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Asham isn't...Beagle should have stayed in his doghouse with the puppies.

Yep, Asham was just protecting. I stil hope they go after him next meeting though. I think it wil be a while before Beagle tries to get tough again. Maybe some lessons on how to avoid a punch straight to the face?


This. ------------------>
Arron Asham is a marked man. Poor bastard.

:yahoo: Knock the f* out of him, someone! He is a cocky little bastard and I, for one, don't buy his apollogies.

Only 7 short weeks until the rematch...on home ice. A$$man better wear some body armor!


You've got nobody on your team to "take out Asham".

Snoopy had delusions and thought he was tough. He learned otherwise. Much like the Capitals franchise.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
This is getting good... I like it. Oventrick really he should worry about scoring 1 goal let alone 3.
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