What is the problem with an open southern border?


Power with Control
So these illegal immigrants are being tracked? How the hell are you doing that when they're not even required to prove who the hell they are when they get here? What agency is doing the tracking? Have they provided metrics on how accurate their tracking is? See this is the problem with just blindly accepting something a politician tells you was happening.

And before you take exception with my use of the term illegal immigrants by telling me that they're all asylum seekers. Keep in mind they're only legal asylum seekers if they have a legitimate asylum case. I think the going rate than that is 90% do not. We blindly accept any chucklehead who says he does give him a court date 7 years from now and turn them loose. And no nobody is tracking these people. If you have any facts that are verifiable that refute my points, I'm glad to listen to them, but I expect you don't


Well-Known Member
1. It's unfair to those legal immigrants who have spent years and thousands of dollars to get here.
2. As a citizen, I can't break the law without consequences. Why should non-citizens be allowed to do that.
3. What Kyle said.

How is it unfair to legal immigrants?

Is getting cutting edge cancer treatment unfair to those who received radiation ten years ago?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
How is it unfair to legal immigrants?

Is getting cutting edge cancer treatment unfair to those who received radiation ten years ago?
No matter how much you stretch it, that's nowhere near a reasonable comparison.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I’ve dug trenches in mud with the ground above my head. I’ve compacted rotten seafood in dumpsters with my shoes. I’ve shoveled sht, and some of it HUMAN. I’ve shoveled radioactive waste in a HAZMAT suit. I’ve installed dozens of roll roofing in 100+ heat and hung clapboard in snow up to my knees from dawn to dusk.

And that’s the printable stuff. The janitor job was really disgusting.

None of it for much better than minimum wage. There is no job that no one will do. My brother in law needed sheetrock hangers - so he offered moving expenses for people AROUND the country to do tough work in the cold to men out of a job.

People WILL do it. Because I did.


PREMO Member
I worked for 6 yrs as a plumber ...... part of that work was un-cloging Toilets, Tubs, Sinks and Sewers
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Just sneakin' around....
Many of us here, myself included, had jobs that were the absolute pits of jobs. For me, it was being knee-deep in anaerobic mud in an oyster farm, clearing ice off everything in howling winter winds, and sweating to death wearing rubber coveralls in the middle of summer. Better keep your tetanus shots up-to-date because the slightest scratch could fester in no time.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Why ask a question and then refuse all answers that don't correlate to your already held beliefs?
I don't, just yours. You've proven yourself to stretch the truth to the point that it's unrecognizable
Do you just want to circle jerk with your other xenophobic friends?
It's not xenophobic to want only people who are willing to use the rules that are in place. I don't like Americans that refuse to acknowledge the rules either.
You think a lot of native born American kids these days are picking vegetables, gutting carcasses, culling chickens, up on roofs all day in the hot Texas sun?
I think if market forces were allowed free run that the wages for these jobs would rise to the point where they would be filled.
"The surge in immigration will help bolster the US economy by about $7 trillion over the next decade by swelling the labor force and increasing demand, the Congressional Budget Office said on Wednesday."
You know as well as anyone that the CBO is only allowed to use the provided data, not all of the data. As such these numbers are worse than useless.
So they are not tracked but you admit they are given court dates which indicates someone is indeed tracking them and there will be some punishment if they don't appear in court.
Not in the least does it mean that they are being tracked. A piece of paper is not a tracker it's just a piece of paper. Once they are released into the US and have a couple of years under their belts they aren't going anywhere. The only way they will get back to Mexico (or wherever) is when they get picked up for some crime and are forced out and even then within a year they will be back with their buddies.
Answers are within the quote.


PREMO Member
Not in the least does it mean that they are being tracked. A piece of paper is not a tracker it's just a piece of paper. Once they are released into the US and have a couple of years under their belts they aren't going anywhere.

These are the one's caught .... add another 20 - 50 %


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Every study or paper I’ve ever read on the benefits of immigration completely conflates legal with illegal immigration.

Every city that has taken on the burden of illegal migration has noticed a large net DRAIN on their resources. They do not present a benefit.

WORSE, because we have flung the doors wide open, we have all sorts of persons arriving and they aren’t fleeing oppression or seeking freedom. They’re here specifically to do harm. They have taken advantage of the lax enforcement and we will likely see something on the order of 9/11 again.

The cities swamped with illegals are not jumping for joy at the trillions in new taxes and labor and revenue. They’re seeing exactly what we’ve been saying.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The cities swamped with illegals are not jumping for joy at the trillions in new taxes and labor and revenue. They’re seeing exactly what we’ve been saying.

yeah, they’re lamenting all that sanctuary They were so proud of just two years ago.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
yeah, they’re lamenting all that sanctuary They were so proud of just two years ago.

Because they've been mugged. It's not lalaland or theoretical anymore, it's real. But you can't tell Democrats anything. They bitch and cry about illegals taking over their cities, then turn around and vote for more Democrats. So **** 'em. They deserve what they get.

My problem is *I* don't want to pay for their foolishness. If these states and cities want to be retarded, they should have to do that on their own dime with not one penny of federal funding.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
yeah, they’re lamenting all that sanctuary They were so proud of just two years ago.
You can ALWAYS brag about how charitable you are until you have to put your money where your mouth is. Martha’s Vineyard proved that beyond all doubt, FIFTY illegals that a handful of extremely wealthy persons COULD have helped - and within 24 hours they gave them a sandwich and a boot to the ass.

Their pronouncement of charity is only ever a club to hit the people they don’t like.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
How is it unfair to legal immigrants?

Is getting cutting edge cancer treatment unfair to those who received radiation ten years ago?
As more illegals come in the people awaiting legal immigration are delayed or just told no due to immigration quotas.
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Well-Known Member
1. There are a limited number of resources, I know people don't want to believe it but the well is not bottomless.

2. The influx of cheap labor depresses wages, mostly for working class where minorities and less educated are affected the most.

3. Point #2 causes more unemployed, this creates desperation and idle hands, crime goes up before even counting the crime brought across the border from the cartels.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
1. There are a limited number of resources, I know people don't want to believe it but the well is not bottomless.

2. The influx of cheap labor depresses wages, mostly for working class where minorities and less educated are affected the most.

3. Point #2 causes more unemployed, this creates desperation and idle hands, crime goes up before even counting the crime brought across the border from the cartels.
Sticking to only three in my post, I was hoping someone would cover the two points you did. #2 and #3.