What are you wearing?


Jeans capri's
light and dark green striped shirt w/ white trim and collar
Pink bra
black thong
leather and wood sandals


pretty black roses
Black tank top
Black sheer shirt with pink, red, and white dots swirled in a patterned, halfway buttoned up
Black leather belt
flip flops


Cleopatra Jones
Black patterened shirt from JCP.
Tan skirt from Banana Republic.
Black heels.
White with green trim boy short underoos.
Black bra.

I've been getting a lot of "You're wearing a skirt?!?!" today. :lmao:


Has confinement issues..
Suddeenly Jewish?

*Note: This is in reference to the way it was stated. In no way am I implying that Jews get drunk and molest people.


We all need disclaimers before our posts!

I got the Jewish joke.. You want I should make some cawfee and schnitz?
