws.”

“Do you have any f***ing conscience?” she continues, telling Vitale that his "f***ing freedom of speech is genocide, homeboy. I swear to God I could burn this sh*t. I swear to God I could burn this sh*t.”


“F*** your f***ing freedom of speech, boy. F***it. F*** it because your freedom of speech is literally killing a lot of people out there. That’s what it is, because you’re out there wearing hats like these that promote laws and legislations that literally kill and murder in the masses people of color,” she stated.



Well-Known Member
It's pretty hard to deal with insanity like this.Half the country has lost it's ever loving mind.


Power with Control
Genocide? Really? Does she have any idea what genocide really looks like? Yet another example of overblown language for effect reducing the impact of those words. I would love to sit down with her and look over some examples of real honest genocide and ask her to produce modern American examples of all the genocide going on.


Well-Known Member
Genocide? Really? Does she have any idea what genocide really looks like? Yet another example of overblown language for effect reducing the impact of those words. I would love to sit down with her and look over some examples of real honest genocide and ask her to produce modern American examples of all the genocide going on.

It wouldn't do a bit of good.
She know all about the genocide of Planned Parenthood and is all for it.
If there was a genocide of Trump voters she would lead the killing.

She is a retard. Anyone who jerks the hats off strangers and goes into a rant is insane.


Power with Control
It wouldn't do a bit of good.
She know all about the genocide of Planned Parenthood and is all for it.
If there was a genocide of Trump voters she would lead the killing.

She is a retard. Anyone who jerks the hats off strangers and goes into a rant is insane.

I'm talking the killing fields or the cultural revolution or stalin type stuff.


PREMO Member
Genocide? Really? Does she have any idea what genocide really looks like?

I'm sure a professor told her in a class somewhere ... a few hundred killings by white cops = black genocide

but hey lets ignore the B on B killings that far out strip the other metrics - because ya know White Cops Are Racist