First you have to show up at the right location which for me only covers about a 8 block radius.
Well that might be true in some places, but my polling place is 4-5 miles away. Second, with early voting you can vote at ANY polling place in your county (using Maryland as the example, there were 11 polling places in the large counties such as PG and Montgomery).
Second you have to know the persons name and address.
Do you know your neighbor's name and address? Hypothetically, if you know he wasn't going to vote or was out of town, you could pretend to be him if wanted to commit fraud...
Third that assumes they haven't already been there and voted.
Not if you get there first...
Why would someone ( especially an illegal immigrant who could be deported) risk jail time to steal one vote?
Good question, but people do it.
When you think about these things logically voter fraud makes no sense which is the reason it doesn't happen often.
Do you think its impossible for some organization to exploit the lack of ID requirement to do a large-scale voter fraud? Notice I didn't say such a thing is likely, only is it possible...
The system for voting has to be above reproach. The system needs to be foolproof. The registration process, the voting process, the validation process, the register of eligible voters...all of it needs to have specific ways to ensure it is accurate.
Republicans just want to scare you into believing it does.
Maybe, but Democrats want us to believe that some people are too stupid to obtain an ID, even when there are ways to get a state issued ID for FREE if needed.
Voted Id laws have long been put in place by republicans to provide one more barrier to voting for the poor
Explain how, if voting is so important to people and if an ID is required, that it is so impossible for these people to get an ID? IMO I think there is more voter fraud than there are poor that don't have an ID.