What is it about men...


I wanna be a SMIB
JeweledSkye said:
I'm not saying I'm LOOKING, just saying that I've noticed a definite difference in people's reactions. My child is the center of my universe, and the few people that have shown an interest in just hanging out have been made aware of the fact. I'm not looking to get laid, just curious as to what it is that makes men so... afraid(for lack of a better word) of even hanging out with a pregnant woman. If you had actually paid attention to my post, vraiblonde, I said I don't expect them to be a father, and I don't even expect them to be my significant other. Meaning I'm not looking for a relationship or anything of the kind.

And Pandora, I'm not with the baby's father for a myriad of reasons. Number one being that he pushed and pushed for me to get rid of the baby one way or another when I first got pregnant and never stopped to think about how it could possibly effect me if I did so. Not to mention some rather... unsavory things about his past were brought to my attention after I'd decided I couldn't be with him anymore that pushed me to make the decision that I'd rather not have him around me or my child... Hell, I wouldn't want him around ANY child. I wont go into detail though.

Nice, another woman who got herself knocked up before she really knew what kind of man she was boinking. Now her baby will probably never know its father or will know him only cause mom and dad want to kill each other. I understand not wanting to go the abortion route but if you dont believe in it, you should better protect yourself and any future children from such mistakes. No child is better than a child with awful parents.


JeweledSkye said:
I honestly wasn't sure where else to put it, though that's a valid point.

Also not to mention that as soon as someone brought up making friends with women you immediately assumed that a woman ment lesbian.....admit your looking for a man and things will be much easier.


Well-Known Member
Lugnut said:

Pregnant chicks are hot!

I had plenty of decent men hit on me while I was pregnant. 1/2 told me that pregnant women turn them on. The other 1/2 said it had to do something with knowing that they could get me pregnant because the deed was done. :rolleyes:

P.S. There are some quality men on this forum. A few of them have said that pregnant women turn them on. :yay: