What are the kids asking Santa for this year?


New Member
I have no idea what any of these toys are!! What is a good toy for a one year old? My nephew will be one soon and we would like to get him something fun. Any suggestions?


Loving My Life...
Youngest two will get 1 or 2 toys and clothing. They have to many toys now.. Oldest (15)will get a giftcard...:starcat:


Cleopatra Jones
I don't care what any of them are asking for, they all want EVERYTHING. They're all getting cheap laptops. Soon, gone will be the days of them getting on our computers and jacking them up and biatching because someone is hogging or won't share. I expect I can buy myself at least a couple hours worth of quiet. :lol:


They call me ... Sarcasmo


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In My Opinion
Mine has only requested two items.
1) the new IPOD touch with the HiDef Camera in it
2) a Fingernail printer???? WTF is that?


curiouser and curiouser
I don't care what any of them are asking for, they all want EVERYTHING. They're all getting cheap laptops. Soon, gone will be the days of them getting on our computers and jacking them up and biatching because someone is hogging or won't share. I expect I can buy myself at least a couple hours worth of quiet. :lol:
Best mom ever! Can I sneak J into your pack? :lol: He wants a laptop, but he's the only one that uses the desktop so there's no sense in buying him one.


Active Member
Boy(9) wants an alarm system to keep his sister out of the room, Ipod, camera, and yugio trading cards . Girl(14) wants clothes, ear piercing. However, Hubby and I have been saving to take them on a trip to England.


Methodically disorganized
I'm a big kid and I would like a Canon 7D with a Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS and a SanDisk 64Gb UDMA CF card! I promise not to shoot my eye out! :lmao:


Cubscout MoM
I've been watching the blackfriday deals pile up (still waiting on Walmart), but there are some great deals on some of the items you all have posted about. To see checkout:

dealcatcher.com and go to the blackfriday tab.

ToysRus :
-has a Netbook with wifi for 79.99
-remote control Buzz Lightyear that's marked down to 39.99 from 79.99
- all Zhu Zhu pets 4.99
-Toystory basic wing pack blitz Rocket 12.49


New Member
I'm a big kid and I would like a Canon 7D with a Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS and a SanDisk 64Gb UDMA CF card! I promise not to shoot my eye out! :lmao:

If you see any in window displays let me know. I don't have any money but I have plenty of bricks.



Throwing the deuces
My 6 year old just learned how to ride a two wheeler today so I think Santa is going to bring him a new bike. His bike with training wheels is too small for him anyway but since he learned how to ride on his older brother's bike, he's more comfortable on a bigger bike rather than his smaller bike.

Not sure what my 9 year old wants yet. Hopefully, he'll fill me in soon.