black dog
Free America
I only own one, my only child owns a few.How many guns do you own?
I only need one. And its sleeping, dont wake it up.
I only own one, my only child owns a few.How many guns do you own?
Damn.I only own one, my only child owns a few.
I only need one. And its sleeping, dont wake it up.
Brilliant! Reading some of your past postings led me to this question.I only own one, my only child owns a few.
I only need one. And its sleeping, dont wake it up.
You believe in *forced* personal responsibility at gunpoint by your government.
I'm guessing it's due to the hysterics of the left. They've had the truth of the matter explained to them several times and yet the carry on with the rants of "The Supreme Court has taken away women's rights". After a few times explaining it you tend to egg them on, "Yeah they took away your rights, you should leave the country that'll show them". Maybe in several months when the more hysterical ones pass out from holding their breaths we can get around to working on a workable solution, but in the mean time I'm still going to point and laugh.You know, I have to say THIS much - I don't quite get the glee those on the right are getting, with this. It's not going away, and trying to take measures to outlaw it utterly is NOT going to work. The only way I can see us ever getting past this, is to develop a legal framework where abortion is allowed that EVERYONE can agree on. Our problem is that on one side, we have "NEVER" and the other side we have "ALWAYS". And life just doesn't work that way.
When it comes to ending life - life of grown people, not a fetus - we have laws governing when it is excused (or in rare cases - allowed). We don't usually punish death by accident when no one is at fault or negligent. When a doctor loses a patient, we don't call him a murderer. When you are defending your life against someone determined to end YOURS - we allow it. When someone is dying and in extraordinary pain - and it cannot be relieved - ending life is merciful. We ALL know these things, because we're human and can reason. There are times when administering death is the humane thing to do.
The same can be said of abortion. There are CERTAINLY going to times when it is reasonable to allow it.
I think we'd better get on board quickly with it, because science is catching up. I may live to see the day when a child can be brought to term outside a womb - and we're going to have to recognize legal responsibilities more and more. It's going to be LEGALLY a bigger mess down the road.
You know, I have to say THIS much - I don't quite get the glee those on the right are getting, with this.
I'm guessing it's due to the hysterics of the left. They've had the truth of the matter explained to them several times and yet the carry on with the rants of "The Supreme Court has taken away women's rights".
It IS entertaining - but for one, it's not stopping them from convincing the nation that suddenly, abortion is illegal everywhere - that "it's TRUMP'S fault" because three of the six justices were Trump appointees - that they will likely commit MORE violence and mayhem without consequence or media coverage - and that some purple districts likely to go red - might not.Because watching Democrat idiots spontaneously combust is entertaining.
It IS entertaining - but for one, it's not stopping them from convincing the nation that suddenly, abortion is illegal everywhere - that "it's TRUMP'S fault" because three of the six justices were Trump appointees - that they will likely commit MORE violence and mayhem without consequence or media coverage - and that some purple districts likely to go red - might not.
It IS the case though - that abortion is NOT on the ballot for most voters. Given the choice between an abortion they will never have or will never have to worry about (because their state is blue) and having a gas tank and a cupboard they can't keep full - it matters more to a voter when it's an actual issue and not some vague principle. As the saying goes, people vote their pocketbooks.
You get a second or third job to buy what is needed. One also has the option of buying a bottom end firearm.Brilliant! Reading some of your past postings led me to this question.
So... since you have a gun and I currently do not own one.... do you have MORE rights than me? Or maybe, was it your PERSONAL CHOICE to buy and own that weapon? What if I didn't have the money to buy a gun? Do you have MORE rights than me because YOU have deeper pockets? Or, was it your PERSONAL CHOICE to save up the money and make a conscious decision to purchase it?
Oh honey, you would be easier to control than my neighbors cat thats already in the trap....I can't control other people and what they want. The good news is they can't control me, either.
Oh honey, you would be easier to control than my neighbors cat thats already in the trap....
Making you think about reply #157You get a second or third job to buy what is needed. One also has the option of buying a bottom end firearm.
Where are you going with this?
Rats. I had my money on "all of them" being the answer.Cool.
Place your bets.
1. Enough For Now.
2. None. They were all lost in a boating accident.
3. Nunya ####ing Biznezz.
And if they want to bust up their cities, good for them. Clearly the people who live in those cities like it or they'd put an end to it.
The 'Key' word should have been,Rats. I had my money on "all of them" being the answer.
Lost that bet.
These people travel to protest. Remeber the nutcase who wanted to kill Kavanaugh? He travelled across the country.
The guys in Waukesha, during the riots? From all over. These things attract people who live to bust stuff up.
Where you going with this? Your rationale is FUBAR.Brilliant! Reading some of your past postings led me to this question.
So... since you have a gun and I currently do not own one.... do you have MORE rights than me? Or maybe, was it your PERSONAL CHOICE to buy and own that weapon? What if I didn't have the money to buy a gun? Do you have MORE rights than me because YOU have deeper pockets? Or, was it your PERSONAL CHOICE to save up the money and make a conscious decision to purchase it?
Everybody has the same rights. One of those is to choose how to spend your own money. If someone has more money than you, so what? Nobody promised everyone would have the same of everything including money.Brilliant! Reading some of your past postings led me to this question.
So... since you have a gun and I currently do not own one.... do you have MORE rights than me? Or maybe, was it your PERSONAL CHOICE to buy and own that weapon? What if I didn't have the money to buy a gun? Do you have MORE rights than me because YOU have deeper pockets? Or, was it your PERSONAL CHOICE to save up the money and make a conscious decision to purchase it?
Wow! My exact point summed up in the very first sentence. Now, you can ALL go back and follow the conversation in this thread to see how it applies and how I already made my point that it is NOT about "rights" but about PERSONAL CHOICE.Everybody has the same rights.