Originally posted by Toxick
My point was this: If getting to a store is such a pain in the ass that a convenience opening between two stores becomes the primary mode of in/egress, then perhaps they should re-think their configuration.
I never expect that people actually THINK before they do colossally stupid things. You're expecting a bit much. I used to live on a corner in the ranch club, and kids would take a "short cut" through my back yard diagonally, if you can picture it. Problem is, there were trees and rocks impeding any normal progress through that area, and I'm sure if I *timed* it on a stop watch, it'd be TWICE as long. Didn't stop kids from taking the "short cut", and I had bike tire ruts in the mud to show for it.
Bottom line - never underestimate how stupid people can be, if they intend to. You and I both know it would be inconvenient, slower and more cumbersome, but some dumb schmuck would think "yeah but it is SHORTER" and do it anyway.
You really CAN'T get more convenient than a four lane road with a traffic light, but I know people will do it.