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my war
maybe that he should pick on someone his own size since he got his ass kicked by someone smaller... Wait that wont work either :lol:

ehhhh...usually the smaller dudes have retard strength.... And Beagle is hardly known for his fighting prowess...hell, he is hardly known at all...:lmao:

Sweet 16

Now that I read it, I don't either. :lol: I meant different.

I know what you meant and you were right. Ovie's was celebrating a personal and professional milestone and the other was a classless celebration of an injured player. Way different. I wonder what he would have done if Beags hadn't come-to right away.


my war
I know what you meant and you were right. Ovie's was celebrating a personal and professional milestone and the other was a classless celebration of an injured player. Way different. I wonder what he would have done if Beags hadn't come-to right away.

Damn You!!!! :smack: I wanted to see if that dummy Baz could figure it out!!!
I know what you meant and you were right. Ovie's was celebrating a personal and professional milestone and the other was a classless celebration of an injured player. Way different. I wonder what he would have done if Beags hadn't come-to right away.

Well he did bang his stick when he got up. That was good. This guy has obviously spent some time learning how to fight. He ducks the punches and comes back when the time is right. Its not the size of the dog in the fight and all that...


I know nothing
I know what you meant and you were right. Ovie's was celebrating a personal and professional milestone and the other was a classless celebration of an injured player. Way different. I wonder what he would have done if Beags hadn't come-to right away.

Im by no means taking Ashams side, but Asham didnt celebrate an injury. Unless you consider being knocked out after you innitiate a fight being injured... When Asham realized he busted the hell out of beagles mouth and was injured, he did what all decent hockey players do.... he banged his stick on the glass in respect.....

when two hockey players square off one of them is gonna get hurt! why should the winner feel sorry for the looser?

Any true hockey warrior will chalk this up to a lesson in humility...

I remember not too long ago Domi and Bashear used to taunt the crap out if each other... Fans loved it and the league didnt seem to mind.

Grow some thick skin and stop trying to pussify the sport.
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Peter Forsberg

New Member
Im by no means taking Ashams side, but Asham didnt celebrate an injury. Unless you consider being knocked out after you innitiate a fight being injured... When Asham realized he busted the hell out of beagles mouth and was injured, he did what all decent hockey players do.... he banged his stick on the glass in respect.....

when two hockey players square off one of them is gonna get hurt! why should the winner feel sorry for the looser?

Any true hockey warrior will chalk this up to a lesson in humility...

I remember not too long ago Domi and Bashear used to taunt the crap out if each other... Fans loved it and the league didnt seem to mind.

Grow some thick skin and stop trying to pussify the sport.
The sport went to crap when Cindy came into the league. Mario cried Cindy cried.....At least ovenchicken would hit and get hit and not cry about it. Now if you touch a player it's a 2min penalty.

Sweet 16

Im by no means taking Ashams side, but Asham didnt celebrate an injury. Unless you consider being knocked out after you innitiate a fight being injured... When Asham realized he busted the hell out of beagles mouth and was injured, he did what all decent hockey players do.... he banged his stick on the glass in respect.....

when two hockey players square off one of them is gonna get hurt! why should the winner feel sorry for the looser?

Any true hockey warrior will chalk this up to a lesson in humility...

I remember not too long ago Domi and Bashear used to taunt the crap out if each other... Fans loved it and the league didnt seem to mind.

Grow some thick skin and stop trying to pussify the sport.

I beg to differ. He celebrated after he knew Beags was KO'd and still down on the ice, as evidenced from his gestures. It was only AFTER Beags regained consciousness and got up that he banged his stick.


I know nothing
I beg to differ. He celebrated after he knew Beags was KO'd and still down on the ice, as evidenced from his gestures. It was only AFTER Beags regained consciousness and got up that he banged his stick.


Good lord you really missed the point.... Its kind of hard to celebrate knocking someone out, before you knock them out...

Here lets replay the video

-Beagle takes two good shots to the face, falls down. And if you pay extra close attention, you can see Asham holding his jersey so his head didnt hit the ice.
-Asham immediately skates off towards the penalty Box, doesn’t look back and makes the gesture.
-Then Asham notices (while sitting in the box) that he really tuned up Beagle.
-When beagle gets up and skates off Asham bangs his stick....

should Asham have made the gesture? Probably not... but he was on home ice and trying to get the Fans and his team Amped up...

-....so whats the problem???
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Sweet 16


Good lord you really missed the point.... Its kind of hard to celebrate knocking someone out, before you knock them out...

Here lets replay the video

-Beagle takes two good shots to the face, falls down. And if you pay extra close attention, you can see Asham holding his jersey so his head didnt hit the ice.
-Asham immediately skates off towards the penalty Box, doesn’t look back and makes the gesture.
-Then Asham notices (while sitting in the box) that he really tuned up Beagle.
-When beagle gets up and skates off Asham bangs his stick....

should Asham have made the gesture? Probably not... but he was on home ice and trying to get the Fans and his team Amped up...

-....so whats the problem???

Can you please explain it to me again in more detail? I still don't get it. :rolleyes:

Good lord you really missed the point.... Its kind of hard to celebrate knocking someone out, before you knock them out...

Here lets replay the video

-Beagle takes two good shots to the face, falls down. And if you pay extra close attention, you can see Asham holding his jersey so his head didnt hit the ice.
-Asham immediately skates off towards the penalty Box, doesn’t look back and makes the gesture.
-Then Asham notices (while sitting in the box) that he really tuned up Beagle.
-When beagle gets up and skates off Asham bangs his stick....

should Asham have made the gesture? Probably not... but he was on home ice and trying to get the Fans and his team Amped up...

-....so whats the problem???

Hmm, I thought he was getting ready to take another punch, not protect him. Also why the sleeping gesture if he didn't know he knocked him out?


my war
It's not like Berube, Brasheer or Iafrate were angels during or after a fight...It's all part of the game and I am sure he got wrapped up in the moment in front of 16,000 fans....


I know nothing
Hmm, I thought he was getting ready to take another punch, not protect him. Also why the sleeping gesture if he didn't know he knocked him out?

Where did I ever say that Asham didnt know he knocked him out???

Of course he knew, which is why he made the gesture...

What I said was Asham did know that Beagles mouth was all jacked up and was bleading all over the ice....

2 men enter, one man leaves.

I think some of you Caps fans are more disgusted that it happend to a Capital, than either a penguin or anyother hockey player....
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Good lord you really missed the point.... Its kind of hard to celebrate knocking someone out, before you knock them out...

Here lets replay the video

-Beagle takes two good shots to the face, falls down. And if you pay extra close attention, you can see Asham holding his jersey so his head didnt hit the ice.
-Asham immediately skates off towards the penalty Box, doesn’t look back and makes the gesture.
-Then Asham notices (while sitting in the box) that he really tuned up Beagle.
-When beagle gets up and skates off Asham bangs his stick....

should Asham have made the gesture? Probably not... but he was on home ice and trying to get the Fans and his team Amped up...

-....so whats the problem???

Guess I misunderstood these two comments.
Where did I ever say that Asham didnt know he knocked him out???

Of course he knew, which is why he made the gesture...

What I said was Asham did know that Beagles mouth was all jacked up and was bleading all over the ice....

2 men enter, one man leaves.

I think some of you Caps fans are more disgusted that it happend to a Capital, than either a penguin or anyother hockey player....

If you are refering to me as a Caps fan point out where that came from.