What do you do when your husband hates horses???


Adopt me please !
Both money and time, but I work off board (feed in the am mon-fri but doesn't affect or take time from him) so I only pay for farrier, occasionally a vet bill. He always complains about me going to the farm. I may trail ride once a week and he gets mad about that. Oh and he met me when I was teaching lessons and a barn manager. I owned a horse then and of course he talked me into selling when I was pregnant with my first daughter. So no surprises on the horses!

Well then he has no right to complain at this point then. My animals come before anything else because they can't feed themselves, but men can.


Adopt me please !
you have a problem with that .......... :elaine:

Well let's see, maybe if he had his own hobbies, he wouldn't have as much TIME to spend controlling what she does in her spare time. He probably sleeps with her every night, so that also is quality time, despite the snoring LOL

I spent many years doing for others FIRST, and in time the people around me EXPECTED me to make THEM FIRST. I like being helpful and supportive, but when I am not allowed to have a life separate from him, then that's a problem.

I want to ride my HORSE - I'm not out trolling the bars looking for new "experiences" ..... so get over it dear. :elaine:


Active Member
This may sound really bad.....but here it goes....Hubby knew you had horses. If he expected YOU to change he is WRONG. He can either get over it and understand that you have always and will always have and/or love horses, or can get gone.

My husband knew from the moment he met me that horses are part of my soul. We had a few moments in the beginning of "you need to get rid of them" "they cost to much money" "they take to much of your time". I left. He found out real quick that horses are #1 in my life. My horses and my students come first. Point Blank! And now that I have a daughter, its my daughter, horses and my students. I love my husband, but I refuse to change who I am to make him feel better about himself. End of discussion.

My husband finally caved and said "your right honey". He occassionally throws small temper tantrums, but he gets over it. I told him a long time ago that if he didnt want to do the horse thing with me he should find his own hobby. He chose Nascar.

Counseling may be an option for you both. But I think you just need to look at him and say point blank "You knew this about me when you met me. If your intent was to change me, your being selfish and quite frankly stupid. Get over yourself. You have your hobby, let me have mine. If you dont like it, there's the door!"

I know, I know. Easier said then done. But in the end, if you dont stand up for yourself, who will???



what is the last thing a woman swallows ......

why does a bride smile some much on her wedding day, going up the isle ......

the wedding cake

she has given her last BJ



Adopt me please !

what is the last thing a woman swallows ......

why does a bride smile some much on her wedding day, going up the isle ......

the wedding cake

she has given her last BJ


It's not the wedding that stops the extra fun ..... it usually is the settling of time in which he does less for her and she reciprocates by doing less for him?

OR she has been doing more for him than he does for her and she realizes he's never going to do more?

Although lets be honest - when men cheat, it's usually to get that which is lacking in their current partner. Sometimes all they are lacking is variety. AND if that's the case, why did they get married/settle down?

Don't get me started LOL


Well-Known Member

what is the last thing a woman swallows ......

why does a bride smile some much on her wedding day, going up the isle ......

the wedding cake

she has given her last BJ


Your woman sucked. Or well...didn't suck. But anyways...you had a horrible woman if you're referring to an ex.

Momma always said that it wasn't very ladylike to spit. :dance:


New Member
No he usually isn't home anyways or when I want to go trail riding for a couple hours on the weekend he gets mad, but if I am home he lays around anyways. He never wants to do anything with me and the kids so I started doing my own thing. When I work off board it's during the week before work so it doesn't affect him.

Breezy, I'm sorry. He sounds like a piece of work.

So sorry to hear about this situation... That's absolutely ridiculous.

My boyfriend and I have a mutual understanding. On our first date (well, the ones I planned), I covered that my horse would always be in my life and I'd always have horses.

On the second, I took him to meet/ride my horse.

On the third, we went to Piscataway Stables.

Now, for this next one.. I'm thinking that he should experience horse shows. ;)

And if he still wants me after that, I think he'll be a keeper. :p

You're my hero! And don't skip the horse show part, I think that's what sent the last one packing in my case :whistle:

Public Service Announcement: If a woman has made it through her teens without trading horses for boys, then don't expect her to 'outgrow' them. Ever.


New Member
Breezy, I'm sorry. He sounds like a piece of work.

You're my hero! And don't skip the horse show part, I think that's what sent the last one packing in my case :whistle:

Public Service Announcement: If a woman has made it through her teens without trading horses for boys, then don't expect her to 'outgrow' them. Ever.

Thanks duckz! Yeah he is something else, and I agree that he cant change something that I have done my whole life. Especially since it's my passion :)


New Member
Hey guys,
Just wondering if anyone else argues over there horsies with thier husband/wife? SO frustrating and I will never give it up!!!

My EX used to tell me I loved my horse more than him; we were married for 12 years, and my horse lived to 30. I used to tell the ex, "the s--- I get from the horse can be recycled to use on the flowers, but the s--- I get from you I can't use. Guess who stayed and who was gone? My current SO used to ride (he's the one who wanted to "raise horses and dogs" and we moved down here). After his favorite horse died of old age, and his knees went out, he no longer wanted anything to do with horses. I went without a horse for 3 years and couldn't stand it any longer. I now have another horse, but I'm totally responsible for it, no matter how sick or hurting I am. So be it, I'm happier now than ever.

What I'm trying to say is: If you try to make someone else happy at your own expense, you will only wind up resenting the other person and being totally unhappy with yourself. They don't understand this, but you have to do what's best in the long run. They will either come around or be gone, and you won't have to "make a decision." Good Luck.