What kind of out-of-touch elitist...


New Member
Good on McCain.. The press was 100% Obama 24/7. The first time McCain got ANY press was when he ran his first negative ad.

Apparently he has to stay negative for the press to bother taking his picture let alone talk about him on the news.

McCain gets plenty of press. It may not always be the kind he's been accustomed to, but that's on him.


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The Oyster Guy

New Member
This is another non story, just like all the "long lost" half brothers and sisters and 4th cousins on your mother's 2nd husbands side that are coming out of the woodwork.

I don't give a rat's azz about how many houses the McCains own nor do I care about Obama's extended half family (daddy was a playa fo sho'), and I really, really do not care who is going to be a better 1st lady. What I do care about is how much money I can keep in my pocket after taxes, energy independence, immigration, SS and a departure from "we are the world police" mindset.

You may not believe it to be newsworthy, but in fact, it's a BIG story in it's impact - precisely because this is the kind of vapid factoid that the average Walmart shopper can get his head around. People will remember that McCain has so many homes, he doesn't even know the number. That ain't gonna sit well with all the blue-collar red-staters that the Republican Party MUST have in November.


New Member
..the Obama camp to be stupider and stupider in the fights they pick and the moves they make.

What next? Argue that Senators just don't have the right stuff to be potus?

It never ceases to amaze me the people that get the jobs to frame these races.

The reason this has legs is not because of how many houses the McCain's own...it's because they apparently have so many that Johnny can't remember them all.

You know...just like all the average Americans who can't remember how many houses they own.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The reason this has legs is not because of how many houses the McCain's own...it's because they apparently have so many that Johnny can't remember them all.

You know...just like all the average Americans who can't remember how many houses they own.

...dude. Just because the Obama and the media say it matters doesn't make it so.

People already know McCain is old. They already know his wife is rich. They already know he's not a numbers guy. This is short term, at best, and weak at that.

What people don't know is whether or not Obama is just a cold, calculating jerk who used lawsuits to get his state seat. What people don't know is if he used that same calculation to fake even being eligible.

I think it was sweet of the Clinton's to bring this up, though.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You tell...

You may not believe it to be newsworthy, but in fact, it's a BIG story in it's impact - precisely because this is the kind of vapid factoid that the average Walmart shopper can get his head around. People will remember that McCain has so many homes, he doesn't even know the number. That ain't gonna sit well with all the blue-collar red-staters that the Republican Party MUST have in November.

...me what sticks most;

McCain has no idea how many houses his wife owns or Obama is a snake in the grass who sued to get into office?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The problem...

I've been waiting a long time for the opportunity to use that. :smile:

...with age stuff is that McCain, if his folks are clever enough, which remains to be seen, could run the same cartoon picture only make it a young person and have the headline "Young man tells cloud to change"

Age is not a good one when the target is a rather spry dude. We've come to expect old folks to be busy and capable. 71 is the new 81, so to speak.


..the Obama camp to be stupider and stupider in the fights they pick and the moves they make.

What next? Argue that Senators just don't have the right stuff to be potus?

It never ceases to amaze me the people that get the jobs to frame these races.

Yup - put you in mind of anything? 2004 maybe? John Kerry and Theresa Heinz when their wealth was made an issue by the Republicans?


New Member
...dude. Just because the Obama and the media say it matters doesn't make it so.

People already know McCain is old. They already know his wife is rich. They already know he's not a numbers guy. This is short term, at best, and weak at that.

What people don't know is whether or not Obama is just a cold, calculating jerk who used lawsuits to get his state seat. What people don't know is if he used that same calculation to fake even being eligible.

I think it was sweet of the Clinton's to bring this up, though.

You don't need to be an expert mathematician to know how many houses you have.

When a sizable chunk of McCain's election strategy is to insult and falsely label his opponent as an "elitist", it sure explodes in his own face when he comes off as an elitist.

Yeah, Johnny...you're so rich and/or out of touch you can't be bothered with the boring details of how many houses you own. Your wife says the only way to get around Arizona is by private plane...but Obama's the elitist. :killingme

McCain is betting enough voters are that incredibly blind. The scary thing is...enough of 'em very well may be. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Yup - put you in mind of anything? 2004 maybe? John Kerry and Theresa Heinz when their wealth was made an issue by the Republicans?

...my point. It worked against Kerry because it was so obvious. He is far more of the 'kept' man, boy toy than McCain. Theresa made that clear on a regular basis. It ift the story line.

I'm all for making whatever an issue. The thing is, go get 'em where it'll do some good. Attack McCain on the Keating five. Attack McCain on making too much of an issue on the POW stuff. Attack McCain on saying he doesn't know much about the economy. Attack McCain on his hostility to free speech.

Don't try and tie McCain to Bush; he's made a career out of being at odds with his party and, for sure, this president.

Forget about age. Doesn't work.

Forget about money and not knowing how many properties the wife owns. Everybody already knows they have separate money.


...my point. It worked against Kerry because it was so obvious. He is far more of the 'kept' man, boy toy than McCain. Theresa made that clear on a regular basis. It ift the story line.

I'm all for making whatever an issue. The thing is, go get 'em where it'll do some good. Attack McCain on the Keating five. Attack McCain on making too much of an issue on the POW stuff. Attack McCain on saying he doesn't know much about the economy. Attack McCain on his hostility to free speech.

Don't try and tie McCain to Bush; he's made a career out of being at odds with his party and, for sure, this president.

Forget about age. Doesn't work.

Forget about money and not knowing how many properties the wife owns. Everybody already knows they have separate money.

I agree with you for the most part. But. There was so much slung during the last election, so much that Kerry decided that he would be above, that Obama needs to answer and answer quickly. Obama got labeled an elitist early on - Hillary - John forget who. Elitist are identified with money, $500.00 shoes, private jets, seven houses, - I think Obama pushing back was fair game and now that Ayers/Rezko have been re-visited - Keatings fair game. I want Obama angry, I want him to fight, I want the Democrats to get madder than hell and shove back.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I agree with you for the most part. But. There was so much slung during the last election, so much that Kerry decided that he would be above, that Obama needs to answer and answer quickly. Obama got labeled an elitist early on - Hillary - John forget who. Elitist are identified with money, $500.00 shoes, private jets, seven houses, - I think Obama pushing back was fair game and now that Ayers/Rezko have been re-visited - Keatings fair game. I want Obama angry, I want him to fight, I want the Democrats to get madder than hell and shove back.

...that is the argument, that is what Kerry and Democrats want to believe.
Kerry got 'switboated'. Their story is that that means lies were told. What it really means is the truth was told and better to hope to get away with it than release his records. He could have done that, signed a waiver releasing his military records showing the specifics of his medals that the swifties were challenging, and he never did it. To this day.

Obama is in the same position right now and that's why he's casting about for something to hit McCain with. Sure, it's fair game for Obama to say whatever he likes. My point is, again, say something that will do some good.

It works to pick on Edwards for his hair. It works to pick on Bush 41 as being aloof. It works on Kerry to be called boy toy. It works to pick on Dukakis for the tank thing. It works on Gore to pick on his demeanor. It works to pick on W for his speech.

It doesn't work to pick on McCain for being Donald trump or a doddering old fool.


Main Streeter
What people don't know is whether or not Obama is just a cold, calculating jerk who used lawsuits to get his state seat. What people don't know is if he used that same calculation to fake even being eligible.
He did file any lawsuits for his US senate seat.


...that is the argument, that is what Kerry and Democrats want to believe.
Kerry got 'switboated'. Their story is that that means lies were told. What it really means is the truth was told and better to hope to get away with it than release his records. He could have done that, signed a waiver releasing his military records showing the specifics of his medals that the swifties were challenging, and he never did it. To this day.

Obama is in the same position right now and that's why he's casting about for something to hit McCain with. Sure, it's fair game for Obama to say whatever he likes. My point is, again, say something that will do some good.

It works to pick on Edwards for his hair. It works to pick on Bush 41 as being aloof. It works on Kerry to be called boy toy. It works to pick on Dukakis for the tank thing. It works on Gore to pick on his demeanor. It works to pick on W for his speech.

It doesn't work to pick on McCain for being Donald trump or a doddering old fool.

I really haven't heard too much from the campaign about McCain's age - although I have heard a lot about it from the late night shows, Daily Show etc. I disagree with you on the rich thing though - if it isn't going to work why did the McCain camp come back with a response? The same reason that Obama comes back with his responses - it might just stick.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I - if it isn't going to work why did the McCain camp come back with a response? The same reason that Obama comes back with his responses - it might just stick.

...you just got done saying Obama can't sit there and just take stuff yet now you're asking why McCain is responding?

Come on.

As I say, all is fair in love and war. You can run any idea you like. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe undecideds are really turning their back on McCain over this thing?


NOT Politically Correct!!
I really haven't heard too much from the campaign about McCain's age - although I have heard a lot about it from the late night shows, Daily Show etc. I disagree with you on the rich thing though - if it isn't going to work why did the McCain camp come back with a response? The same reason that Obama comes back with his responses - it might just stick.

Yeah but McCains comeback was more like a stake to the heart!!! :killingme


...you just got done saying Obama can't sit there and just take stuff yet now you're asking why McCain is responding?

Come on.

As I say, all is fair in love and war. You can run any idea you like. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe undecideds are really turning their back on McCain over this thing?

Originally Posted by Dixie
I - if it isn't going to work why did the McCain camp come back with a response? The same reason that Obama comes back with his responses - it might just stick.

I guess I wasn't very clear. I thought I was saying basically the same thing you were saying. McCain had to come back because it might just stick. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Gotta run - just found out the boss is leaving early - two minute rule in effect. Have a good weekend! Don't stay up too late watching the Obama veepstakes. :)