Urine Test For Welfare A Must!!!


I Need a Beer
sockgirl77 said:
I just got this email and totally agree. :yay:

URINE TEST.............

Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem.

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them??

Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ass, doing drugs, while I work... Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check ??

While it sounds like a great idea, the costs associated with implementing and maintaining such a program would be astronomical.


Well-Known Member
citysherry said:
While it sounds like a great idea, the costs associated with implementing and maintaining such a program would be astronomical.
As I said in a previous post, in the end it will even itself out by not allowing crackheads and such in the system. :yay:


New Member
How about we just limit the amount of time a person is allowed to be on public assistance so that it never becomes a way of life? I think the drug testing thing has gotten way out of hand (although I would actually support testing welfare recipients). I mean drug testing to work at Target?? I think it should be reserved for jobs like airline pilot, bus driver, and other jobs that involve safety of the public. I think the government is too involved in our personal lives as it is. I don't care if the stockboy at Giant or the girl at Target or my waiter or people like that want to smoke a joint during their off time. I know I'm in the minority here.


beerlover said:
How about we just limit the amount of time a person is allowed to be on public assistance so that it never becomes a way of life? I think the drug testing thing has gotten way out of hand (although I would actually support testing welfare recipients). I mean drug testing to work at Target?? I think it should be reserved for jobs like airline pilot, bus driver, and other jobs that involve safety of the public. I think the government is too involved in our personal lives as it is. I don't care if the stockboy at Giant or the girl at Target or my waiter or people like that want to smoke a joint during their off time. I know I'm in the minority here.

preach on ........... :yay:


New Member
Are food stamps part of the welfare program? I cant tell you how many times I've seen people use foodstamps to buy food, then use cash to buy beer, liquor, cigarettes, and other non-essential crap.


New Member
aps45819 said:
You're an idiot, nobody is required to receive welfare. If you're using it as a temporary aid till you become self supporting, odds are you're not sitting on your ass smoking crack.
If you are sitting on your ass smoking crack, why should I support your self destructive lifestyle?

I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than you are, but that's probably not saying much. Nonetheless, I'm just saying if we could REALLY monitor these people we could make sure that they are not sitting on their ass smoking crack and wasting your precious hard-earned money and you wouldn't have to financially support someone you did not want to support. Take it to its logical conclusion, moron.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
kmw1123 said:
Are food stamps part of the welfare program? I cant tell you how many times I've seen people use foodstamps to buy food, then use cash to buy beer, liquor, cigarettes, and other non-essential crap.

I don't know, but an Independence card allows for cash withdrawals from ATMs. It least they did when I was working a second job at a liquor store to pay the bills. One day, the same nervous woman came in every half hour or so and got $20.


New Member
PrchJrkr said:
An Independence card allows for cash withdrawals from ATMs. It least they did when I was working a second job at a liquor store to pay the bills. One day, the same nervous woman came in evey half hour or so and got $20.

thats just special. nothing like free money.


Oremus said:
I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than you are, but that's probably not saying much. Nonetheless, I'm just saying if we could REALLY monitor these people we could make sure that they are not sitting on their ass smoking crack and wasting your precious hard-earned money and you wouldn't have to financially support someone you did not want to support. Take it to its logical conclusion, moron.




This Space for Rent
I am disgusted with y'all. Where is the sympathy for those with the munchies? I believe in changing welfare but to leave a stoner no food... why don't you just kill some baby kittens while you're at it?



New Member
beerlover said:
How about we just limit the amount of time a person is allowed to be on public assistance so that it never becomes a way of life? I think the drug testing thing has gotten way out of hand (although I would actually support testing welfare recipients). I mean drug testing to work at Target?? I think it should be reserved for jobs like airline pilot, bus driver, and other jobs that involve safety of the public. I think the government is too involved in our personal lives as it is. I don't care if the stockboy at Giant or the girl at Target or my waiter or people like that want to smoke a joint during their off time. I know I'm in the minority here.

Drugs cost money, so what little they earn stocking shelves or what not will not support their habit. The results, most will steal from the store, = loss of profit and higher prices for customers.


New Member
beerlover said:
How about we just limit the amount of time a person is allowed to be on public assistance so that it never becomes a way of life? .

Bill Clinton already did that. We were inundated with Welfare to Work moms. Some how every freaking welfare person thought they could be a phone tech. I had to take 5 because my company got a huge tax break for training and hiring them.

You have to get a job when you kid turns 2. You have a total of 5 years of your life you can get food stamps. If you have another kid however it starts all over again. Now if you want to limit children you are starting down the road towards eugenics.

I'm personally fine with going the China way and limiting people to, let say, two children. It would relieve the burden on our schools and infrastructure. After two kids no more tax breaks or child credits.

Also I'm against corporate welfare, but everyone wants to just complain about the imaginary Hispanic woman with 12 kids.


Oremus said:
Blood tests are much more accurate, but we should probably collect DNA samples as well because then we could store those in a central Federal depository so that if any of them every committed a crime we could get them easier. We would also tattoo bar codes on everyone at birth that would match their social security number and then we could really track people from cradle to grave if they did something bad. We could keep out foreigners too because they wouldn't have a bar code or DNA sample on file with the government. And we could use bar code scanners to that the wrong people couldn't get into schools or other places where they're not allowed. Then maybe we could have a robot for President. Whaddaya think?!


Where do I sign up?