Valentine's Day is coming


Saw this on memebase...


  • xbrace-yourself-valentine-day-is-coming_jpg_pagespeed_ic_xElRw_jLdD.jpg
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1). Get a cardboard box of medium size
2). Cut out a bunch of paper hearts (preferably in red construction paper)
3). Write "I Love You" on the hearts.
4). Fill box with paper hearts.
5). Close box (do not tape it shut).
6). Write and attach a note that says "Open this box, but do not look inside. Hold the box above your head and flip it upside down. Turn the note over after flipping the box."
7). She will most likely be confused at this point, make sure she does it.
8). The paper hearts will fall out of the box onto her.
9). She will then flip the note over, and it should read, "How does it feel to be showered with love?"

You can also add flower pedals if need be....

Be warned, you'll have to top that next year :lol:

Really? :lol:


Salt Life
1). Get a cardboard box of medium size
2). Cut out a bunch of paper hearts (preferably in red construction paper)
3). Write "I Love You" on the hearts.
4). Fill box with paper hearts.
5). Close box (do not tape it shut).
6). Write and attach a note that says "Open this box, but do not look inside. Hold the box above your head and flip it upside down. Turn the note over after flipping the box."
7). She will most likely be confused at this point, make sure she does it.
8). The paper hearts will fall out of the box onto her.
9). She will then flip the note over, and it should read, "How does it feel to be showered with love?"

You can also add flower pedals if need be....

Be warned, you'll have to top that next year :lol:
Ghey. And I'd be pissed that there would be paper #### all over the floor to clean. :roflmao:


New Member
We always do a nice dinner. I usually get him a sweet treat he likes and he usually gets me flowers. This year I am getting him some red velvet cupcakes and some Nerds. But not on actual Valentine's day because he thinks Valentine's Day is stupid. Unfortunately for him we started dating around Valentine's day so we are celebrating that.


New Member
I plan on preparing my SO her favorite for rib, fresh geen beans steamed, & a loaded baked potato...we'll start with soup & salad & finish with a homemade dessert...all served to her by 2 friends of mine...dwarves...she really loves dwarves...