Football season!
It wasn't me b!tching about it. It was the soldiersylexot said:At least I offered potential solutions. All you do is b!tch.

It wasn't me b!tching about it. It was the soldiersylexot said:At least I offered potential solutions. All you do is b!tch.
vraiblonde said:They're making hay out of a reporter feeding the armor question to Rumsfeld the other day, but I thought it was a good question regardless of who thought of it. Rumsfeld replied with something like "we get the Army we've got, not the one we wish we had."
I'm not satisfied with that answer. We're either going to fight a war or we're not. The correct answer, I suspect, is that Congress hasn't approved the necessary funding to properly equip our troops. If that's the case, Rumsfeld needs to say so out in the open so we can all bombard our Congresspeople and DEMAND that they approve this funding IN FULL.
Our POC for 1st Cav instructed us not to send body armor to our soldier because they had everything they needed. Obviously this isn't the case with all divisions or Rumsfeld would have said so.
If Bush has to raise taxes or cut spending in other areas, so be it. I, personally, vote for "cutting spending in other areas". Because I have to tell ya, I'm not real compassionate toward some chickie with 6 kids getting welfare payments while our troops need body and vehicle armor.
Anyone who knows more about this than me, please speak up and set me straight if I've got it wrong.
Ken King said:Dems, if you want to send the body armor over to the troops you would first have to know a person over there to obtain an address, then purchase some of the armor, and ship it to them. Include a note saying that if they already have their own that they should pass it on to another that doesn't. This isn't brain surgery.
Didn't think the soldier was b!tching, just asking a question for a reporter that wasn't being given an opportunity to place the SECDEF on the spot.SmallTown said:It wasn't me b!tching about it. It was the soldiers![]()
It's not body armor that they need. It's additional armor on the sides of their HumVeesdems4me said:-- if y'all know of a soldier or two in need of body armor, let me know....
Are you refering to the no-bid contract they got from Clinton to do work in South eastern Europe?dems4me said:The Haliburton nobid contract wasn't a do or die deal....
aps45819 said:It's not body armor that they need. It's additional armor on the sides of their HumVees
But they also need body armor .... they interviewed a kid about 18 that was explaining how body armor saved his life when he walked over a landmine and then he said HIS GRANDMOTHER gave it to him... I was apalled and outraged over this... so, having received my Christmas bonus at work was trying to solicit a family or two that can't afford to send body armor over. I wasn't trying to start an argument or name calling ...![]()
So if it wasn't Christmas time you wouldn't care? You know we have had people over there for almost two years now and many are listed on the SOMD Wall of Heros here I think the reservists and Guard guys and gals have greater equipment issues then the regulars.dems4me said:Well it could be rocket science if I don't know anyone over there... which I DON'T. That's why I was asking -- I know Vrai has a son over there and that's it. I was hoping someone would pm me and give me the name and address of a relative or something over there. I was just trying to help :shrug:Excuse me for trying to be thoughtful so close to the Holidays
I think the question about body armor is.. There was new body armor procured to replace or upgrade the Kevlar Vests the Army had in the inventory, and as a rule, the combat arms troops, Infantry, Armor, Cavalry, get the goods first.. I mean as a rule they are generally the ones on the front lines. You would normally give an upgraded weapon or personal protection to an infantryman before you would give it to a finance clerk.SmallTown said:So you honestly think that we can send troops all over the world on a momemts notice, send Aircraft, tanks, helos into areas on a whim, yet armor gets stuck in red tape? Hardly. The military, especially those in combat areas, normally have what they need when they need it. Now that it has come to the forefront of the media, I guess we'll see how much the red tape is reduced.
dems4me said:aps45819 said:It's not body armor that they need. It's additional armor on the sides of their HumVees
But they also need body armor .... they interviewed a kid about 18 that was explaining how body armor saved his life when he walked over a landmine and then he said HIS GRANDMOTHER gave it to him... I was apalled and outraged over this... so, having received my Christmas bonus at work was trying to solicit a family or two that can't afford to send body armor over. I wasn't trying to start an argument or name calling ...![]()
All I can say, is all the footage, all the pictures, I haven't seen a single soldier or Marine out there without body armor on.. you'd think it this was a problem the Post would be plastered with pictures of soldiers in the fight without.
NOW to get on to the Armored HMMWV's.. the ones we do have are armored with ballistic glass.. BUT the glass does no good if you have the window down. Now picture yourself driving around in an armored vehicle, it's 100 degrees out, and you have NO ventilation or Air Conditioning.. You lower the window you defeat the purpose of having an Armored HMMWV..
So write your senators, write Senator Kerry, and ask them why they denied the funding to equip our armored vehilces with AC, they thought it was too cost prohibitive, NOT important while they sit in their Air Conditioned offices in DC.
itsbob said:Factories can only make so many at a time, and issue decisions have to be made. Where the proplem lies in Iraq, we have a number of what would be considered "rear Echelon" soldiers doing patrols and such they would not normally be doing. From what I understand, they still have the Kevlar vests, the Kevlar Helmets, they just don't have the "new" stuff, or the inserts to upgrade the vest they have.. (Usually a ceramic trauma plate that slips into the front and back of the vest)
Like I said, I don't think grandma bought the new stuff. Maybe someone can find a retailer online...dems4me said:I don't really know if I believe this theory... a Grandmother had bought one :shrug:
ylexot said:Like I said, I don't think grandma bought the new stuff. Maybe someone can find a retailer online...
Here buy a damn vest, get an address in Iraq and ship it to someone.dems4me said:Yes SHE did... and it was on FOX news.... he was thanking his Grandmother for it. -- that's what doesn't make sense to me and has me bothered that there's troops without thisand that's why I was trying to do my part and help...
dems4me said:I don't really know if I believe this theory... a Grandmother had bought one :shrug:
Ever think I just tire of hearing continuous whinning and just want you to STFU.dems4me said:That's fcuking holiday spirit!!!
I'll look around around the internet for an actual address...![]()
Ken King said:Ever think I just tire of hearing continuous whinning and just want you to STFU.
Grandma might have bought the inserts, but I honestly believe the soldier had his vest to begin with.. Kevlar Vests have been aound almost 22 years.. EVERYBODY in the Army got one upon arrival to their unit. Hell, we even got issued our own body bags, just in case. (not the case with most units, just some particular "kiss your butt goodbye" units)dems4me said:I don't really know if I believe this theory... a Grandmother had bought one :shrug:
Doesn't make the question any less important though, does it? And I suppose the couple thousand troops in attendance who started to clap loudly when the question was posed were simply bought off my the media?Ken King said:Didn't think the soldier was b!tching, just asking a question for a reporter that wasn't being given an opportunity to place the SECDEF on the spot.
Just a bunch of rear echelon Mo Fo's... Our unit weighed the benefit to the body armor, and helmet to the restrictiveness of movement and the noise distortion, and decided neither would be compatible to our mission. IF the ballon went up, we would have went with boonie caps and no vest.. LOT stealthier, and easier to shoot move and communicate. Try to fight after walking 10 or twenty miles weighed down by all that crap.SmallTown said:Doesn't make the question any less important though, does it? And I suppose the couple thousand troops in attendance who started to clap loudly when the question was posed were simply bought off my the media?
That many didn't clap loudly, but quite a few gave an "oohrah" after the question was asked, which I am sure was done to signify that they wished they had the "stones' to ask it. As covered already we don't have every single piece of equipment armor plated nor is it realistic to do so. This is war, we will lose people, we don't like it, wish we could protect everyone, but that too is unrealistic. Why don't you recommend to Rummy that they get the Starwar Stormtrooper outfit like in your avatar, after all it worked pretty good in the movies?SmallTown said:Doesn't make the question any less important though, does it? And I suppose the couple thousand troops in attendance who started to clap loudly when the question was posed were simply bought off my the media?