What is wrong with me?


Lem Putt
I believe she said she had kids too. So I would think she would probably be over 25.
Or at least 17. Maybe he works the left window and she works the right? And she has to talk to him when she needs a CheckerBurger with cheese.....


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Just saw "Leonardtown...Choose the right pre-owned vehicle today for your needs...

oh boy :killingme
look at the bottom of the page. The ones at the top are usually local, the ones at the bottom come from some sort of subscription service...right now, for example, it say's "got herpes? Date others with herpes" and has a website. :jet:


move on - OR - fill out a ####load of magazine subscriptions, make up names (like Dick Les Smith, Ima Terd Smith, etc - you get the point), put "bill me" on the subscription form, sell his truck in the pennysaver extremely cheap (don't forget to put his cell # - eat up air time). And, don't forget to advertise free baby clothes in the pennysaver!

Dag I wouldnt wanna be the one that ticks you off, I can tell youve been hurt in the past. Sorry:smoochy:

Thats going to be rough if you two work together, Im thinking someones job performance is going to lack, it maybe time to consider some options of moving on entirely.
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I'm thinking it's a sexual problem..

Did you not do something that he wanted you to do 3 days ago??

Did you refuse to bite the pillow??

AND i won't go into further gorier details.. but I'd say something misfired in the hot-tub..

WW leaves another one wrecked on the Rocks of Love..



Supper's Ready
look at the bottom of the page. The ones at the top are usually local, the ones at the bottom come from some sort of subscription service...right now, for example, it say's "got herpes? Date others with herpes" and has a website. :jet:
So, (not to be crude) does this mean that if I go to the thread talking about avoiding a Ho, an ad will suddenly appear selling masonry and garden tools? :lol:


So, (not to be crude) does this mean that if I go to the thread talking about avoiding a Ho, an ad will suddenly appear selling masonry and garden tools? :lol:

Let us know how that turns out. :lmao:


Im On 1.
My heart goes out to wishes...

But some of this is your fault. I have never ever heard of a man just up and leaving someone he really cares about and loves. Seems to me you were living in this fantasy world where everything was just perfect in the relationship but behind the scenes dude had his own agenda. Lets play devils advocate...say he did get divorced and is single....you not meeting his kids after 3 years is a MAJOR RED FLAG. After the first year alone you should've been introduced to the baby at least. How do you get close enough to a guy and not meet his seeds? Seriously..that is being so naieve. It would've bothered me after the first year that I didnt meet his children. I would've at least brought it up in conversation.

I think this guy got back with his wife, or if he wasn't divorced just decided one day to do the right thing and kick you to the curb. The youngest is 3 years old...that means you both hooked up right before or after his child was born. MAJOR RED FLAG AGAIN...Im sure you knew the ages of the children within the first month of dating right? You didnt just find out he had children...I would've put two and two together and been like "hmmmm you have a child that's not even 1 yet...what happened to that relationship?" If his response was divorce you have every right to ask for PROOF. If he really wants to be with you and gain your trust, he'll show it to you.

And I agree with most of the posts in this thread....u werent invited around his personal friends? his kids? his parents? And omg - u both work together?! Now not only is your heart in jeapordy of being broken your job is at stake as well....I couldn't imagine working with a man I've been intimatly involved with for 3 years and he dumping me and me still having to see his face everyday.

You need to wake up girl and find a new game plan. I think i've talked about this PLAN B before us ladies NEVER Have. We always expect things to go right and then *BOOM* outta no where he just took your heart and stomped on it and u don't know what in kcuf to do.