Warnings about Lyme Disease


Stephanie is his Wife, but I heard she works from home now, although..she makes frequent stops to the Office for various reasons. Don't let that stop you from going there, because he is a GOOD Doctor, and is very compassionate to LD Patients, and his other Patients as well.

She still works there. I've been to his office a lot the past couple of months, and every time she's been there. The last time I was there, her and some lady were in one of the patient rooms crying (I was in the room next to them). I just thought "whatever". She wasn't bothering me and I was there to see Cafferty. She is awfully pushy. I feel bad for the current receptionist.

But as you already know, he is a great doctor. I wouldn't let her stop you from going back. Maybe tell her to watch her mouth.


New Member
I hope you all are feeling better soon! Sorry you have to go through all that. Could anyone please tell me if Dr. Cafferty is seeing patients, and if he has gotten rid of that crazy office manager? I think her name was Stephanie. I use to see Dr. Cafferty, (not Lyme related), but left after listening to his office manager curse and carry on each time. My two boys(then both under 5), received an early education of 4- letter words there in the waiting room. I remember the patients use to all look at each other with incredulous looks every time she screamed at someone on the telephone, or called someone an ugly name- such as Crazy F****** B****! One man was thinking about trying to sell popcorn in the waiting room as part of her side show. She also talked to Dr. C himself like he was dirt on her floor. After our 3rd visit of witnessing her shameful behavior, we finally left. It is a shame as he is a good doctor, and seems like a caring person. I really do need to have one of my children tested for Lyme though, and understand he is very good with Lyme patients and would like to try and go back. We all also need a regular family doc. If that crazy woman is still there, I would rather find a different doctor. I don't mind a long drive if need be. Any suggestions? Really, I hope you all will get well once and for all. Hugs, Sue

I just came from Dr. Cafferty's office. He's awesome. I've been going to him for well over a year and I haven't had a single.... nope not one problem ever... [not counting that he had a heart attack but he's better now]. Great Doctor... good staff.... TV in the waiting room.... clean office.... great place to go.... I highly recommend Dr. Cafferty....
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New Member
I just came from Dr. Cafferty's office. He's awesome. I've been going to him for well over a year and I haven't had a single.... nope not one problem ever... [not counting that he had a heart attack but he's better now]. Great Doctor... good staff.... TV in the waiting room.... clean office.... great place to go.... I highly recommend Dr. Cafferty....

Dr Cafferty is great. I don't know what my family would do without him. Seems like we are there almost every Thursday.

Southern Maryland Lyme | Facebook


New Member
Yep, Doctor Cafferty is a great guy and an awesome doctor. I think it is that office woman dragging him down. Why doesn't he get rid of her? I've heard more complaints about her than anything. I've only seen her twice, and both times she was an absolute witch! I don't think she could be his wife, I think she is the manager. Theres no way he would marry that thing. What's her problem?????
Hot Coffee, I remember you, I hope you are doing better these days. Real sorry you've been dealing with Lyme. I'm glad you've got doc C on yur side! I'm sick of people bashing him when he's trying to help so many people. On the other hand, people also have a right to complain about the office staff.


New Member
Yep, Doctor Cafferty is a great guy and an awesome doctor. I think it is that office woman dragging him down. Why doesn't he get rid of her? I've heard more complaints about her than anything. I've only seen her twice, and both times she was an absolute witch! I don't think she could be his wife, I think she is the manager. Theres no way he would marry that thing. What's her problem?????
Hot Coffee, I remember you, I hope you are doing better these days. Real sorry you've been dealing with Lyme. I'm glad you've got doc C on yur side! I'm sick of people bashing him when he's trying to help so many people. On the other hand, people also have a right to complain about the office staff.

Actually, I just walked back in the door from a trip to GWU Hospital. I am doing much much much better thanks... thanks to Dr. Cafferty and staff...

I'm now going to work on that weight I gained thanks to the Lyme Disease. My GB surgery is scheduled for May 17. Thanks to the staff and Dr. Cafferty, all my paperwork went right through and the insurance company authorized the surgery on the first try!

I've never had a complaint with the office staff there at all. They have always been willing and able to help me out, scheduling appointments, and getting paperwork ready for me for the insurance companies etc.

Every office has it's good days and bad days.... I've only heard the staff raise their voice once in all the visits I have had there. I think that's excellent. I was at one other doctor's office in Lusby area and the nurses were saying horrible things about the patients. I never heard anything like that when I visited Dr. Cafferty. :coffee:


New Member
Actually, I just walked back in the door from a trip to GWU Hospital. I am doing much much much better thanks... thanks to Dr. Cafferty and staff...

I'm now going to work on that weight I gained thanks to the Lyme Disease. My GB surgery is scheduled for May 17. Thanks to the staff and Dr. Cafferty, all my paperwork went right through and the insurance company authorized the surgery on the first try!

I've never had a complaint with the office staff there at all. They have always been willing and able to help me out, scheduling appointments, and getting paperwork ready for me for the insurance companies etc.

Every office has it's good days and bad days.... I've only heard the staff raise their voice once in all the visits I have had there. I think that's excellent. I was at one other doctor's office in Lusby area and the nurses were saying horrible things about the patients. I never heard anything like that when I visited Dr. Cafferty. :coffee:


Oh, it's not so much the staff, it's the crazy office manager. You'll have a run -in with her at some point. I am so glad you are doing so much better. That weight gain is common with lyme. I know many people with lyme and they have all gained about 30-40 lbs. Adrenal problems are also common from the lyme. I don't wish lyme on anyone! That really is great though, let us know how your surgery goes. I wish you all the best!
Oh, and that makes me mad, what you said about the staff talking about the patients like that. That is just w-r-o-n-g. They know who they are I am sure.
Bravo Dr. Cafferty for treating you and making you better!


New Member

Oh, it's not so much the staff, it's the crazy office manager. You'll have a run -in with her at some point. I am so glad you are doing so much better. That weight gain is common with lyme. I know many people with lyme and they have all gained about 30-40 lbs. Adrenal problems are also common from the lyme. I don't wish lyme on anyone! That really is great though, let us know how your surgery goes. I wish you all the best!
Oh, and that makes me mad, what you said about the staff talking about the patients like that. That is just w-r-o-n-g. They know who they are I am sure.
Bravo Dr. Cafferty for treating you and making you better!

Let me get this clear.... it was the staff at Dr. Cafferty's office that was talking about the patients.... it was at a doctor's office in the Lusby area.

One more thing... in my travels I had the displeasure of hearing an employee of another doctor who was talking about the staff at another doctor's office. This was not only unprofessional... it was mean. I was not impressed with this employee and it makes me suspicious about her other qualifications.

Like I said... everyone has bad days and good days.


New Member
Let me get this clear.... it was the staff at Dr. Cafferty's office that was talking about the patients.... it was at a doctor's office in the Lusby area.

One more thing... in my travels I had the displeasure of hearing an employee of another doctor who was talking about the staff at another doctor's office. This was not only unprofessional... it was mean. I was not impressed with this employee and it makes me suspicious about her other qualifications.

Like I said... everyone has bad days and good days.

Right, I knew you weren't talking about his staff because you said it was an office in lusby. I wasn't implying that it was Cafferty's office at all. I wrote that whoever it is knows they are doing it. It's not only unprofessional, it's catty and uncharitable. I dont have a problem with Doc Cafferty or his ofice at all, but it's his manager that will cost him his practice sooner or later, which will be a shame. Just sayin... I've been there and have seen it and heard it.
Good luck with your surgery!


Yae warsh wif' wutr
I tested poss. for Rocky Mt. Spotted Fever...

Same here.

I tested negative for lymes as well. However, I've read that the lymes test can render false negatives. Still a relief none the less.

The RMSF positive was curious - my parents were surprised...as was I.


New Member
Same here.

I tested negative for lymes as well. However, I've read that the lymes test can render false negatives. Still a relief none the less.

The RMSF positive was curious - my parents were surprised...as was I.

I tested negative for lyme once..... then Dr. Cafferty read the symptoms, put me on Doxy, and tested again. My blood test lit up for Lyme like a Christmas Tree. Them little Lyme boogers just hate Doxy.... they start running around and leaving DNA everywhere so it can be picked up in a test.

Good to know.....:coffee:


Active Member
Tick Bourne Illnesses

You'd think that I'd be well-versed with Lymes, as I use to work with Dr Cafferty, but it's been a few years. My question is.."Can Lyme's cause symptoms of Sciatic Nerve problems"? Never had a back injury, but within one week of pulling a small Tick from my neck, I had pain shooting from the Butt-Cheek, down my left leg, and it keeps me up at night sometimes. Also wanted to let you know that if you think you might have Lymes, but the test comes back negative, have them check a C 6 Peptide. Make sure you tell the Nurse to look it up, because it needs special handeling, a special tube, and it needs to be frozen, and it is a Lab that doesn't get checked often. Plus, it has to be sent to a different lab, so also check with your Insurance Company to see if they cover it.


New Member
You'd think that I'd be well-versed with Lymes, as I use to work with Dr Cafferty, but it's been a few years. My question is.."Can Lyme's cause symptoms of Sciatic Nerve problems"? Never had a back injury, but within one week of pulling a small Tick from my neck, I had pain shooting from the Butt-Cheek, down my left leg, and it keeps me up at night sometimes. Also wanted to let you know that if you think you might have Lymes, but the test comes back negative, have them check a C 6 Peptide. Make sure you tell the Nurse to look it up, because it needs special handeling, a special tube, and it needs to be frozen, and it is a Lab that doesn't get checked often. Plus, it has to be sent to a different lab, so also check with your Insurance Company to see if they cover it.

Lyme can do so many things to the body, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it could indeed get to the sciatic nerve. In my case, for instance, I used to fall down, face first for absolutely no reason. It didn't happen a lot but when it did it was embarrassing and it hurt like crazy. Turns out I have neurological damage from Lyme.

As I said, I did test negative for lyme.... but after the doxy stirred the little boogers up... they left their DNA all over the place.

Perhaps the problem with the sciatic nerve is more a problem with a disk that may be bulging [arthritis is the biggest indicator of lyme issues].


animal luvr
I got my first tick bite today :(. I guess i need to watch myself. can anyone tell me what to look out for. Yes I will read this whole thread don't worry just wanted some key pointers. I have never had ticks on me before this is a first for me :(


Adopt me please !
I got my first tick bite today :(. I guess i need to watch myself. can anyone tell me what to look out for. Yes I will read this whole thread don't worry just wanted some key pointers. I have never had ticks on me before this is a first for me :(

First bite ever, or first bite this year? I've pulled at least a half dozen off me in the past 2 months :boo:


Jam out with ur clam out
First bite ever, or first bite this year? I've pulled at least a half dozen off me in the past 2 months :boo:


I say she should go have a port put in ASAP :yay: just in case

:dye: no ticks this year for me :dye: (yet) :yahoo: Im using Frontline spray! :coffee:


Adopt me please !

I say she should go have a port put in ASAP :yay: just in case

:dye: no ticks this year for me :dye: (yet) :yahoo: Im using Frontline spray! :coffee:

I use deet spray on my pants/shoes to reduce the numbers, but I have been in heavily tick infested areas off/on and boy do I not like waking up to find a tick on my back/leg or wherever else they choose to burrow their heads. EWWWWW.

One got me 2 times. I pulled him off and accidentally dropped him on the floor, then sprayed the carpet with insecticide in that area, but that sucker survived and climbed up on my bed and got me again GRRRR. BUT .... in the end he was flushed :yahoo:


Jam out with ur clam out
I use deet spray on my pants/shoes to reduce the numbers, but I have been in heavily tick infested areas off/on and boy do I not like waking up to find a tick on my back/leg or wherever else they choose to burrow their heads. EWWWWW.

One got me 2 times. I pulled him off and accidentally dropped him on the floor, then sprayed the carpet with insecticide in that area, but that sucker survived and climbed up on my bed and got me again GRRRR. BUT .... in the end he was flushed :yahoo:

email me... I will tell ya what works best!! :popcorn: :coffee:

and Im SURE you have it at the house!! :love: