Veep Cheney to work with Dems to 'bury' hatchett...


Lem Putt
Somebody clear this up for me. The press is pissed because the White House didn't spoon feed them the news and do their job for them. Am I wrong?


Dancing Up A Storm
MMDad said:
Somebody clear this up for me. The press is pissed because the White House didn't spoon feed them the news and do their job for them. Am I wrong?
Basically right, and the fact is that they don't like this administration, so anything that's denied to them for their embellishment - pizzes them off. :razz:


They are pizzed because the spoiled brat self proclaimed "Keeper of all information" were not alerted immediatly. They are no doubt pizzed because they were not given the gun, serial number, make, model, graphics, a dramatic recreation, video, names of all persons within 100 yards, a psychological profile of the victim, photographs, a lock of hair, still photo's, a soil sample, testimony of the quail being stalked.

What is even fuinnier is how this guy is treated. He got peppered by some #8 shot. It sounds like 3 or 4 pelets broke the skin but he was helicoptered out? He is in "intensive care"?

What kind of shiat is this. I smell a coverup. :killingme


Dancing Up A Storm
Well, you know in light of Mr. Cheney's recent medical problems, they had a specialist from every field out there shadowing the veep! The gent that got hit- Whittington - couldn't have been any luckier, because of that.

I noticed in the article I posted earlier, that Mr. Cheney possessed a valid hunting license that he got in November. Darn good thing about that! They'd have gone bonzo on it, if he hadn't had one! :lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Well, you know in light of Mr. Cheney's recent medical problems, they had a specialist from every field out there shadowing the veep! The gent that got hit- Whittington - couldn't have been any luckier, because of that.

I noticed in the article I posted earlier, that Mr. Cheney possessed a valid hunting license that he got in November. Darn good thing about that! They'd have gone bonzo on it, if he hadn't had one! :lmao:
Yeah, but they said he didn't have the required bird stamp.


Dancing Up A Storm
Larry, I think Mr. Cheney's plan to invite some of his liberal senator and congressperson "friends" is on the back burner for now! :lmao:

They don't want to get involed with :quailgate:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Good thing he hit a human instead of a bird! They'd be livid!
Well, I heard they gave him a verbal warning for not having the stamp and are just saying “that’s hunting” about his hitting the lawyer.


Lem Putt
NBC News is reporting live from Turin, and their top story is about the coverup, and what they don't know from this shooting. How desperate can you get, when a hunting accident overshadows the olympics! Losers!


Dancing Up A Storm
Chris Mathews - "Hardball" - is playing this incident up really big on his show as we speak!

"WHY weren't we informed immediately of the shooting!!!" He's pushing a coverup scenario.:tantrum


Lem Putt
Now that I've seen the press conference, I can only blame the White House PR geeks. How I would handle it:

Press: "Why didn't you tell us about this before Sunday Afternoon?"

Answer: "It was an active police investigation until after the VP talked to the Sheriff. Any comment from the WH would be inappropriate. Next question."

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Now that I've seen the press conference, I can only blame the White House PR geeks. How I would handle it:

Press: "Why didn't you tell us about this before Sunday Afternoon?"

Answer: "It was an active police investigation until after the VP talked to the Sheriff. Any comment from the WH would be inappropriate. Next question."

Press: "Why didn't you tell us about this before Sunday Afternoon?"

Answer: "You think we have the time to tell you guys about all of Dick's shootings."


Lem Putt
Ken King said:

Press: "Why didn't you tell us about this before Sunday Afternoon?"

Answer: "You think we have the time to tell you guys about all of Dick's shootings."
:lmao: :killingme Good one! :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:

Press: "Why didn't you tell us about this before Sunday Afternoon?"

Answer: "You think we have the time to tell you guys about all of Dick's shootings."

I'd give my left arm for a press secretary with a sense of humor.


In My Opinion
All I can say is this.
When you are hunting with the Vice President of the country, and that Vice President is holding a loaded shotgun, at a time that the country is fighting the islamic scum terrorists,,,, What in the HELL do you expect when you yell Praise Allah, when the birds pop up out of the grass.


New Member
Ken King said:

Press: "Why didn't you tell us about this before Sunday Afternoon?"

Answer: "You think we have the time to tell you guys about all of Dick's shootings."


Super Genius
I think they should respond by sending more press releases about what is happening in Cheney's life...every five minutes. :lmao:


Lovin' being Texican
ylexot said:
I think they should respond by sending more press releases about what is happening in Cheney's life...every five minutes. :lmao:

...and the WHPC would accuse the president of trying to control that day's news cycle. OR they'd accuse the preseident of trying to hide his new crimes by confusing the press with red herrings. There's no winning with these bastages.