What do I do with all this food?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Actually, don't pitch the chicken tenders - they make great chicken parmesan, as long as you've got one for each person and maybe an extra for Day.

Bake the tenders, then put them in a lightly oiled frypan. Top each with a blop of spaghetti sauce, then a sprinkle of mozzerella cheese. Cover and cook until the cheese is melted and serve with spaghetti on the side.


Salt Life
vraiblonde said:
Bake the tenders, then put them in a lightly oiled frypan. Top each with a blop of spaghetti sauce, then a sprinkle of mozzerella cheese. Cover and cook until the cheese is melted and serve with spaghetti on the side.
Ooooh, yummy! They're those small chicken nugget things, not actual tenders. I have a baggy of them, about enough for one person to eat. I could whip them up for lunch real quick one day. :yay:


curiouser and curiouser
Chasey_Lane said:
Ooooh, yummy! They're those small chicken nugget things, not actual tenders. I have a baggy of them, about enough for one person to eat. I could whip them up for lunch real quick one day. :yay:
Are they seasoned? I wonder how they'd taste chopped up into a chicken salad, or chopped up and sprinkled on a salad.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Also crushed pretzels make a really good coating for chicken or even boneless pork. You use them in place of breadcrumbs.


In My Opinion
Im on my way. gonna try to get ahold of DoWhat and bring him along.

got any beer or do you need to run out and get it?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mom2threebabies said:
nothing wrong with having extra food stocked up....who knows when we'll have a natural disaster, nuclear war, or bird flu epidemic
Always be prepared, I say :yay:


Salt Life
To solve my dilema, hubby and I went to the grocery store tonight and purchased MORE crap to fill up the fridge/freezer. :lmao: :frown:


curiouser and curiouser
Chasey_Lane said:
To solve my dilema, hubby and I went to the grocery store tonight and purchased MORE crap to fill up the fridge/freezer. :lmao: :frown:
You should start a soup kitchen. :lmao:


Salt Life
Nickel said:
You should start a soup kitchen. :lmao:
I know, right? :lol: But we got good stuff...lots of fruit (bananas, apples, strawberries & grapes), milk, bread, fresh Giant salsa, chips, some panini's for lunches, Splenda, creamer and a few other items. Nothing that will really hog up space thank goodness!! :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know what, Chasey? This is America, damnit, and it is our divine right to fill our freezers and pantries with food we will never eat. We're so cool we can just buy decorative food, and to heck with starving kids in Africa.



Salt Life
vraiblonde said:
You know what, Chasey? This is America, damnit, and it is our divine right to fill our freezers and pantries with food we will never eat. We're so cool we can just buy decorative food, and to heck with starving kids in Africa.

:lmao: I know I waste money...no questions about it. While putting newly purchased items into the fridge, I threw away 3 cream cheese spreads, 1 queso dip, 2 packages of tortillas, a tomato that was lodged in the back of the fridge, 3 open water bottles half empty and a 2-liter of orange soda left by a friend. That's a lot of ca-ching. :frown:


curiouser and curiouser
Chasey_Lane said:
:lmao: I know I waste money...no questions about it. While putting newly purchased items into the fridge, I threw away 3 cream cheese spreads, 1 queso dip, 2 packages of tortillas, a tomato that was lodged in the back of the fridge, 3 open water bottles half empty and a 2-liter of orange soda left by a friend. That's a lot of ca-ching. :frown:
Story of my life. :ohwell: I'm always forgetting that I have things in the fridge (which is why I usually have either way too much or no salad dressing, ketchup, mustard, etc).


Everything in my cupboard and fridge is cataloged by type, purchase date, use by date, food group and cross referenced into the daily menu that I print out the evening before to allow proper time for thawing and or marinating.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Chasey_Lane said:
:lmao: I know I waste money...no questions about it. While putting newly purchased items into the fridge, I threw away 3 cream cheese spreads, 1 queso dip, 2 packages of tortillas, a tomato that was lodged in the back of the fridge, 3 open water bottles half empty and a 2-liter of orange soda left by a friend. That's a lot of ca-ching. :frown:

Do you have any extra Wallflowers to go with those green beans? I'll take leftovers and good smellies :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
Chasey_Lane said:
Do you think there is a wasting food fairy?
That depends. A fairy that deposits said tomato in the farthest reaches of your fridge so you forget it? Yes. A fairy that comes and takes extra food? I wish. :lol:


Salt Life
Pete said:
Everything in my cupboard and fridge is cataloged by type, purchase date, use by date, food group and cross referenced into the daily menu that I print out the evening before to allow proper time for thawing and or marinating.
It's your lie...:neener: