What is it about men...


Im On 1.
im sure someone said it in this thread...

you shouldn't even be thinking about men right now....

20 years old and having a child? Hmmmmmmmm I would say that you need to focus on your child and what steps you need to take after he/she is born so that he/she doesn't make the same mistake you did (getting preggo by a guy who wants you to get rid of the kid and isn't parent material). Also...set up a plan to further your education....i couldn't imagine getting pregnant without going to college or doing some type of training to get a better job.
Are you working? Are you on welfare? Where do you live? What is your support system like? Are you ready to file child support/custody/visitation?
Do you have a car? Do you have a savings account?

These are questions you should be asking yourself if you haven't already. Y worry about men when one of them is the reason why your on lock down (yes having a baby at your age is being locked down - watch).

I'm sure your lonely and want some company or want someone in your life....but its wayyy too soon for that. Im against dating while your preggo with another mans child and I'm against fluckin someone else while pregnant period. trife trick mentality if your even contemplating it....oh and one more thing.....

:huggy: u got a rough road ahead of you.


aka Mrs. Giant
JeweledSkye said:
C: Single, but total #######s who are so shallow they can't look past the way a girl looks.(Honestly guys... we're not all supermodel material, but that's not to say we can't make you happy)
You can't have mine. :mad:

Seriously if someone isn't happy - you can't make them happy. Just as if you aren't happy nobody can make you happy. Happiness comes from the inside and radiates outward. The more positive and joyful you feel the more you attract positive and joyful people into your life. Both as friends and more.

Every hear the phrase "garbage in garbage out"? If you are a negative unhappy person, even if you temporarily attract a positive happy person, it won't last.

My suggestion, work on your inner happiness and your future and don't worry about anybody or anything else. Your blessings come to you. :shrug:


All Up In Your Grill
I haven't read this whole thread, and don't really feel like it, so if someone else said this already, please forgive me.

To the original poster, did it ever occur to you that maybe when a guy approaches you, starts small talk, notices your baby bump, and turns the other way...that they are doing so because they assume you are with the baby daddy, therefore, unavailable? :shrug:


New Member
nachomama said:
I haven't read this whole thread, and don't really feel like it, so if someone else said this already, please forgive me.

To the original poster, did it ever occur to you that maybe when a guy approaches you, starts small talk, notices your baby bump, and turns the other way...that they are doing so because they assume you are with the baby daddy, therefore, unavailable? :shrug:



Active Member
nachomama said:
I haven't read this whole thread, and don't really feel like it, so if someone else said this already, please forgive me.

To the original poster, did it ever occur to you that maybe when a guy approaches you, starts small talk, notices your baby bump, and turns the other way...that they are doing so because they assume you are with the baby daddy, therefore, unavailable? :shrug:

That was my first thought.


ugh i was contemplating on commenting on this but then i said screw it WTF...

0k...being 20, guys (not men because men are a different species) around your age group are looking to "have fun" "go out" "do things" and even though you can do this, a younger guy will feel "restricted" because honestly a clubber really doesnt want to be tied with responsibility..
Now with men...they will show a different side to the responsibility aspect, while also single men will want to do the same as the "guys" even if they are interested, they wont take you out to clubs (cig smoke is bad for baby) so it's strictly dinner dates and movies ect that do not entail masses.
The major difference between guys and men is their level of sincerety and understanding, a guy figures you were easy (no offense) and that you are willing to put out.....HOWEVER once the child is borne (we are speaking of guys here) they wont stay long because of the daddy issue and they will feel "pressured" to help raise the child, and younger guys are not ready for fatherhood as which im sure you allready know...
Now with men they too are simmilar in their thinking, except through out the whole pregnancy they will be preparing for 1 of 2 things...
1...."i care for this girl....but she's 20...here i am (insert older age) is everyone going to think it's mine? when it's borne how do i introduce them? "high this is my GF and her baby or high this is my GF and OUR baby? should i just ride it out and see what happens?
2....is the type of MAN that will take you for who you are, child and all and will help you raise it with or without the father present..

#2 is very hard to find but the others are plentiful...

My advise take it as you want it is this....you are 20...YOU DO NOT NEED A MAN OR A GUY IN YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW..have the child and make the baby #1 in your life, and then think about dating, if it happens-it happens, if it dont-it dont
you would rather deal with jerks after the pregnancy than during because any emotion you experience during the pregnancy also effects the child (i think)


Wow, quite deep from you Mr. Echo. Are you speaking from experience or wisdom? One of the most intelligent replies I've seen from you :p :howdy:


_MightyMouse_ said:
Wow, quite deep from you Mr. Echo. Are you speaking from experience or wisdom? One of the most intelligent replies I've seen from you :p :howdy:
it's the hummer....it's warped my thinking :lol:


New Member
JeweledSkye said:
What is it about men that makes 99% of the ones under the age of 30 hightail it and run for the hills the second they find out that you have a kid or are expecting one?

I'm 20 and expecting my first little one in August. I'm not asking anyone to be a dad... hell, not even asking them to be my significant other(I'm the kind who'd rather just get to know you before it ever goes past casual dating and hanging out)... but it seems kind of callous and harsh to just turn a girl down flat just because she's going to be a mother. Especially the ones who don't even give her a chance.

Also... what happened to all the decent single men in Southern Maryland? I live in St. Marys and most guys I meet are either:

A: younger than me(even by a year, I can't do it... it just feels weird)
B: Taken
C: Single, but total #######s who are so shallow they can't look past the way a girl looks.(Honestly guys... we're not all supermodel material, but that's not to say we can't make you happy)

Anyway... I'm not even sure why I'm posting this... just curious as to what kind of feedback I'll get from those out there who actually bother to read this.
Another forumite told me about this post but I didn't believe it until now.... :killingme

Hunney, don't you know every 20 something yr old male is looking for an ugly preggo chick to date?? :killingme


I Make Nerd Look Good
(((echo))) said:
ugh i was contemplating on commenting on this but then i said screw it WTF...

0k...being 20, guys (not men because men are a different species) around your age group are looking to "have fun" "go out" "do things" and even though you can do this, a younger guy will feel "restricted" because honestly a clubber really doesnt want to be tied with responsibility..
Now with men...they will show a different side to the responsibility aspect, while also single men will want to do the same as the "guys" even if they are interested, they wont take you out to clubs (cig smoke is bad for baby) so it's strictly dinner dates and movies ect that do not entail masses.
The major difference between guys and men is their level of sincerety and understanding, a guy figures you were easy (no offense) and that you are willing to put out.....HOWEVER once the child is borne (we are speaking of guys here) they wont stay long because of the daddy issue and they will feel "pressured" to help raise the child, and younger guys are not ready for fatherhood as which im sure you allready know...
Now with men they too are simmilar in their thinking, except through out the whole pregnancy they will be preparing for 1 of 2 things...
1...."i care for this girl....but she's 20...here i am (insert older age) is everyone going to think it's mine? when it's borne how do i introduce them? "high this is my GF and her baby or high this is my GF and OUR baby? should i just ride it out and see what happens?
2....is the type of MAN that will take you for who you are, child and all and will help you raise it with or without the father present..

#2 is very hard to find but the others are plentiful...

My advise take it as you want it is this....you are 20...YOU DO NOT NEED A MAN OR A GUY IN YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW..have the child and make the baby #1 in your life, and then think about dating, if it happens-it happens, if it dont-it dont
you would rather deal with jerks after the pregnancy than during because any emotion you experience during the pregnancy also effects the child (i think)

Thank you for the indepth answer and presenting a few things I hadn't thought about before. However... and I'm not sure how people keep missing this... I'm NOT looking for a man in my life, I simply noticed the behavior so many of them seem to exhibit and didn't understand, so I thought I'd ask here, where there are a good deal of men and women with more experience dealing with people and life in general than myself. Believe me, offers have been made as to the possibility of dating despite my being pregnant, and I've turned every one of them down... for the main reason that things are not going to stay as open for me as they are now. Once the baby is here, I'll be much more limited in what I can and cant do... where I can and can't go(or will and will not would be better here I suppose, I've seen some parents my age take their children out to places I would never dream of taking a child). I think it better not to get my hopes up and think a person will be there after the baby is born when in honesty, I couldn't possibly expect them to be.

Reading back over my first post, I can see where so many people automatically assumed that despite what I said, I was really only out to get into a relationship. I was not very clear in exactly what and why I was asking the questions I was, and it caused more attacks upon me than I'd ever anticipated(not that I consider your post an attack at all, Echo). I'd been hoping for answers to my question "What is it about men that makes them act this way?", and instead spent a good deal of my time and energy trying to defend myself.

So I've made the decision that while I will continue to keep up with this thread for the sake of checking to see if there will be any more actual answers to my question, I'm not even going to bother paying attention to those who think themselves above me enough to insult me on the grounds that I'm a young single mother or anything like that. People who feel the need to attempt to belittle someone based on something as common place these days as single parenting really need to learn to grow up and get over themselves. I've lived my entire life by the rule that I'm not better than others, and no one is better than me either. Far be it for me to expect the same in return.

I'll leave it at that.

Thank you to everyone who has offered up some real answers, and to those who have actually shown their support of me deciding to keep the baby and do my best to be a good mother. I will continue to keep checking in on this thread simply to see what kind of answers will be further offered up in the future.


I Make Nerd Look Good
ylexot said:
It could also be the fact that you posted this in the "Dating and Marriage" forum :shrug:

I honestly wasn't sure where else to put it, though that's a valid point.

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
JeweledSkye said:
I honestly wasn't sure where else to put it, though that's a valid point.

Obvious that your new to this sort of interaction and innocently thought you would recieve only warm and thoughtful responses . Welcome to the IT forum trenches and hope your wounds were not to deep. Good luck as a new Mom :cool:


Has confinement issues..
vraiblonde said:
If you're pregnant and looking for some guy to date, then it's you that has the irrational expectations and they are right to avoid you. You should be concentrating on your life and your child, not looking for some butt (while pregnant with another man's child, which is just skeevy).

If by chance you find some guy who is willing to boink you while you are pregnant, run for the hills because that man ain't right.


Anyone get hit on ALOT when they were pregnant? I can remember this one guy who just doted on me TOO much when I was pregnant with my oldest. I never dated him. I found out later that he had a thing for pregnant girls and ended up with three different women who were all pregnant when he met them..

Weird I tell you, just weird.

Richard Cranium

New Member
Alright...I've read through enough of this :bs:

Why does Chopticon have a frickin playground in one of the courtyards? Are girls putting out that early in life to have toddlers by the time they graduate?