What kind of out-of-touch elitist...

The Oyster Guy

New Member
It doesn't work to pick on McCain for being Donald trump or a doddering old fool.

It may not work for you... but it *will* resonate with the Walmart republicans, those folks who were critical in electing that gool 'ol boy W to the Presidency. McCain has nothing in common... with the common man. He's just another privileged, old, Washington insider.

He's toast.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I said...

It may not work for you... but it *will* resonate with the Walmart republicans, those folks who were critical in electing that gool 'ol boy W to the Presidency. McCain has nothing in common... with the common man. He's just another privileged, old, Washington insider.

He's toast.

...as much in post #58. Maybe it's a great attack?

I still don't think so.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
McCain is definitely getting my vote since he had the foresight to marry into money. Way to go Johnny!:clap:


It may not work for you... but it *will* resonate with the Walmart republicans, those folks who were critical in electing that gool 'ol boy W to the Presidency. McCain has nothing in common... with the common man. He's just another privileged, old, Washington insider.

He's toast.

It is just a choice between him and the privledged, young political insider from Chicago with nothing on common with the common man........unless of course the common man gets a vacation in Hawaii on a private beach, gets a cherry deal on a $4M home, hangs out with radical domestic terrorists, sits in a church and listens to a hate white preacher, and cons and backstabs his way into his first elected position.



McCain is definitely getting my vote since he had the foresight to marry into money. Way to go Johnny!:clap:

Got this from a friend of mine (and he probably stole it from someplace else). You won't like most of it but the second paragraph sounds a lot like what you wrote


John McCain is older than me. We'll he's older that most of us. I really hate the idea of this Obama kid becoming president and fixing all or problems. Let's keep things the way they are.

John McCain married a really rich woman. When John's first wife was crippled in a car accident and was in and out of the hospital he had an affair with Cindy, then dumped his first wife and married Cindy who was much better looking and had $100 million. Wish I had thought of that. It shows real forward thinking.

John McCain wants to stay in Iraq until we achieve victory. We'll there no achieving victory, so I guess we'll be there a very long time. I'm too old to care about spending our taxpayer's money on healthcare, education, and bridges. War is what we need.

John McCain is for off-shore drilling. I have being made to go to the Eastern Shore or the Outer Banks for vacation. Let's drill now, destroy the beaches, and then I can go to Las Vegas instead.

John McCain is for more nuclear plants. Maybe we could get a few here in the DC area? Couldn't be anymore dangerous than say Fort Detrick.

John McCain has a really bad temper. We'll you would too if you were his age. This Obama guy seems to steady and calm. The heck with that, let's have a president who will blow his top with world leaders.

This is why I like John McCain.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
It is just a choice between him and the privledged, young political insider from Chicago with nothing on common with the common man........unless of course the common man gets a vacation in Hawaii on a private beach, gets a cherry deal on a $4M home, hangs out with radical domestic terrorists, sits in a church and listens to a hate white preacher, and cons and backstabs his way into his first elected position.


You seem to be assuming that every registered voter in the nation *must* cast a vote, and each of them will be carefully weighing the pros/cons of McCain and Obama, or maybe just flip a coin because they believe both candidates are fllawed - prior to pulling the lever in the voting booth. I got news fer ya: when people aren't happy with the choices presented them, those people just stay home. So if Joe PotentialVoter thinks that McCain and Obama are *both* out-of-touch elitists, then they stay home on election day.

And that's hurts McCain much more than it hurts Obama. Obama's base, and the democrats in general, are motivated, inspired, and will line-up at the polling places like ants at a picnic. McCain's base (if he has one)... inspired? hardly. And without an energized base, and without the support of the (disenchanted) "purple" voters - McCain loses, big.

Yep, each and every slam logged against McCain causes more damage than an equivalent slam against Obama, because Obama has more "health points" than McCain (both figuratively and literally :roflmao:) So if both of them are perceived to be privileged elitists, Obama comes out ahead.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Yep, each and every slam logged against McCain causes more damage than an equivalent slam against Obama, because Obama has more "health points" than McCain (both figuratively and literally :roflmao:) So if both of them are perceived to be privileged elitists, Obama comes out ahead.

...video game! It has a campaign mode! :killingme