What is the problem with an open southern border?


Well-Known Member
OK... now the practical side.....

Along the border, American land owners have land that is located along the border... ON BOTH SIDES.

If you fence it off, how do they use the land they own?

If you leave it open... or if the owner elects to leave it open so they can use all their land... then people will find it and trapse across that area.

Along the border, Native Americans... with whom the United States has a peace treaty with.... have land located along the border... ON BOTH SIDES.

If you fence it off, are you breaking your peace treaty?

If you leave it open.... or if the Native Americans choose to stop the Americans from invading their land to do the work.... then people will find it and trapse across the area.

AND there is the wildlife along the border.... They live their lives on both sides of the border. Not too long ago, people along Calvert Cliffs could not save their homes from the erosion of the cliffs because of a beetle. Will the border be held up for a stink bug or a near extinct bunny?

If you leave it open.... then people will find out and trapse across the area, destroying the habitat..... ugh... dead bunnies or stink bugs... so we can't save our borders any more than the homeowners can save their homes... right?

China built a wall... is that why we just have to have one????

IMHO... if we want a wall... we have to figure out how to build it without walking on the rights of American land owners, Native American treaties, and cute little bunnies and stink bugs.

I don't have an answer... and apparently neither does anyone else.... these are the sections of the border that will plague the nation.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
AND there is the wildlife along the border.... They live their lives on both sides of the border. Not too long ago, people along Calvert Cliffs could not save their homes from the erosion of the cliffs because of a beetle. Will the border be held up for a stink bug or a near extinct bunny?

If you leave it open.... then people will find out and trapse across the area, destroying the habitat..... ugh... dead bunnies or stink bugs... so we can't save our borders any more than the homeowners can save their homes... right?



Peter Rabbit and his desert brush dwelling neighbors are too small to trigger them and if some miscreants traipse across the border when they're not supposed to 💥 💥 💥 💥


Well-Known Member
OK... now the practical side.....

Along the border, American land owners have land that is located along the border... ON BOTH SIDES.

If you fence it off, how do they use the land they own?

If you leave it open... or if the owner elects to leave it open so they can use all their land... then people will find it and trapse across that area.

Along the border, Native Americans... with whom the United States has a peace treaty with.... have land located along the border... ON BOTH SIDES.

If you fence it off, are you breaking your peace treaty?

If you leave it open.... or if the Native Americans choose to stop the Americans from invading their land to do the work.... then people will find it and trapse across the area.

AND there is the wildlife along the border.... They live their lives on both sides of the border. Not too long ago, people along Calvert Cliffs could not save their homes from the erosion of the cliffs because of a beetle. Will the border be held up for a stink bug or a near extinct bunny?

If you leave it open.... then people will find out and trapse across the area, destroying the habitat..... ugh... dead bunnies or stink bugs... so we can't save our borders any more than the homeowners can save their homes... right?

China built a wall... is that why we just have to have one????

IMHO... if we want a wall... we have to figure out how to build it without walking on the rights of American land owners, Native American treaties, and cute little bunnies and stink bugs.

I don't have an answer... and apparently neither does anyone else.... these are the sections of the border that will plague the nation.

How? Mexican law prohibits foreigners from owning land within 100 km of any boarder and near the coast.

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happy to be living
I think it is pretty well covered here, but we are stuck with it for another 8 months.
But then what? I hope Trump wins but they are trying to put up every road block (besides flat out killing him) to stop him.
I predict that IF he wins and starts deporting the ILLEGALS, there will be riots and a lot of violence and blood shed. Americans need to be prepared (locked and loaded)
It is a scary time in this country.
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Well-Known Member


Peter Rabbit and his desert brush dwelling neighbors are too small to trigger them and if some miscreants traipse across the border when they're not supposed to 💥 💥 💥 💥
I'm sure the American landowners would love to plow the field we loaded with landmines....

Using explosives would not threaten any peace treaties????



Well-Known Member
Americans already own the property on the Northern Side of the Border.... and we have a treaty with the Native Americans.... so we would be years in Congress straightening that out.....

but it's a great idea... using imminent domain.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Americans already own the property on the Northern Side of the Border.... and we have a treaty with the Native Americans.... so we would be years in Congress straightening that out.....

but it's a great idea... using imminent domain.

Send in the Cavalry


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
IMHO... if we want a wall... we have to figure out how to build it without walking on the rights of American land owners, Native American treaties, and cute little bunnies and stink bugs.
The biggest part of the problem is the lack of spine when it comes to enforcing the laws. Everything from social media, TV shows, movies and news programs portray illegal immigrants in the same utterly sympathetic light, and that expelling illegals is somehow cruel and inhumane.

I don't know of any other nation that just allows this level of unchecked immigration without stopping it. I had a friend years ago escaping the killing fields of Cambodia - and along the border, there were troops SHOOTING at him to keep him out. I am not suggesting this - but you wouldn't leave your door open all day and let people sneer at you for not welcoming every thing that entered.

When you go abroad on a visa - it expires. If you want IN - you need a passport and a visa. In some countries, we had to check in every few days to let the government there know where we were - or face expulsion. If you were to simply show up at any of so-called advanced nations with nothing - you would be turned away. If you were found inside by their immigration officials, you would be expelled, although in some nations, you might spend a short time in JAIL.

They - take it seriously.

American land owners along the border have two options - a border wall - or mobs of people traipsing across and sometimes destroying their property. They pose a threat to our nation - at least minimally to our country's infrastructure, especially if cities across the nation throw open their doors to welcome them, and then cry foul and beg Uncle Sugar for more money to accommodate them. But the thousands of gang members, coyotes and the hundreds of thousands of children lost and unable to find in this country, very likely to human trafficking. The situation is appalling.

I suspect the solution is something along the lines of eminent domain, because MILLIONS of unknown persons entering and staying inside our country with very little accountability is an invitation for those who choose to hurt us - as evidenced by the 19 who entered our nation years ago and perpetrated 9/11. (They actually entered legally - we have now allowed in dozens from our terror watch list).

A wall is a start - there are walls around the world that work - provided they have persons willing and able to turn people away - and a government determined to keep them out.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I don't know of any other nation that just allows this level of unchecked immigration without stopping it.

Democrats have taken "Leftist Whacko" to a level that makes even the Europeans cringe and shake their heads.
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Well-Known Member
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I'm sure the American landowners would love to plow the field we loaded with landmines....

Using explosives would not threaten any peace treaties????

Some years back, there WERE mines in the Arizona desert. They're gone now. Also, to HELP illegals to cross the desert there, people set up water stops - which were sabotaged by residents.

I think if you want to be kind to those entering this country - you should become a sponsor. It's virtue signaling to just set up a watering hole and leave the hard part to everyone else.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Democrats have taken "Leftist Whacko" to a level that makes even the Europeans cringe and shake their heads.
BUT it's like DJ says and now I am hearing punditry echo it - it's all feelings. I said before, Martha's Vineyard exposed the fake compassion to the nth degree. It was JUST FIFTY PEOPLE. My parents took in four immigrants who lived with them for four months, some of them a little longer. These are the wealthiest people in the country, and not a sould took any of them in, but praised themselves for giving them a nice meal -

Before kicking their asses off their island and sent to a base on the mainland. This is a place that regularly gets hundreds of thousands of tourists a year, and they couldn't be bothered with fifty illegal immigrants.

Because they TALK a good game but balk at the idea of backing up their words with action. It's the same as the celebrities who fly around the world in private jets, own multiple homes and have a carbon footprint the size of Alaska - all boo-hooing the ravages of climate change whilst they brazenly pollute privately. Some people - like Ed Begley Jr - they live what they preach. I disagree with him, but he PRACTICES what he preaches, living minimally and riding his bike.

The Dems finally got a piece of what they've been doing for decades, calling people racist and decrying sending people back - until their sanctuary cities were flooded with a TINY FRACTION of what the border states have had to deal with FOR DECADES. It's like moaning in an ER over a paper cut next to people with gunshot wounds and worse.

I used to think they knew better - that they were just playing to their audience. But they're not. They're genuinely clueless. The remark that governors are playing "politics" with illegals is exactly wrong - THEY are playing it and have done so for YEARS. They simply let them have a taste of what they've always had to deal with.


Well-Known Member
You think these people come here to not work? Every immigrant i have ever met would work most americans under the table with no complaints and be happy for the opportunity.

These people are tracked and given court dates once they cross the border and are either sent back or given a path to immigration.

Migrant workers will add an extra $7 trillion to the U.S. economy within the next decade and an extra $1 trillion in federal tax revenue.

They often do jobs no native born person would ever take which ensures the costs of many goods and services stay low vs having to pay a native born person twice the amount.
Have you even read where they have told Denver they need more than 6 Months of Benefits?

Please go get lost in you Communist News Network Utopia.
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Well-Known Member
Answers are within the quote.

Most of these people cross the border legally and then turn themselves in to receive asylum. They are then given a date to appear in court. You can only claim asylum at the first point of entry. So what exactly do you have a problem wit and how are they not following the rules as you claim?

You may have a problem with the rules but these people are follwing them.

If market forces were allowed to run free the cost of goods and services woul triple overnight and you would cry about that.

You guys already cry when they try to raise the minimum wage so stop trying to use that excuse.

If you have better numbers than the CBO feel free to post them.


Well-Known Member
As more illegals come in the people awaiting legal immigration are delayed or just told no due to immigration quotas.

That makes no sense.

if they enter illegally and are not tracked they Wouldn't they not count against the number allowed in and have no effect on the quota?

I.e. how do they know how many illegals came if they come in illegally?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Most of these people cross the border legally and then turn themselves in to receive asylum. They are then given a date to appear in court. You can only claim asylum at the first point of entry. So what exactly do you have a problem wit and how are they not following the rules as you claim?
That is a lie. Under the current US immigration process, intending immigrants must obtain permission from the United States government prior to entry. There are several methods of obtaining permission to settle in the United States. Refugees fleeing persecution in their country of origin may apply for refugee resettlement under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Those who wish to immigrate for other reasons must apply for an immigrant visa with the State Department.
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Well-Known Member
That is a lie. Under the current US immigration process, intending immigrants must obtain permission from the United States government prior to entry. There are several methods of obtaining permission to settle in the United States. Refugees fleeing persecution in their country of origin may apply for refugee resettlement under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Those who wish to immigrate for other reasons must apply for an immigrant visa with the State Department.


Yes, seeking asylum is legal. Asylum seekers must be in the U.S. or at a port of entry (an airport or an official land crossing) to request the opportunity to apply for asylum.

"There’s no way to ask for a visa or any type of authorization in advance for the purpose of seeking asylum,” says Byrne. “You just have to show up.”


Main Streeter
Back in the days of Ellis Island, people had to be vaccinated to enter the country otherwise they would spend a quarantine time period to stop the spreading of infectious diseases. Now we have Rubella (German Measles) again.
We have Rubella (German Measles) again because of all the anti vaxxers out there who are refusing to get their kids shots.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Most of these people cross the border legally and then turn themselves in to receive asylum. They are then given a date to appear in court. You can only claim asylum at the first point of entry. So what exactly do you have a problem wit and how are they not following the rules as you claim?

You may have a problem with the rules but these people are follwing them.

If market forces were allowed to run free the cost of goods and services woul triple overnight and you would cry about that.

You guys already cry when they try to raise the minimum wage so stop trying to use that excuse.

If you have better numbers than the CBO feel free to post them.
Crossing the border legally doesn't mean cut a fence and track down a border agent, you have to cross at a legal border crossing.
If market forces were allowed to run free the cost of goods and services woul triple overnight and you would cry about that.
No I wouldn't cry about it, you may, but I'm a big believer in capitalism. .
You guys already cry when they try to raise the minimum wage so stop trying to use that excuse.
It does piss me off that they raise the minimum wage so that a starter job is supposed to feed and house a family of four. These jobs were something that teenagers took for after school work and the government has decided that it's now a career path.
If you have better numbers than the CBO feel free to post them.
10, that number means as much as any number derived from faulty data.