I just mean from this point of view. Lev. 18:22, 20:13 was brought up to show that "homosexuality is an abomination". That's OT, and it's using OT to prove a point. Ask that same person if they follow all other Lev laws and they say that the bible is meant for guidance and not for exact interpretation. It's hypocritcal, IMO. I sat in a Catholic church not too long ago, when Md was passing the gay marriag bill. The church had folks set up in the door ways asking people to sign a petition to stop it. The pastor drove home the point that gays shouldn't be married and asked all to sign. It was the last time I went to that church, and it rubbed myself, and my significant other in a wrong way. Now, that being said, people have every right to feel and say whatever they please, but let's all be honest here....if they didn't care about the "gays" like they claim, why do they care about them being married? If it's the church's and your life mission to help them free from sin, why not focus on other sin, like helping couples going through divorce get back together?