What happened to the gentlemen?


New Member
unixpirate said:
The computer is apparently to smart for you.
Apparently, an old Commordore 64 is smarter than you, I believe you meant "too" :lmao:

to ( P ) Pronunciation Key (t; t when unstressed)

In a direction toward so as to reach: went to the city.
Towards: turned to me.

Reaching as far as: The ocean water was clear all the way to the bottom.
To the extent or degree of: loved him to distraction.
With the resultant condition of: nursed her back to health.
Toward a given state: helping minority women to economic equality.
In contact with; against: their faces pressed to the windows.
In front of: stood face to face.
Used to indicate appropriation or possession: looked for the top to the jar.
Concerning; regarding: waiting for an answer to my letter.
In a particular relationship with: The brook runs parallel to the road.
As an accompaniment or a complement of: danced to the tune.
Composing; constituting: two cups to a pint.
In accord with: job responsibilities suited to her abilities.
As compared with: a book superior to his others.

too ( P ) Pronunciation Key (t)
In addition; also: He's coming along too.
More than enough; excessively: She worries too much.
To a regrettable degree: My error was all too apparent.
Very; extremely; immensely: He's only too willing to be of service.
Informal. Indeed; so: You will too do it!


But wait, there's more...
elaine said:
sockgirl, were you shaggin' Kaz around Jan of 2002?

heck, he was professing love for that Sxy girl then ... he was probably falling for her in the months leading up to that point, wouldn't ya say? :confused: