What is wrong with me?


i love a man's forearms
i feel bad for you, but I have to ask, are you young....say under 25. Because these insecurities you seem to have tend to be found in younger woman. The older you get, the wiser, and you realize you wont let someone walk all over you, and you respect yourself alot more. Not that I dont know woman who are older who are just as screwed up, but I see it more in younger ones.

I know nothing anyone says will make you feel any better, a broken heart SUCKS, and only time will heal it. I would recommend getting another job if that is possible. It will make it that much harder to move on and put this behind you when you have to see him everyday.
i feel bad for you, but I have to ask, are you young....say under 25. Because these insecurities you seem to have tend to be found in younger woman. The older you get, the wiser, and you realize you wont let someone walk all over you, and you respect yourself alot more. Not that I dont know woman who are older who are just as screwed up, but I see it more in younger ones.

I know nothing anyone says will make you feel any better, a broken heart SUCKS, and only time will heal it. I would recommend getting another job if that is possible. It will make it that much harder to move on and put this behind you when you have to see him everyday.

But what is she's the user? What if she's the one that was stringing him along and was happy with the BFF with benefits way things were going and HE was the one that was tired of being jerked around... hmmm... :eyebrow: I keep thinking she's not giving the complete story.


My Sweetest Boy
But what is she's the user? What if she's the one that was stringing him along and was happy with the BFF with benefits way things were going and HE was the one that was tired of being jerked around... hmmm... :eyebrow: I keep thinking she's not giving the complete story.

Well is she is, she is. :dance:


i love a man's forearms
who knows. we only know what she tells us. I do find it odd, she says she knew nothing, everything was perfect. But maybe she wanted it so bad, that she refused to see any issues. The guy could be a coward, and not didnt have the balls to tell her he has met someone, or maybe he didnt meet anyone, he just was done with that relationship.

Crap I dont know. I dont think anybody knows the answers, look how many books are out there on relationships and how to fix them, how to get him/her back.


i love a man's forearms
I would bet most of us women will know someone who is/was heartbroken, and they wanted to talk about it for days, and try and analyze every aspect, and how they could get them back.


Iron City
wow, I thought about that, but I just didn't see it I guess. I really love him, I work with him I don't have a choice but to talk to him here and see him, it really sucks

Dang, I'm trying to catch up here, can wishes reply w/quote? Would make following easier.


i love a man's forearms
Dang, I'm trying to catch up here, can wishes reply w/quote? Would make following easier.

Just read post #1, only thing she has added is he has kids, and they dont know after 3 YEARS that they are a couple. The rest is her being totally stunned by the breakup


Well Kwillia, I too thought about this on my commute home - not on the topic but on Catt's quote I misquoted earlier... If I recall correctly, I think the quote was - don't bake your bread where it's buttered :diva: :diva: Had nothing to do with a bakery though but I was close the first time :lol:


I think it might be better understood this way.

Don't get your money and your honey from the same place!

Well Kwillia, I too thought about this on my commute home - not on the topic but on Catt's quote I misquoted earlier... If I recall correctly, I think the quote was - don't bake your bread where it's buttered :diva: :diva: Had nothing to do with a bakery though but I was close the first time :lol:


My Sweetest Boy
Well Kwillia, I too thought about this on my commute home - not on the topic but on Catt's quote I misquoted earlier... If I recall correctly, I think the quote was - don't bake your bread where it's buttered :diva: :diva: Had nothing to do with a bakery though but I was close the first time :lol:

Ya don't get your meat where your bread is buttered.


wandering aimlessly
Well this thread ended up 10 pages shorter than expected.

Thank you common sense posters that made my catch up reading quicker. :flowers:


My Sweetest Boy
After much thought and organization of my thoughts on this matter, I am finally ready to communicate my thoughts.

I think the thread starter is that neighbor lady of that weird lady with the Malamute puppy.