VA tech


Im On 1.
bresamil said:
Unfortunately, when someone is determined to do something like this, step one in their plan is to take out anyone that may stop them, ie resident law enforcement.

at least law enforcement would go out defending themselves and innocent civilians instead of letting some cowards just shoot up the school.


Lem Putt
Qurious said:
at least law enforcement would go out defending themselves and innocent civilians instead of letting some cowards just shoot up the school.
It is not the job of law enforcement to defend you. Their job is to find the bad guys once they break the law.

Welcome to the U.S. You should learn a little bit about our history and our laws. It's very enlightening.


And more and more gun laws are going to stop incidents like this from happening. :sarcasm: If they took everyones guns away this would never have happened. :sarcasm: :sarcasm: :sarcasm:


"Typical White Person"
Gun free school zones = soft targets. As has been said in the thread already, the courts have ruled and the police have said it time and time again, they are not paid to defend you. Individuals have to protect themselves, too bad for us that all the dumb laws take that ability away in most cases.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
Jan. 31, 2007

I'm sure this is going to rub alot of people the wrong way, but, a disarmed society is a victim society. People WILL do evil things and WILL break laws. It's only worse when we won't allow ourselves the right to protect ourselves.

In another thread about a Mayor, he has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, but even with the permit, and even as the mayor of the city, he's restricted as to where he can carry it.. Schools, Universities, Churches.. yanno, the places where it seems you need them more and more. it's illeagl to carry.. one person on this campus lawfully carrying a handgun could have stopped this cold, but the Islamocrats will put this on their agenda as a "See we need to outlaw ALL guns!!"

Good thing for the anti-gun vote that made everyone feel safer.


New Member
What the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is wrong with people? I'm sorry you think your life sucks and that things aren't going your way, but picking up a gun and blowing away 22 people, including yourself, isn't going to make things any better.

So, so senseless and tragic.


When I was in high school this would never have happened. Especially during hunting season. We took our guns to school to go hunting right after school. A gunman tried this back then, he would have probably gotten a 30.06 to the head. Or in rabbit, squirrel, pheasant, etc. season, #4 shot at the very least. We also carried a few leftover 00 Buckshot for special occasions. :lmao: You never knew what you'd run into in the odd Turkey season.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That bares repeating...

AK-74me said:
Gun free school zones = soft targets. As has been said in the thread already, the courts have ruled and the police have said it time and time again, they are not paid to defend you. Individuals have to protect themselves, too bad for us that all the dumb laws take that ability away in most cases.



I am chatting with my friend who goes to Va Tech..he says 28 injured... 22 dead