Week 8 random thought football thread

How low can it get for the Redskins? Not only did we lose to Detroit and Kansas City. Now we've lost to a team that lost to St. Louis.
Oh snap - Brett Favre is in Green Bay getting ready to play the Packers. How is this game not on Monday night, or Sunday night, or hell Saturday afternoon or something special like that? Don't they have some flex schedule thingy or something?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Lambau is fake??? LAMBAU FIELD IS FAKE????????? The frozen tundra is now as plastic as Pam Anderson's CHEST????????????/ WHAT THE #### IS WRONG WITH THIS PLANET?????????
Uh huh - see? Told you you shouldn't have run Brett out of town and hung your hopes on this Rodgers guy.


They're out to get us
How low can it get for the Redskins? Not only did we lose to Detroit and Kansas City. Now we've lost to a team that lost to St. Louis.

guess you coulda lost to the Rams and Bucs too. Or you could be the Bucs, who are still winless. Or you could be the Lions last year and go 0-16. Maybe next season.