What is it about the gays?..


b*tch rocket
I'm not even sure why I am bringing this up, because I already know how this discussion will go (not well). But it has always befuddled me as to how much anger homosexuality brings out in so many Christians. Take this article for instance. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/9/transgendered-priest-give-sermon-washington-nation/

You've got a transgendered Episcopal Priest giving a sermon at the National Cathedral. The comments at the end are just insane. Talk about some hate being leveled at other human beings by the religion that is supposed to be all about "love thy neighbor" and whatnot.

Sure it's a sin, you can't say (in accordance with the bible) that it isn't, however, so is coveting and adultery. Not keeping the sabbath day holy is also a big no no. :nono: So all you football fans are sinning like nobodies business (just sayin). :shrug:

I just don't get why being a homo is so much worse than any of the other sins within the Bible. Hell, being queer didn't even make the Top Ten (as in commandments). :bubble:

What's with all the hate? Please discuss.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think people use religion as a crutch for their own deep-seeded hatred of soemthing they do not like or understand. They use it to spread hatred and fear of something they know nothing about.


New Member
I'm not even sure why I am bringing this up, because I already know how this discussion will go (not well). But it has always befuddled me as to how much anger homosexuality brings out in so many Christians. Take this article for instance. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/9/transgendered-priest-give-sermon-washington-nation/

You've got a transgendered Episcopal Priest giving a sermon at the National Cathedral. The comments at the end are just insane. Talk about some hate being leveled at other human beings by the religion that is supposed to be all about "love thy neighbor" and whatnot.

Sure it's a sin, you can't say (in accordance with the bible) that it isn't, however, so is coveting and adultery. Not keeping the sabbath day holy is also a big no no. :nono: So all you football fans are sinning like nobodies business (just sayin). :shrug:

I just don't get why being a homo is so much worse than any of the other sins within the Bible. Hell, being queer didn't even make the Top Ten (as in commandments). :bubble:

What's with all the hate? Please discuss.

Personally, I don't think sin has levels making one sin worse than another.

Homosexuality is discussed in the Bible... thanks for agreeing.... as is adultery and murder.... the problem is... you can stop murdering and you can stop adultery, you can get your drinking under control, and you can correct a myriad of sins and stop.... homosexuals, transgender, trans-sexual.... seem to be harder to stop.

The woman at the well had 5 husbands and the one she was living with was not her husband. After leaving the well.... I bet she corrected that....

Homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender, and trans-sexual lifestyles have become accepted. People say they are born that way and we should all accept it. I guess that's the issue.... we must accept... but we can't.... we're supposed to pray for the sinner.... and that upsets the sinner.... because they are born that way.... see, it's a rough one to deal with....

I was born talking too much about things that don't concern me personally.... guess I should pray about that...



Well-Known Member
I'm not even sure why I am bringing this up, because I already know how this discussion will go (not well). But it has always befuddled me as to how much anger homosexuality brings out in so many Christians. Take this article for instance. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/9/transgendered-priest-give-sermon-washington-nation/

You've got a transgendered Episcopal Priest giving a sermon at the National Cathedral. The comments at the end are just insane. Talk about some hate being leveled at other human beings by the religion that is supposed to be all about "love thy neighbor" and whatnot.

Sure it's a sin, you can't say (in accordance with the bible) that it isn't, however, so is coveting and adultery. Not keeping the sabbath day holy is also a big no no. :nono: So all you football fans are sinning like nobodies business (just sayin). :shrug:

I just don't get why being a homo is so much worse than any of the other sins within the Bible. Hell, being queer didn't even make the Top Ten (as in commandments). :bubble:

What's with all the hate? Please discuss.

Simply seeing that you see that this will not turn out "well" - we've been there before. Think a little bit will make it clear, whether you agree or not:

Homosexuality has been defined twice as an abomination in Leviticus (18:22, 18:13) and just check out Romans 1:18-32, specifically 26-27). Homosexuality is what it is - an abomination against God and against nature.

As far as the ten commandants - are you serious?

Exodus 20:14 - "Thou shall not commit adultery"

Seeing that God has determined that marriage is only between a man and a woman (Gen 2:24), any sex outside of marriage, homosexual or heterosexual, is adulterous, negating your assumption that homosexuality didn't even make the Ten Commandments. Every sin that man has come up with is in the top 10 in one way or another.

Seeing that marriage is between a man and woman only, any sexual relations between anybody outside marriage is adulterous - Commandment 7.

Does that answer your question?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't give a damn about gay people - they barely register with me as "different" but trannies are on my radar. I don't "hate" them or even have any real animosity, but I don't want tranny men in my restroom and that's the end of the story. If it's a gay male friend he can come in because I know him but I don't want strange men hanging around when I'm trying to pee, pretending he's one of the girls. And it's always men who have this PITA deviant behavior - you never hear of tranny women insisting that they be allowed to use the urinal.

If you, Mr. Tranny, are truly gender confused, then be that way and stop feeling the need to announce it and make it everyone else's problem. You come in the Ladies Room dressed like a lady, I won't notice you and you can do your bidness and be on your way. When you come sashaying in, however, and make a production out of it, NOW I want you out. Especially if you don't even make a decent effort to look like a woman - at least fix that lipstick and shave your legs if you're going to wear a dress.

So I guess that's the real problem I have - not that the tranny guy wants to use the chick potty, but that he feels the need to make a statement and be an ahole about it. So I'm okay with trannies as long as they're fun and not militant aholes. Trannies are fine; aholes not so much.


Catholic and I don't hate gays, etc. I don't think they are correct, but I don't hate them. Their problem, not mine. Just quit shoving your gay agenda in my face. :shrug:


New Member
Non-Denom. Born Again Christian Mother of a Gay Son here and I don't hate gays either. Matter of fact I would say the majority (if not all) of the Christians I know don't hate gays. If they do then they're the ones doing the sinning. Christians are called to love everyone no matter what.

As for gays being leaders in a Christian church? That's a no no. Doesn't have anything to do with 'hate' but everything to do with following and obeying God.

Hey if that doesn't appeal to them they're always free to start their own churches. :smile:
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b*tch rocket
Does that answer your question?

Not really. The question I posed was why homosexuality or transgender brings out so much anger in so many Christians? I didn't argue against it being a sin, it clearly is, however this particular sin tends to make people lose their minds.


b*tch rocket
As for gays being leaders in a Christian church? That's a no no. Doesn't have anything to do with 'hate' but everything to do with following and obeying God.

Why is this? Does any human being (gay or straight) truly obey God? I think those who truly believe, try, but always fail. Gay or straight. I thought that was the whole point of Christianity? Forgiveness because everyone is a sinner.


What's with all the hate? Please discuss.

When I think about two sweaty hairy male bodies pressed together intimately, I can immediately feel the rage start to boil. All that sin - it's an affront to God and humanity. As they become more visibly aroused and the veins in their throbbing erections become more palpable, the only natural reaction is one of anger and violence. And don't even get me started on my reaction as one of those tan muscular homosexuals dips his freshly shaven scrotum in a mixing bowl full of massage oil and rubs it on the other one's rock-hard abs, it makes my breath shorten in wrath; and I just get so mad I want to grab that rigid shaft and shake it in anger and holler at it, until all of that unholy evil spills over a glass coffee-table or a fresh black satin sheet, to be cleaned up by another guy just like him wearing nothing but a thong and bow-tie.

How can you not be angry at that!


New Member
Why is this? Does any human being (gay or straight) truly obey God? I think those who truly believe, try, but always fail. Gay or straight. I thought that was the whole point of Christianity? Forgiveness because everyone is a sinner.

The whole point of Christianity is to follow God period; not follow God AND Self. If one truly desires to follow God then that person will make every effort to 'go and sin no more' and that includes letting go of their sinful desires (with God's help, of course.)

Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him.
1 John 3:21-22


Well-Known Member
When I think about two sweaty hairy male bodies pressed together intimately, I can immediately feel the rage start to boil. All that sin - it's an affront to God and humanity. As they become more visibly aroused and the veins in their throbbing erections become more palpable, the only natural reaction is one of anger and violence. And don't even get me started on my reaction as one of those tan muscular homosexuals dips his freshly shaven scrotum in a mixing bowl full of massage oil and rubs it on the other one's rock-hard abs, it makes my breath shorten in wrath; and I just get so mad I want to grab that rigid shaft and shake it in anger and holler at it, until all of that unholy evil spills over a glass coffee-table or a fresh black satin sheet, to be cleaned up by another guy just like him wearing nothing but a thong and bow-tie.

How can you not be angry at that!


You have won the interwebz today, sir.


b*tch rocket
The whole point of Christianity is to follow God period; not follow God AND Self. If one truly desires to follow God then that person will make every effort to 'go and sin no more' and that includes letting go of their sinful desires (with God's help, of course.)

1 John 3:21-22

Do you do this? If so, how often are you successful and how often do you fall short?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The whole point of Christianity is to follow God period; not follow God AND Self. If one truly desires to follow God then that person will make every effort to 'go and sin no more' and that includes letting go of their sinful desires (with God's help, of course.)

1 John 3:21-22

All well and good. Religious freedom.

How about people who are not Christians? Are you supposed to hate them? Cast them out? Not bake them cakes?


How about people who are not Christians? Are you supposed to hate them? Cast them out? Not bake them cakes?

No, we're supposed to feel sorry for you. Because you're going to spend eternity in hell - as one of Satan's dingleberries. :sad: