Warnings about Lyme Disease


i guess your right. i have never seen any on me other than this one and i check myself a few times a day as i am out in the grass with the dog alot throughout the day.

You wouldn't notice a tick the size of a pen head in your hair :shrug: They are sneaky little ####ers


Adopt me please !
i guess your right. i have never seen any on me other than this one and i check myself a few times a day as i am out in the grass with the dog alot throughout the day.

The deer ticks can be really tiny and hard to spot and most often can get confused with a mole or freckle unless you feel some irritation around that spot to suspect what it is.

I bet we get bitten many more times than we ever know.

I wonder how they can bite us and we don't even feel it? The one I pulled off my back was hanging on for dear life - ouch that hurt! I pull but not too hard/fast as I want it to LET GO so I don't end up with a tick head embedded in my skin to get infected. I tug and wait a few seconds for it to let go.


Jam out with ur clam out
The deer ticks can be really tiny and hard to spot and most often can get confused with a mole or freckle unless you feel some irritation around that spot to suspect what it is.

I bet we get bitten many more times than we ever know.

I wonder how they can bite us and we don't even feel it? The one I pulled off my back was hanging on for dear life - ouch that hurt! I pull but not too hard/fast as I want it to LET GO so I don't end up with a tick head embedded in my skin to get infected. I tug and wait a few seconds for it to let go.

:smack:..... why did you have to go there???? :jameo:


animal luvr
the tick i got bit by was pretty big and had a white look like a dot in the middle of its back comes to find out since i didn't have my glasses on it was a diamond as i looked it up online. I am also unlucky like your friend and my tick bite is nice and infected. I already been to one doctor who has no brains so either later today or tomorrow I am off to urgent care to get some oral antibiotics to clear this mess up.


You'd think that I'd be well-versed with Lymes, as I use to work with Dr Cafferty, but it's been a few years. My question is.."Can Lyme's cause symptoms of Sciatic Nerve problems"? Never had a back injury, but within one week of pulling a small Tick from my neck, I had pain shooting from the Butt-Cheek, down my left leg, and it keeps me up at night sometimes. Also wanted to let you know that if you think you might have Lymes, but the test comes back negative, have them check a C 6 Peptide. Make sure you tell the Nurse to look it up, because it needs special handeling, a special tube, and it needs to be frozen, and it is a Lab that doesn't get checked often. Plus, it has to be sent to a different lab, so also check with your Insurance Company to see if they cover it.

Lyme disease is wide spread in St. Mary's County for some reason. St. Mary's County Health Dept. is quite concerned about it. It also causes headaches you otherwise would not have had. Can be a significant disease if not treated.


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

Good discussion here about the later stages of the disease and available resources, and I wish everyone luck treating it.

I've got a few questions about the early stage, though. I've been looking around the web this afternoon, and from what I can tell, if you start a course of antibiotics early (within a few weeks of the tick bite, rash, etc.) the prognosis is good. As in, you can actually get rid of it. For instance, from the American Lyme Disease foundation site: "Early treatment of LD (within the first few weeks after initial infection) is straightforward and almost always results in a full cure. Treatment begun after the first three weeks will also likely provide a cure, but the cure rate decreases the longer treatment is delayed."

Has anybody caught the thing early and come through it with no problem, or know someone who did?

I will be doing more research and consulting with doctors, but I have a little boy who just started antibiotics this afternoon, and I'm hoping for some reassurance. Never saw a tick on him, just a bump and a red rash. From what I'm reading elsewhere, I think he'll be ok, but it's got me scared.

A related question: Can you actually get rid of ticks in your yard? Spray some permethrin, etc. and kill them off like other bugs, or are they too tough for that?


Hi folks,

Good discussion here about the later stages of the disease and available resources, and I wish everyone luck treating it.

I've got a few questions about the early stage, though. I've been looking around the web this afternoon, and from what I can tell, if you start a course of antibiotics early (within a few weeks of the tick bite, rash, etc.) the prognosis is good. As in, you can actually get rid of it. For instance, from the American Lyme Disease foundation site: "Early treatment of LD (within the first few weeks after initial infection) is straightforward and almost always results in a full cure. Treatment begun after the first three weeks will also likely provide a cure, but the cure rate decreases the longer treatment is delayed."

Has anybody caught the thing early and come through it with no problem, or know someone who did?

I will be doing more research and consulting with doctors, but I have a little boy who just started antibiotics this afternoon, and I'm hoping for some reassurance. Never saw a tick on him, just a bump and a red rash. From what I'm reading elsewhere, I think he'll be ok, but it's got me scared.

A related question: Can you actually get rid of ticks in your yard? Spray some permethrin, etc. and kill them off like other bugs, or are they too tough for that?

:howdy: Mine was caught early. I don't know how early but my markers were low. I was giving 2 wks of doxycycline at first. I felt better. Symptoms were gone. 8-9 months later, symptoms were coming back, went back to the doc. He told me I must have been bitten again for the lyme to come back again (What a crock of #### that is! At the time I didn't know much about lyme and trusted this doctor) He gave me 2 more wks of doxy. After the 2 wks still felt like crap, called and told him and he did nothing. I found a new doctor that knows all about lyme and how to treat it. I ended up with a picc line for 5 months and a bunch of herbal supplements but it's been a year and half now that I have been symptom free :diva:


New Member
You all know I had Lyme... [have Lyme in Remission]...

Now I know someone who died.... He was 45 years old... construction worker.... the migraines, muscle aches, fibromyalgia got so bad he couldn't work.... he died this weekend.... such a waste.... such a horrible waste...

I say... Kill Bambi!!


New Member
Hi folks,

Good discussion here about the later stages of the disease and available resources, and I wish everyone luck treating it.

I've got a few questions about the early stage, though. I've been looking around the web this afternoon, and from what I can tell, if you start a course of antibiotics early (within a few weeks of the tick bite, rash, etc.) the prognosis is good. As in, you can actually get rid of it. For instance, from the American Lyme Disease foundation site: "Early treatment of LD (within the first few weeks after initial infection) is straightforward and almost always results in a full cure. Treatment begun after the first three weeks will also likely provide a cure, but the cure rate decreases the longer treatment is delayed."

Has anybody caught the thing early and come through it with no problem, or know someone who did?

I will be doing more research and consulting with doctors, but I have a little boy who just started antibiotics this afternoon, and I'm hoping for some reassurance. Never saw a tick on him, just a bump and a red rash. From what I'm reading elsewhere, I think he'll be ok, but it's got me scared.

A related question: Can you actually get rid of ticks in your yard? Spray some permethrin, etc. and kill them off like other bugs, or are they too tough for that?

I have a 9 year old boy with Lyme and he has been fighting it for over a year now. Just be watchful and keep in mind that Lyme can cause some crazy symptoms, especially in children. My son started compulsively washing his hands and exhibiting some other OCD like behavior - as soon as he was diagnosed with lyme and started treatment, it stopped. So its not just the standard things you need to look for....

We used Guardian Pest Control for our yard. We had them come out last year and than again this year. They do a spray on the tree line and granules in the yard. It isn't cheap, but with a house full of lymies, the cost was worth it to us and it def makes a difference. It lasts a few months and I haven't seen a tick on kid or dog since they came out in May.

Good luck to you and your son!

Southern Maryland Lyme | Facebook
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New Member
I was just diagnosed Friday w/ Lyme. I'm on 500mg of Ceftin two times per day and 500mg of Biaxin two times per day.

I had what I thought was a really bad hangover about 2 weeks ago, but it never went away... Went to my Dr. who said I looked ok, it was probably a virus but he took blood. 3 days later the office called to tell me I had to come in.

I felt good on Sunday and Monday, I managed to get all my laundry and un-packing from the weekend done... Decided to call out of work today to take one more day to rest. I slept til after 10 this morning, with a killer headache that will not go away. I haven't felt this bad in over a week.

Will this be normal? To have a good day or two then have bad days?

I don't know anyone with Lyme and I am doing my research slowly, but mostly I'm just too tired to do anything. I have this relentless headache...

I'm not sure what is next after I finish these meds in 26 days. He wants to see me back a month from diagnosis.

Any advice is appreciated.


I was just diagnosed Friday w/ Lyme. I'm on 500mg of Ceftin two times per day and 500mg of Biaxin two times per day.

I had what I thought was a really bad hangover about 2 weeks ago, but it never went away... Went to my Dr. who said I looked ok, it was probably a virus but he took blood. 3 days later the office called to tell me I had to come in.

I felt good on Sunday and Monday, I managed to get all my laundry and un-packing from the weekend done... Decided to call out of work today to take one more day to rest. I slept til after 10 this morning, with a killer headache that will not go away. I haven't felt this bad in over a week.

Will this be normal? To have a good day or two then have bad days?

I don't know anyone with Lyme and I am doing my research slowly, but mostly I'm just too tired to do anything. I have this relentless headache...

I'm not sure what is next after I finish these meds in 26 days. He wants to see me back a month from diagnosis.

Any advice is appreciated.

Yup, you'll definitely have good days, bad days and really bad days. You will feel worse before you start to feel better :huggy:


New Member
Yup, you'll definitely have good days, bad days and really bad days. You will feel worse before you start to feel better :huggy:

Thank you... I def. am feeling worse now. The last time I pulled a tick off myself was 5 yrs ago on the back of my knee. I do not have any kind of rash or bullseye. It's probably safe to assume I got Lymes recently. My symptoms progressed very quickly... but who knows. It went from flu-like symptoms and then a few days later I was slurring my words and couldn't have a normal conversation without having to pause to think of what the heck I was trying to say!

Should I be prepared for the PICC line after this first course of treatment? He said I will be re-tested in one month but even if the markers don't show up, it doesn't mean it's gone. I'm trying to keep the calls to his office at a minimum :)


Sweet and Innocent
Thank you... I def. am feeling worse now. The last time I pulled a tick off myself was 5 yrs ago on the back of my knee. I do not have any kind of rash or bullseye. It's probably safe to assume I got Lymes recently. My symptoms progressed very quickly... but who knows. It went from flu-like symptoms and then a few days later I was slurring my words and couldn't have a normal conversation without having to pause to think of what the heck I was trying to say!

Should I be prepared for the PICC line after this first course of treatment? He said I will be re-tested in one month but even if the markers don't show up, it doesn't mean it's gone. I'm trying to keep the calls to his office at a minimum :)

Oh I'm very sorry to hear that you're sick, Nicole. I hope you will start feeling better. My friend "Shygirl" on this forum have lyme disease. You can send her a PM, and I'm sure she will be happy to help you.


New Member
Thank you... I def. am feeling worse now. The last time I pulled a tick off myself was 5 yrs ago on the back of my knee. I do not have any kind of rash or bullseye. It's probably safe to assume I got Lymes recently. My symptoms progressed very quickly... but who knows. It went from flu-like symptoms and then a few days later I was slurring my words and couldn't have a normal conversation without having to pause to think of what the heck I was trying to say!

Should I be prepared for the PICC line after this first course of treatment? He said I will be re-tested in one month but even if the markers don't show up, it doesn't mean it's gone. I'm trying to keep the calls to his office at a minimum :)

I had lyme and some of your symptoms - including the horrible headaches and the slurred speech. I also had vertigo, and bells palsy. Lyme is horrible and it can really knock you on your butt. I remember constantly thinking that I needed to "push through it" because as bad a day as I was having, I knew that tomorrow could very likely be worse. Sorry I can't be more encouraging but it really is a butt-kicker, especially if you have had it for awhile. I ended up with a port and did several months of IV antibiotics. On a side note, of the 4 people in my house who have lyme, I am the only one who managed to be symptom free for a long period of time and the only one (so far) who did the IV antibiotics. So it does work. It was also, much more expensive that I anticipated and we have excellent health insurance. But when you get to the point where you cannot function, get out of bed, or speak... its worth it.

Post any questions you have here...someone will answer them as best they can. Tons of Southern Marylanders with lyme. I also have a facebook page for lyme if your interested:

Southern Maryland Lyme | Facebook

Good luck to you!


Active Member
Your next course will depend on how you feel.

You may be feeling worse due to a herxheimer reaction. The antibiotic is causing large amounts of toxins to be released into your body. The toxins can't be flushed out of your system fast enough and you feel bad. Drink a LOT of water and take warm baths of epsom salt or kosher salt. The salt water draws the toxins out of your body.

The strength of the med Ceftin can give you a stomach ulcer. Consider taking Prilosec. (Recommendation of doctor UK Shah)

You may want to supplement with acidophilus or eat yogurt. The antibiotic might cause an overgrowth of yeast. If those do not work, maybe a prescription for Diflucan.

"Alternative" meds to checkout are Grapeseed Extract, Cat's Claw, Teasel and Wormwood Herb.


New Member
I was just diagnosed Friday w/ Lyme. I'm on 500mg of Ceftin two times per day and 500mg of Biaxin two times per day.

I had what I thought was a really bad hangover about 2 weeks ago, but it never went away... Went to my Dr. who said I looked ok, it was probably a virus but he took blood. 3 days later the office called to tell me I had to come in.

I felt good on Sunday and Monday, I managed to get all my laundry and un-packing from the weekend done... Decided to call out of work today to take one more day to rest. I slept til after 10 this morning, with a killer headache that will not go away. I haven't felt this bad in over a week.

Will this be normal? To have a good day or two then have bad days?

I don't know anyone with Lyme and I am doing my research slowly, but mostly I'm just too tired to do anything. I have this relentless headache...

I'm not sure what is next after I finish these meds in 26 days. He wants to see me back a month from diagnosis.

Any advice is appreciated.

There is a lot of information out there The link I am giving you was very helpful for me. Quite frankly... when the exhaustion is as bad as it can get... it's easier to get on a computer than it is to go to a meeting.

Yes.. it could get worse... it could also get better.... I had the headache... spots in front of my eyes... blurry watery vision... phantom pains... aching joints... my face drooped sometimes.... everything was temporary so it was hard for me to show my doctor the symptoms....

Another problem people with Lyme have is the loss of short term memory... I got to a point where I couldn't finish a sentence.... multi-tasking.... impossible... single tasking was more like the chore....

Weight gain... yep.....

Hey you could be lucky tho.... I had Lyme for a very long time before it was diagnosed by a Doctor who knows Lyme... He saved my life.... my nephew was not so lucky... he died last weekend....
