What is it about the gays?..


Lem Putt
Whaaaaaa????? You have some "splainin" to do, Beta? From your homosexual urges, that is.

Perfect example there. You see someone arguing the point, so you try to insult him by calling him homosexual. You have no evidence he is, yet that's right where you went. You didn't call him an adulterer, liar, envyer, thief, murderer, or heretic. You called him homosexual as an insult, even though you pretend to hate all sin equally. Yet your own words show otherwise.


Bead mumbler
I just mean from this point of view. Lev. 18:22, 20:13 was brought up to show that "homosexuality is an abomination". That's OT, and it's using OT to prove a point. Ask that same person if they follow all other Lev laws and they say that the bible is meant for guidance and not for exact interpretation. It's hypocritcal, IMO. I sat in a Catholic church not too long ago, when Md was passing the gay marriag bill. The church had folks set up in the door ways asking people to sign a petition to stop it. The pastor drove home the point that gays shouldn't be married and asked all to sign. It was the last time I went to that church, and it rubbed myself, and my significant other in a wrong way. Now, that being said, people have every right to feel and say whatever they please, but let's all be honest here....if they didn't care about the "gays" like they claim, why do they care about them being married? If it's the church's and your life mission to help them free from sin, why not focus on other sin, like helping couples going through divorce get back together?

The Catholic Church in Maryland, at least the 5 counties that are in the Archdiocese of Washington did have a letter signing campaign against redefining marriage, NOT civil unions. That is all--nothing anti-gay here, move on.

The Catholic Church does have programs to assist couples in their marriage problems; google Retrovaille.

Please, with all do respect, if you are going to claim to be Catholic, please for the love of God know your faith BEFORE you speak for the faith. Not properly catechized and "used to be Catholics" that "speak for the Church" do nothing but create confusion and feed into Protestant and atheist misconceptions about the Church.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think the answer is "because it's sex".

Fundie Christians don't have a reputation for gettin' jiggy wid it, so they most likely don't approve of someone else doing so. And let's be real here: gay men are the worst about everything being about sex. Lesbian women don't fill their FB with pics of hot nubile women, but gay men have more lascivious pics and posts than a porn site. Gay pride parades are completely embarrassing displays of everything sexually offensive. That's probably at least part of the reason Christians don't like gay people, because gays go out of their way to offend them.

Just a guess.


I think the answer is "because it's sex".

Fundie Christians don't have a reputation for gettin' jiggy wid it, so they most likely don't approve of someone else doing so. And let's be real here: gay men are the worst about everything being about sex. Lesbian women don't fill their FB with pics of hot nubile women, but gay men have more lascivious pics and posts than a porn site. Gay pride parades are completely embarrassing displays of everything sexually offensive. That's probably at least part of the reason Christians don't like gay people, because gays go out of their way to offend them.

Just a guess.

I wonder what the gay haters stalked before Facebook to notice such trends. :shrug:


I'm pretty sure I'm facebook friends with a handful of gay people. The most lascivious pics I see on my facebook wall are from straight (sometimes married) women. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The Catholic Church in Maryland, at least the 5 counties that are in the Archdiocese of Washington did have a letter signing campaign against redefining marriage, NOT civil unions. That is all--nothing anti-gay here, move on.

The Catholic Church does have programs to assist couples in their marriage problems; google Retrovaille.

Please, with all do respect, if you are going to claim to be Catholic, please for the love of God know your faith BEFORE you speak for the faith. Not properly catechized and "used to be Catholics" that "speak for the Church" do nothing but create confusion and feed into Protestant and atheist misconceptions about the Church.

I'm an atheist, and have never, ever claimed to be a Catholic, or part of any cult, I mean religion.

I wasn't "speaking for the faith". I was speaking based on my own experience while in church. I was there, and saw it with my own eyes. I have been to many churches, and just because I denounce any religion, I'm still curious and attend for my own education.
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And let's be real here: gay men are the worst about everything being about sex. Lesbian women don't fill their FB with pics of hot nubile women, but gay men have more lascivious pics and posts than a porn site. Gay pride parades are completely embarrassing displays of everything sexually offensive. That's probably at least part of the reason Christians don't like gay people, because gays go out of their way to offend them.

Just a guess.

The ‘fundamental’ reason Christians reject (not hate) gays is because of the behavior, because we are taught that it goes against God’s will. There could be no parades, photos, porn, public displays, what-have-you… and homosexuality would still be rejected. But Christians don’t hate the people, they hate the behavior.

I have a gay cousin and know plenty of gay people and don't hate a one of them. I disagree with their lifestyle but am perfectly capable of being their friends and loving and caring about them. I disagree with you smoking but that isn't a reason for me to hate you or refuse to be your friend; and more importantly, care about you.


my war
The ‘fundamental’ reason Christians reject (not hate) gays is because of the behavior, because we are taught that it goes against God’s will. There could be no parades, photos, porn, public displays, what-have-you… and homosexuality would still be rejected. But Christians don’t hate the people, they hate the behavior.

I have a gay cousin and know plenty of gay people and don't hate a one of them. I disagree with their lifestyle but am perfectly capable of being their friends and loving and caring about them. I disagree with you smoking but that isn't a reason for me to hate you or refuse to be your friend; and more importantly, care about you.

Ha. You compare homosexuality to smoking? Smoking may have an affect on you, but how does someone's homosexuality affect you? Are you that insecure with your masculinity that you think you may all the sudden catch the gheybug?
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I am going to throw something out there, almost nobody wants their kids to be gay. I think a lot of people will think their kids have a chance of being gay if they don't openly hate them, whether they realize it or not. I also think a lot of people just feel weird about it. I was hit on by a gay guy once, didn't realize till a woman told me and it made me feel weird once I knew about it.


Well-Known Member
The ‘fundamental’ reason Christians reject (not hate) gays is because of the behavior, because we are taught that it goes against God’s will. There could be no parades, photos, porn, public displays, what-have-you… and homosexuality would still be rejected. But Christians don’t hate the people, they hate the behavior.

I have a gay cousin and know plenty of gay people and don't hate a one of them. I disagree with their lifestyle but am perfectly capable of being their friends and loving and caring about them. I disagree with you smoking but that isn't a reason for me to hate you or refuse to be your friend; and more importantly, care about you.

Amen. I have (had) two homosexual cousins, both first born boys. My cousin David died of AIDS in 1995 at age 43. My cousin Jimmy, whom I last saw in 2012 at my uncles (his dad's) funeral. lives his carefree lifestyle in Texas. He's my cousin, I love him for being my cousin, but absolutely disagree with his lifestyle. He knows that. His remaining four brothers and mother (Christians), are in the same boat I am in - love him, pray for him, but cannot condone his anti-God lifestyle.

Practicing homosexuals are what they are - like any one practicing any sin, are definitely not saved. No one can contradict what the Bible preaches.

Change your ways, behavior (mind), and one can be saved.

And Hank - get a life outside the pink bunny suit.


Lem Putt
I think the answer is "because it's sex".

Fundie Christians don't have a reputation for gettin' jiggy wid it, so they most likely don't approve of someone else doing so. And let's be real here: gay men are the worst about everything being about sex. Lesbian women don't fill their FB with pics of hot nubile women, but gay men have more lascivious pics and posts than a porn site. Gay pride parades are completely embarrassing displays of everything sexually offensive. That's probably at least part of the reason Christians don't like gay people, because gays go out of their way to offend them.

Just a guess.

Disagree. I have a lot of friends from the old days when I was a musician, and there is a large percentage who are gay. If you didn't know it you couldn't tell from their FB posts. They don't hide it, but they don't flaunt it either. One guy married his partner of 25 years last weekend, and their wedding pics were the first time I've seen any displays of affection.

I think czy is closer - guys afraid of catching the gaybug. Or like the colonel in the movie American Beauty. Both ways it's about insecurity.


Ha. You compare homosexuality to smoking? Smoking may have an affect on you, but how does someone's homosexuality affect you? Are you that insecure with your masculinity that you think you may all the sudden catch the gheybug?

You sure have me figured out :rolleyes:


Disagree. I have a lot of friends from the old days when I was a musician, and there is a large percentage who are gay.

Well, I can tell you there are NO guitar players who are gay. NONE! Larry, help me out here.

You're no longer a musician? How could you let this happen? You do know that is a sin? What instrument did you play?


Lem Putt
Well, I can tell you there are NO guitar players who are gay. NONE! Larry, help me out here.

You're no longer a musician? How could you let this happen? You do know that is a sin? What instrument did you play?

I play, just not for an audience any more.


The whole point of Christianity is to follow God period; not follow God AND Self. If one truly desires to follow God then that person will make every effort to 'go and sin no more' and that includes letting go of their sinful desires (with God's help, of course.)

1 John 3:21-22

I will expand on this. Those who choose to be Christians understand that the commandments are for THEM... them as Christians... It is not for all who have not made the choice to be a Christian. I think this is where the wires get crossed and Christians think they must convert all when the best way to convert anyone to God's side is to practice and to live within the word. Christians should not go forth and play judge and jury to people that have not chosen to be a Christian because when they do, they will do more damage than any sinner will ever do.

The Christian faith is a great place for Narcissistic and Psychopaths to set up shop. What better place to feed your ego?


I will expand on this. Those who choose to be Christians understand that the commandments are for THEM... them as Christians... It is not for all who have not made the choice to be a Christian. I think this is where the wires get crossed and Christians think they must convert all when the best way to convert anyone to God's side is to practice and to live within the word. Christians should not go forth and play judge and jury to people that have not chosen to be a Christian because when they do, they will do more damage than any sinner will ever do.

The Christian faith is a great place for Narcissistic and Psychopaths to set up shop. What better place to feed your ego?
