What Next???


just one of those days...
Article on Saint Mary's Today Online...

ANNAPOLIS (AP) - A state delegate is seeking to ban fake bull testicles and other vulgar decorations from motor vehicles.

Washington County Republican LeRoy Myers says he's taking a stand to prevent children from seeing giant plastic gonads dangling from pickup truck trailer hitches.

The bill also would outlaw decals and bumper stickers depicting human breasts, buttocks and genitals. Fines would run as high as $500.

The American Civil Liberties Union says Myers' bill is overly broad. An ACLU spokeswoman says it probably would make it illegal to display a picture of the Venus de Milo on your car.


princess73 said:
Article on Saint Mary's Today Online...

ANNAPOLIS (AP) - A state delegate is seeking to ban fake bull testicles and other vulgar decorations from motor vehicles.

Washington County Republican LeRoy Myers says he's taking a stand to prevent children from seeing giant plastic gonads dangling from pickup truck trailer hitches.

The bill also would outlaw decals and bumper stickers depicting human breasts, buttocks and genitals. Fines would run as high as $500.

The American Civil Liberties Union says Myers' bill is overly broad. An ACLU spokeswoman says it probably would make it illegal to display a picture of the Venus de Milo on your car.

Why don't we all just walk around in a little bubble for the rest of our lives...I doubt kids are disgusted by dangling gonads, they probably just giggle. Shelter the world, all things natural to the human body are evil. You can only bring them out to procreate. COME ON!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What next? That's a great question.

How about a fake penis sticking as a hood ornament? Maybe a full color money shot painted on the side of a van?

What next?

And you have to wonder about the ACLU that they equate a pair of fake balls hanging from a bumper with the Venus de Milo.


New Member
I don't see where the dangling "gonads" really serve any purpose. I'm not a prude by any stretch but even I think they look absolutely ridiculous. There are some things that are better left to the imagination.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Softballkid said:
So should I take the ones back I ordered for my truck....or shoul dI wait :confused:
:yeahthat: Don't they have bigger and better things to make bills about? Maybe like free health care or something? I think everybody should by a set of the balls and send them to Annapolis.


No Longer the Kid
Dutch6 said:
:yeahthat: Don't they have bigger and better things to make bills about? Maybe like free health care or something? I think everybody should buy a set of the balls and send them to Annapolis.


And that would be some funny shiat :lmao:

And with it, leave a note - "Grow a pair"



No Longer the Kid
Dutch6 said:
:yay: I'd sign my name to that karma. :lol:

Maybe when my balls come in (yeah, I know how that sounds :lol:), I'll stand out infront of Walmart and KMArt and Target with a petition to sign, and I'll send it up there to um :yay: :lmao:

Petition sign will read - SIGN MY BALLS petition


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Softballkid said:
Maybe when my balls come in (yeah, I know how that sounds :lol:), I'll stand out infront of Walmart and KMArt and Target with a petition to sign, and I'll send it up there to um :yay: :lmao:

Petition sign will read - SIGN MY BALLS petition
Let me know when you do so I can get me some latex gloves and sign your petition. :yay: :lol:


24/7 Single Dad
Speedy70 said:
I will say that I think they're immature and stupid. :shrug:
I like them. It would be hard to get people to post a notice on their vehical saying "CAUTION - stupid and imature operator onboard"

I prefer that our lawmakers spend their time and effort in an attempt to leglislate class and good taste instead of providing benifits for ILLEGAL aliens.


New Member
princess73 said:
Article on Saint Mary's Today Online...

ANNAPOLIS (AP) - A state delegate is seeking to ban fake bull testicles and other vulgar decorations from motor vehicles.

Washington County Republican LeRoy Myers says he's taking a stand to prevent children from seeing giant plastic gonads dangling from pickup truck trailer hitches.

The bill also would outlaw decals and bumper stickers depicting human breasts, buttocks and genitals. Fines would run as high as $500.

The American Civil Liberties Union says Myers' bill is overly broad. An ACLU spokeswoman says it probably would make it illegal to display a picture of the Venus de Milo on your car.

I want a set for my bike, anyone know where I can get some small nads? :whistle:


Dancing Up A Storm
aps45819 said:
I like them. It would be hard to get people to post a notice on their vehical saying "CAUTION - stupid and imature operator onboard"

I prefer that our lawmakers spend their time and effort in an attempt to leglislate class and good taste instead of providing benifits for ILLEGAL aliens.

I have seen more than a few bumper stickers proclaiming "Rookie Driver" around here. Maybe the trucks with the dangling gonads are trying to say something else? :shrug: