Power with Control
So these illegal immigrants are being tracked? How the hell are you doing that when they're not even required to prove who the hell they are when they get here? What agency is doing the tracking? Have they provided metrics on how accurate their tracking is? See this is the problem with just blindly accepting something a politician tells you was happening.
And before you take exception with my use of the term illegal immigrants by telling me that they're all asylum seekers. Keep in mind they're only legal asylum seekers if they have a legitimate asylum case. I think the going rate than that is 90% do not. We blindly accept any chucklehead who says he does give him a court date 7 years from now and turn them loose. And no nobody is tracking these people. If you have any facts that are verifiable that refute my points, I'm glad to listen to them, but I expect you don't
And before you take exception with my use of the term illegal immigrants by telling me that they're all asylum seekers. Keep in mind they're only legal asylum seekers if they have a legitimate asylum case. I think the going rate than that is 90% do not. We blindly accept any chucklehead who says he does give him a court date 7 years from now and turn them loose. And no nobody is tracking these people. If you have any facts that are verifiable that refute my points, I'm glad to listen to them, but I expect you don't