SCOTUS just returned this issue to the STATES to decide.
Which I've stated on here since I got on - gosh, in the 90's - that's where it always belonged. It's always been a pretzel logic distortion of the 14th Amendment to claim a right to PRIVACY and that it then extends to the ability to abort a fetus - because, you know, PRIVATE. We all know what the 13th Amendment was for - abolishing slavery. We all know why the 14th Amendment was passed - to give slaves citizenship (and thereby confer the rights that Dred Scott was denied). Alito observed in the beginning of this - that until the 60's and 70's, it was considered a crime - and then - poof - it became a de facto constitutionally protected right as an outcome of Roe v Wade.
Don't like the law in your state? Change it. You want it to BECOME a Constitutionally protected right? Begin the Amendment process (you'll have more luck at the state level).
If you want success - try not to be some stupid-ass greedhead and try to pass abortion up to the moment of birth. That kind of crap happens all the damned time - the Dems can't pass something agreeable - it has to be ODIOUS to the opposition, and ensure its failure (which to me suggests, they don't ACTUALLY want change).
Read what most nations have on the books -
Look at the big chart - and the columns, regarding the reason for abortion. Look at the nations progs seek to emulate - VERY FEW are anywhere NEAR as permissive as the United States has been for fifty years. MOST have chosen some middle ground - usually first trimester - for "at will" abortions. A little more room, for other reasons. And some do not allow abortions just because you want to have them.
Someone on The Five yesterday mentioned - 60% - and the number is rising - of abortions in this country are performed via a pill. That keeps increasing to the point where performing actual extraction of a fetus will be obsolete.