Never. I'd rather die than have my eggs stick to the pan.
I roll my eyes at all these "sCiEnCe

says this causes that" because they're largely bullshit and reversed a decade later. If 2% of all people who (do this thing) develop (this ailment), then the reverse is true - 98% of people who do that thing will not get that ailment. Those are pretty good odds.
Also there is observational science that anyone can engage in and is significantly more accurate. Our moms smoked their asses off when they were pregnant with us, and we have a lot better mental acuity and fewer health problems
in our old age than these kids whose moms bubble wrapped themselves during pregnancy. GenZ are the poster children for poor health, both physical and mental, and they're all over Reddit etc griping about their social anxiety this and allergy that and transgender the other thing.
So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the worst thing you can do for your health is have liberal Democrat parents. Second worst is being a liberal Democrat yourself.