What kind of out-of-touch elitist...


Obama destroyed America


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NOT Politically Correct!!
I don't know what the big deal is, McCain doesn't know how many houses exactly his wealthy wife owns and Obama is not sure how many siblings he has. Both have things they are uncertain about.

And NObama doesn't remember how many properties his Felon friend Tony Rezko's owned in his Chicago District, turns out he owned over 12:

CHICAGO -- During his rise through Illinois politics, it was inevitable that Barack Obama would encounter a suckerfish like Tony Rezko. Illinois has more governmental bodies than any other state -- over 500 in Cook County alone -- and therefore, more opportunities for operators.

Usually, their antics fill the front pages of only the Chicago Tribune and the Sun-Times. But thanks to an accusation by Hillary Clinton, who called him a "slum landlord," Tony Rezko's alleged crookedness is national news. The Syrian-American businessman is facing federal charges for a scheme to extort money from investment firms seeking business with the state. On Monday, he was arrested at his Mediterranean-style mansion and sent to jail for hiding his assets while out on bond.

Obama's dealings with his hinky friend have never led him afoul of the law, but they show that, despite his high-minded politics, he was no purer -- or no savvier -- than Illinois' biggest hacks in his weakness for a generous contributor. He wouldn't even say no when Rezko cooked up a deal to help the newly elected senator buy a gracious Georgian-revival home.

Rezko, after all, built part of his fortune by exploiting the black community that Obama had served in the state Senate, and by milking government programs meant to benefit black-owned businesses. But Obama took Rezko's money even after the businessman was sued by the city of Chicago for failing to heat his low-income apartments, and even after Rezko was caught using a black business partner to obtain a minority set-aside for a fast-food franchise at O'Hare Airport.

Now Rezko is wearing an orange jumpsuit. And Obama may spend the rest of the presidential campaign wearing the jacket for his friendship with the fixer.

Antoin "Tony" Rezko arrived in Chicago from Syria in 1971. He barely spoke English, didn't have any relatives on the Cook County Democratic Party's Central Committee, and belonged to an ethnic group -- Arab Christians -- too small to elect even an alderman. There's only one way a guy like that can attain political power. He has to buy it.

How close were Barack Obama and Tony Rezko? | Salon News


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Who's an out of touch Elitist?

Quoted at Lucianne.com this morning:
Obama at Saddleback Forum: "I think moral failure in America's greatest my lifetime has been that we still don't abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the lest of my brothers, you do for me."

Wow. I guess this is going to come back & bite him on his a## and make him wish he'd never said it!!

Barack Obama's 'lost' brother found in Kenya - Telegraph

No-one knows who I am," he told the magazine, before claiming: "I live here on less than a dollar a month."

He told the magazine: "I live like a recluse, no-one knows I exist."

Embarrassed by his penury, he said that he does not does not mention his famous half-brother in conversation.

"If anyone says something about my surname, I say we are not related. I am ashamed," he said.


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How did this dumb story get legs? Obama actually has a campaign commercial about it. Duh.

So much for Obama not wanting to sling mud and engage in personal politics. Guess he doesn't really want to focus on the issues after all.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
How did this dumb story get legs? Obama actually has a campaign commercial about it. Duh.

So much for Obama not wanting to sling mud and engage in personal politics. Guess he doesn't really want to focus on the issues after all.

Obama has an ad about his brother living in Kenya?

Oh, you mean the commercial about the houses McCain doesn't know about?! I just saw the ad! :lol:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't know what the big deal is, McCain doesn't know how many houses exactly his wealthy wife owns and Obama is not sure how many siblings he has. Both have things they are uncertain about.

You should be a Republican talking head - that's a great zinger and not a single "professional" has thought of it, that I'm aware of.



You should be a Republican talking head - that's a great zinger and not a single "professional" has thought of it, that I'm aware of.


The best zinger I heard was by Tony Krauthammer the other night. He said the correct answer to the question "How many houses do you own?" is "Not as many as John Kerry"


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
The best zinger I heard was by Tony Krauthammer the other night. He said the correct answer to the question "How many houses do you own?" is "Not as many as John Kerry"

:yay: I saw that, too!


Main Streeter
How did this dumb story get legs? Obama actually has a campaign commercial about it. Duh.

So much for Obama not wanting to sling mud and engage in personal politics. Guess he doesn't really want to focus on the issues after all.
Well, it was bound to happen. There's been so much mud slinging in his direction over the last few months he had to start firing back at some point.


I bowl overhand
Well, it was bound to happen. There's been so much mud slinging in his direction over the last few months he had to start firing back at some point.

Good on McCain.. The press was 100% Obama 24/7. The first time McCain got ANY press was when he ran his first negative ad.

Apparently he has to stay negative for the press to bother taking his picture let alone talk about him on the news.

Now Obama's Camelot is falling apart, and now he's going negative. He's got nothing else.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, it was bound to happen. There's been so much mud slinging in his direction over the last few months he had to start firing back at some point.

Wait a minute. Questioning who a Presidential candidate surrounds himself with is not mudslinging. Those are his choices. Had McCain put out a commercial about Obama's various siblings strewn across the world, THAT would be mudslinging because he had nothing to do with that.


Main Streeter
His surrogates weren't doing the job well enough for his taste?
I don't know but I do know that the opposing surrogates and the campaign from the other side were all doing more than there fair share of of slinging. So I guess Barack is add the campaign to the surrogates on his side.


Main Streeter
Wait a minute. Questioning who a Presidential candidate surrounds himself with is not mudslinging. Those are his choices. Had McCain put out a commercial about Obama's various siblings strewn across the world, THAT would be mudslinging because he had nothing to do with that.
...and McCain doesn't have a choice about wether or not to have knowledge of how many houses he and Cindy own? It's not like someone asked him how many pairs of shoes Cindy owns. We're talking about houses, which are big things attached to the ground.

In all fairness, I think he could've replied to the question a little better than to say I'll have staff get back to you on that. If he'd said something like Cindy and I have four homes that we use and additional investment real estate properties, I don't think it would've gotten as much attention as it did when he said I'll have staff get back to you on that. That statement made him look out of touch.

For the record, I like McCain, always have. At this point, while I lean towards Obama, I'm still undecided.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
This is another non story, just like all the "long lost" half brothers and sisters and 4th cousins on your mother's 2nd husbands side that are coming out of the woodwork.

I don't give a rat's azz about how many houses the McCains own nor do I care about Obama's extended half family (daddy was a playa fo sho'), and I really, really do not care who is going to be a better 1st lady. What I do care about is how much money I can keep in my pocket after taxes, energy independence, immigration, SS and a departure from "we are the world police" mindset.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm finding...

What kind of out-of-touch elitist made 4 million last year, bought his mansion with a sweetheart deal brokered by a felon, and is dumb enough to pick a fight over houses?

Or even better, what kind of brain dead morons actually believe that O'Bammy is in touch with the common man?

..the Obama camp to be stupider and stupider in the fights they pick and the moves they make.

What next? Argue that Senators just don't have the right stuff to be potus?

It never ceases to amaze me the people that get the jobs to frame these races.