What is the problem with an open southern border?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Another opinion piece. What in your opinion is the the problem with letting unlimited numbers of immigrants into the country. Try to keep each person's opinion to about three points, I know some of you can get to about twenty, but try. I'll add mine later, so my opinion doesn't steer any particular direction.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
1. It disrupts the culture by flooding it with groups that refuse to assimilate into American culture.

2. It causes undue strain and unique demands on government and civil resources. Police, Fire, ES, Welfare, Schools, Hospitals, etc.

3. It drives up the costs of housing, resources and energy by shifting a large demand in a short period to a location that was not expecting it.


Well-Known Member
Another opinion piece. What in your opinion is the the problem with letting unlimited numbers of immigrants into the country. Try to keep each person's opinion to about three points, I know some of you can get to about twenty, but try. I'll add mine later, so my opinion doesn't steer any particular direction.
1. It's unfair to those legal immigrants who have spent years and thousands of dollars to get here.
2. As a citizen, I can't break the law without consequences. Why should non-citizens be allowed to do that.
3. What Kyle said.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I'm trying to think of another country anywhere in the world that has "open borders".....


happy to be living
In addition to agreeing 100% with Kyle and Bobwhite:

1. As someone said "They aren't sending us the best". We have already seen crime rise, Americans getting murdered and it is known that gangs are establishing territory.

2. A definite rise in illegal drugs and weapons which are meant to kill Americans.

3. Most people from third world countries live like pigs and bring that here as a way of life. Many do not have a work ethic and will not work hard to do better in this country.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
In addition to agreeing 100% with Kyle and Bobwhite:

1. As someone said "They aren't sending us the best". We have already seen crime rise, Americans getting murdered and it is known that gangs are establishing territory.

2. A definite rise in illegal drugs and weapons which are meant to kill Americans.

3. Most people from third world countries live like pigs and bring that here as a way of life.
As is evidenced by the Chickens and Goat that roam the St. Charles Neighborhood where a friend of mine lives.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Another opinion piece. What in your opinion is the the problem with letting unlimited numbers of immigrants into the country. Try to keep each person's opinion to about three points, I know some of you can get to about twenty, but try. I'll add mine later, so my opinion doesn't steer any particular direction.

  • They're not vetting these people and we don't need to be importing criminals and terrorists.
  • Illegal aliens largely refuse to assimilate into the culture and we end up with these third world war zones filled with people who don't speak English and live like filth.
  • They contribute nothing while sucking our resources and are an enormous drain on our economy.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Looks like a consensus on the main point I have. They do not want to assimilate, we have little enclaves of third world countries that speak a foreign language and therefore are unemployable at anything other that entry level positions. Since they stay at entry level jobs we are forced to pay those jobs more than it's worth to keep them from from having to draw on a social safety net. This works for about 2 months until the company figures out how to do without that job, so now that person is 100% on welfare and that job isn't available for the teen that would normally fill it.
Then there is the left fallback position that they do jobs that an american wouldn't do, You'd be amazed what an american would do if the pay was enough, but there are no market forces available because you have someone that would do the work for slave wages.


Well-Known Member
You think these people come here to not work? Every immigrant i have ever met would work most americans under the table with no complaints and be happy for the opportunity.

These people are tracked and given court dates once they cross the border and are either sent back or given a path to immigration.

Migrant workers will add an extra $7 trillion to the U.S. economy within the next decade and an extra $1 trillion in federal tax revenue.

They often do jobs no native born person would ever take which ensures the costs of many goods and services stay low vs having to pay a native born person twice the amount.


Well-Known Member
My kids want to know what’s so bad about leaving the door open. After all, the pets can come and go.

“Hmmmm … snake in your shower, possum in the trash, bats in the basement, lizards on your pillow, hornets in your closet … need I continue?”

The biggest problem is when you leave a door open, things that wouldn’t typically get in your home, do. Leave a border open, and you could let in a whole foreign militia - or even a bunch of guys who fly planes into buildings.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You think these people come here to not work? Every immigrant i have ever met would work most americans under the table with no complaints and be happy for the opportunity.
The Hotel Lobby tantrums, viewable on the internet or news, counter your opinion.

These people are tracked and given court dates once they cross the border and are either sent back or given a path to immigration.
Giving someone a court date in 2030+ and letting them waltz out the door does not count as "tracking" and they should be sent back the moment they are apprehended.

Migrant workers will add an extra $7 trillion to the U.S. economy within the next decade and an extra $1 trillion in federal tax revenue.
:lmao: That's just so much fantasy it's hysterical! :lmao:

They often do jobs no native born person would ever take which ensures the costs of many goods and services stay low vs having to pay a native born person twice the amount.
A bull#### statement. There are no jobs native Americans will not do, as born out by the businesses and services available everywhere illegals DON'T settle.

Go get another hit of Meth and take a nap in your cardboard house.
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Well-Known Member
Back in the days of Ellis Island, people had to be vaccinated to enter the country otherwise they would spend a quarantine time period to stop the spreading of infectious diseases. Now we have Rubella (German Measles) again.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You think these people come here to not work? Every immigrant i have ever met would work most americans under the table with no complaints and be happy for the opportunity.

These people are tracked and given court dates once they cross the border and are either sent back or given a path to immigration.

Migrant workers will add an extra $7 trillion to the U.S. economy within the next decade and an extra $1 trillion in federal tax revenue.

They often do jobs no native born person would ever take which ensures the costs of many goods and services stay low vs having to pay a native born person twice the amount.
I'm going to assume you're going to tell a story about knowing hundreds of illegals, let me head you off, you don't.
You don't know an immigrant that's going to work an american under the table that's a lefty talking point.
These people are not tracked and they are given court dates years in the future and they aren't going back unless forced to.
Migrants are not going to add 7 Trillion to the economy, you just aren't subtracting the costs involved.
I've already spoken to this point.
In short, keep your stories to yourself nobodies going to believe you anyways.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to assume you're going to tell a story about knowing hundreds of illegals, let me head you off, you don't.
You don't know an immigrant that's going to work an american under the table that's a lefty talking point.
These people are not tracked and they are given court dates years in the future and they aren't going back unless forced to.
Migrants are not going to add 7 Trillion to the economy, you just aren't subtracting the costs involved.
I've already spoken to this point.
In short, keep your stories to yourself nobodies going to believe you anyways.

Why ask a question and then refuse all answers that don't correlate to your already held beliefs?

Do you just want to circle jerk with your other xenophobic friends?

You think a lot of native born American kids these days are picking vegetables, gutting carcasses, culling chickens, up on roofs all day in the hot Texas sun?

"The surge in immigration will help bolster the US economy by about $7 trillion over the next decade by swelling the labor force and increasing demand, the Congressional Budget Office said on Wednesday."

So they are not tracked but you admit they are given court dates which indicates someone is indeed tracking them and there will be some punishment if they don't appear in court.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Why ask a question and then refuse all answers that don't correlate to your already held beliefs?
Just because he refuted your moronic view, doesn't mean he's rejecting something out of hand.

It means he's actually thinking and analyzing it rather than lapping up Democrat propaganda.

Happy to help you out here. :jet:

Do you just want to circle jerk with your other xenophobic friends?
Following the LAW is not xenophobic. It's Enforcement.

So they are not tracked but you admit they are given court dates which indicates someone is indeed tracking them and there will be some punishment if they don't appear in court.
I can give you a piece of paper with a date on it too and it doesn't mean I'm tracking your stupid ass.

It just means there was initial contact.

That is NOT tracking anything.

They vanish into the wind the moment they walk out the door.


Well-Known Member
Please provide any data that supports how any other country in the world has "open borders" and it's positive effect on that country's welfare.

I'll wait...