What is it about the gays?..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I think about two sweaty hairy male bodies pressed together intimately, I can immediately feel the rage start to boil. All that sin - it's an affront to God and humanity. As they become more visibly aroused and the veins in their throbbing erections become more palpable, the only natural reaction is one of anger and violence. And don't even get me started on my reaction as one of those tan muscular homosexuals dips his freshly shaven scrotum in a mixing bowl full of massage oil and rubs it on the other one's rock-hard abs, it makes my breath shorten in wrath; and I just get so mad I want to grab that rigid shaft and shake it in anger and holler at it, until all of that unholy evil spills over a glass coffee-table or a fresh black satin sheet, to be cleaned up by another guy just like him wearing nothing but a thong and bow-tie.

How can you not be angry at that!

OMG :lmao:


Lem Putt
Simply seeing that you see that this will not turn out "well" - we've been there before. Think a little bit will make it clear, whether you agree or not:

Homosexuality has been defined twice as an abomination in Leviticus (18:22, 18:13) and just check out Romans 1:18-32, specifically 26-27). Homosexuality is what it is - an abomination against God and against nature.

As far as the ten commandants - are you serious?

Exodus 20:14 - "Thou shall not commit adultery"

Seeing that God has determined that marriage is only between a man and a woman (Gen 2:24), any sex outside of marriage, homosexual or heterosexual, is adulterous, negating your assumption that homosexuality didn't even make the Ten Commandments. Every sin that man has come up with is in the top 10 in one way or another.

Seeing that marriage is between a man and woman only, any sexual relations between anybody outside marriage is adulterous - Commandment 7.

Does that answer your question?

That must be why you whole heartedly accept people who are gay but abstinent. After all, by your post, being gay isn't a problem at all. It's all about the adultry.

A man and woman living together outside of marriage may be looked down on by some, but they inspire nowhere near the anger that gays do. Even if you have no knowledge of them acting on their desires, simply the fact that they have those desires is enough to warrant a visceral response from so many. Yet a man who stares at a cheerleader doesn't get the same response even though the lust is equivelant.


Well-Known Member
That must be why you whole heartedly accept people who are gay but abstinent. After all, by your post, being gay isn't a problem at all. It's all about the adultry.

A man and woman living together outside of marriage may be looked down on by some, but they inspire nowhere near the anger that gays do. Even if you have no knowledge of them acting on their desires, simply the fact that they have those desires is enough to warrant a visceral response from so many. Yet a man who stares at a cheerleader doesn't get the same response even though the lust is equivelant.

Not to mention quoting Leviticus to make a point, while ignoring the other parts of it.

Ones like:
Leviticus 19:27 "You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard."

Leviticus 19:28 "You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord."

Leviticus 19:19 "You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together."

Leviticus 11:10 "But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you."


aka Mrs. Giant
When I think about two sweaty hairy male bodies pressed together intimately, I can immediately feel the rage start to boil. All that sin - it's an affront to God and humanity. As they become more visibly aroused and the veins in their throbbing erections become more palpable, the only natural reaction is one of anger and violence. And don't even get me started on my reaction as one of those tan muscular homosexuals dips his freshly shaven scrotum in a mixing bowl full of massage oil and rubs it on the other one's rock-hard abs, it makes my breath shorten in wrath; and I just get so mad I want to grab that rigid shaft and shake it in anger and holler at it, until all of that unholy evil spills over a glass coffee-table or a fresh black satin sheet, to be cleaned up by another guy just like him wearing nothing but a thong and bow-tie.

How can you not be angry at that!

Post of the freaking year! So glad I read this tread. :lmao:


Not to mention quoting Leviticus to make a point, while ignoring the other parts of it.

Ones like:

Old testament laws do not apply to Christians. They're in the bible for Canon and Archival Purposes, however Jesus superseded them in the New Covenant.

Which is why Christians can eat cheeseburgers and lobster and also we can tattoo enormous crosses on our backs.

(Note: This was not a rebuttal of your post - merely an observation that your post inspired)


Well-Known Member
Certain Old testament laws do not apply to Christians. They're in the bible for Canon and Archival Purposes, however Jesus superseded them in the New Covenant.

Which is why Christians can eat cheeseburgers and lobster and also we can tattoo enormous crosses on our backs.

(Note: This was not a rebuttal of your post - merely an observation that your post inspired)

Fixed for you.


Fixed for you.

I disagree-ish.

I would argue that if one follows the Spirit of Jesus's message, they will quite often maintain the letter of OT law, although they are not expressly following OT law. For instance, Jesus's tells us to "Love Your Neighbor". So a Christian following the doctrine of Christ would naturally not steal nor commit murder - thus indirectly following two major laws contained under the Ten Commandments (among others).

Things like tattoos, and dietary restrictions are moot.

And, of course, things like "Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth" are explicitly negated when Jesus tells us "turn to them the other [cheek] also".


Well-Known Member
Not really. The question I posed was why homosexuality or transgender brings out so much anger in so many Christians? I didn't argue against it being a sin, it clearly is, however this particular sin tends to make people lose their minds.

As a born again Christian from a non-denominational evangelical church, we do not hate homosexuals. We hate the sin, but try our best to follow Gods instruction to love the sinner.

It is a hot button topic that the homosexual communi-tuh, looking for confrontation, loves to force on people, especially Christians.

I hate that three letter word that starts with" g and ends with y" that they co-opted from the rest of the 95% of mankind that happen to be straight, though. That's why they are always homosexual to me, anyway. No matter how much lipstick you put on the word "homosexual" to make it and the practice seem so much nicer, cleaner, more appealing to society, it is still homosexuality.

They can, and will, do what they want. But keep it out of my face, please.


b*tch rocket
They can, and will, do what they want. But keep it out of my face, please.

I agree with this. I think homosexuals, transgenders etc.. do themselves a huge disservice by constantly trying to cram their agenda down everyone's throats. I believe everyone should live and let live, but I will admit to finding it incredibly irritating to be accused of bigotry and being closed minded for being offended by what goes on at many gay pride events. I am also annoyed with every new television show incorporating a gay person. It is maddening. Not because I'm opposed to gays, but really, who cares? Take the show Nashville for instance. It's like they wrote the show and then went "oh crap, forgot about the gay quota", so they throw in some gay country singer. Really? :banghead:

It annoys me hearing a news story that starts off with "the first gay.....". Who cares? No one should. Not one way or the other. An individual should be recognized for their true accomplishments, not because they are gay.

With that said. Those are MY peeves. I don't attribute them to any religious doctrine.


New Member
I agree with this. I think homosexuals, transgenders etc.. do themselves a huge disservice by constantly trying to cram their agenda down everyone's throats. I believe everyone should live and let live, but I will admit to finding it incredibly irritating to be accused of bigotry and being closed minded for being offended by what goes on at many gay pride events. I am also annoyed with every new television show incorporating a gay person. It is maddening. Not because I'm opposed to gays, but really, who cares? Take the show Nashville for instance. It's like they wrote the show and then went "oh crap, forgot about the gay quota", so they throw in some gay country singer. Really? :banghead:

It annoys me hearing a news story that starts off with "the first gay.....". Who cares? No one should. Not one way or the other. An individual should be recognized for their true accomplishments, not because they are gay.

With that said. Those are MY peeves. I don't attribute them to any religious doctrine.

Yep... you got it.... I have freckles.... I use to say we needed to fight for the rights of the polka-dotted-people of the world!



Simply seeing that you see that this will not turn out "well" - we've been there before. Think a little bit will make it clear, whether you agree or not:

Homosexuality has been defined twice as an abomination in Leviticus (18:22, 18:13) and just check out Romans 1:18-32, specifically 26-27). Homosexuality is what it is - an abomination against God and against nature.

As far as the ten commandants - are you serious?

Exodus 20:14 - "Thou shall not commit adultery"

Seeing that God has determined that marriage is only between a man and a woman (Gen 2:24), any sex outside of marriage, homosexual or heterosexual, is adulterous, negating your assumption that homosexuality didn't even make the Ten Commandments. Every sin that man has come up with is in the top 10 in one way or another.

Seeing that marriage is between a man and woman only, any sexual relations between anybody outside marriage is adulterous - Commandment 7.

Does that answer your question?

So that explains why people are as hateful toward cheaters as homosexuals, right? Even homosexuals that don't act on their urges. Riiiiight.


Really? Yet you support and defend the homosexual position - constantly. How do you reconcile that with Gods' position on homosexuality? Supporting a sin?

John 8:7 --> But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

Jesus, that dude you Christians supposedly believe in and follow without question, essentially said live and let live. Why are YOU casting stones without his permission? FOR SHAME!


Well-Known Member
So that explains why people are as hateful toward cheaters as homosexuals, right? Even homosexuals that don't act on their urges. Riiiiight.

Whaaaaaa????? You have some "splainin" to do, Beta? From your homosexual urges, that is.


Well-Known Member
I disagree-ish.

I would argue that if one follows the Spirit of Jesus's message, they will quite often maintain the letter of OT law, although they are not expressly following OT law. For instance, Jesus's tells us to "Love Your Neighbor". So a Christian following the doctrine of Christ would naturally not steal nor commit murder - thus indirectly following two major laws contained under the Ten Commandments (among others).

Things like tattoos, and dietary restrictions are moot.

And, of course, things like "Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth" are explicitly negated when Jesus tells us "turn to them the other [cheek] also".

I just mean from this point of view. Lev. 18:22, 20:13 was brought up to show that "homosexuality is an abomination". That's OT, and it's using OT to prove a point. Ask that same person if they follow all other Lev laws and they say that the bible is meant for guidance and not for exact interpretation. It's hypocritcal, IMO.

I sat in a Catholic church not too long ago, when Md was passing the gay marriag bill. The church had folks set up in the door ways asking people to sign a petition to stop it. The pastor drove home the point that gays shouldn't be married and asked all to sign.

It was the last time I went to that church, and it rubbed myself, and my significant other in a wrong way. Now, that being said, people have every right to feel and say whatever they please, but let's all be honest here....if they didn't care about the "gays" like they claim, why do they care about them being married? If it's the church's and your life mission to help them free from sin, why not focus on other sin, like helping couples going through divorce get back together?
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Well-Known Member
I just mean from this point of view. Lev. 18:22, 20:13 was brought up to show that "homosexuality is an abomination". That's OT, and it's using OT to prove a point. Ask that same person if they follow all other Lev laws and they say that the bible is meant for guidance and not for exact interpretation. It's hypocritcal, IMO.

I sat in a Catholic church not too long ago, when Md was passing the gay marriag bill. The church had folks set up in the door ways asking people to sign a petition to stop it. The pastor drove home the point that gays shouldn't be married and asked all to sign.

It was the last time I went to that church, and it rubbed myself, and my significant other in a wrong way. Now, that being said, people have every right to feel and say whatever they please, but let's all be honest here....if they didn't care about the "gays" like they claim, why do they care about them being married? If it's the church's and your life mission to help them free from sin, why not focus on other sin, like helping couples going through divorce get back together?

You are talking the catholic church. Ask the pope to 'splain it to anyone. He can't.

You'll get the same answer. Sin is sin. Why focus on on one and not any other?


Well-Known Member
You are talking the catholic church. Ask the pope to 'splain it to anyone. He can't.

You'll get the same answer. Sin is sin. Why focus on on one and not any other?

I don't know, you tell me.

I don't see the Westboro Baptists Church members holding "God hates lobster eaters", or "God hates divorcees" signs while pickiting the Seattle fish market or the local courthouse.

BTW, Pope said "Who am I to judge".
