What Next???

turklebiff said:
The bases don't allow the balls on vehicles...they will stop you and make you take them off...
I've seen a Dodge truck with them driving on and off PAX. I'll have to keep my eyes open and see if they get him.


Would THIS face lie?
turklebiff said:
The bases don't allow the balls on vehicles...they will stop you and make you take them off...

"OK Sir, Out of the truck....Slowly put your hands on your head...Either you remove your balls or we will yank them off....It's up to you Sir.."


Would THIS face lie?
Hey guys...Be careful...They convisgated (I don't know how to spell that) my balls at gate 3 this morning...


  • logoballs.jpg
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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
desertrat said:
I've seen a Dodge truck with them driving on and off PAX. I'll have to keep my eyes open and see if they get him.

There's also a Chevy 4X4 that parks in the V-22 lot that has them.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Having genitalia displayed as auto ornaments or :cough: art, seems to sream "ISSUES" if you were to ask me. You didn't ask me, so I'll just give it as my .02.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
What next? That's a great question.

How about a fake penis sticking as a hood ornament? Maybe a full color money shot painted on the side of a van?

What next?

And you have to wonder about the ACLU that they equate a pair of fake balls hanging from a bumper with the Venus de Milo.

I was at Arundel Mills a few months ago and saw a scene airbrushed on the tailgate of a Dodge pick-up....it showed two half naked girls (no tops, only bikini bottoms) sitting with legs splayed, hands in their panties. I was shocked. There was also a vulgar saying, but I can't remember what it was. As we were walking to our car, we saw the owner of the truck...a high school aged boy. I can't believe any parent would let their son ride in such a trashy vehicle. I was seriously shocked by the painting.


Someone castrated my brother in laws truck while he was at pool league.......

My kids asked what they were on the car for, I told them, "it's proof that the driver is lacking real ones"


Cowgirl said:
I was at Arundel Mills a few months ago and saw a scene airbrushed on the tailgate of a Dodge pick-up....it showed two half naked girls (no tops, only bikini bottoms) sitting with legs splayed, hands in their panties. I was shocked. There was also a vulgar saying, but I can't remember what it was. As we were walking to our car, we saw the owner of the truck...a high school aged boy. I can't believe any parent would let their son ride in such a trashy vehicle. I was seriously shocked by the painting.

It was probably daddy's truck. :duh:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Dupontster said:
Hey guys...Be careful...They confiscated (I don't know how to spell that) my balls at gate 3 this morning...

The loss of your nuts has obviously affected your spelling... FIXED!!! :coffee:


Well-Known Member
I'm a prude. I think balls hanging from vehicles and those stickers of little boys peeing on misc things - are just trashy. Do I think they should be illegal..? Not necessarily ...but it wouldn't hurt my feelings!

My thought is, freedom of speech is taken waaaaay farther than our forefathers intended.


New Member
johnjrval424 said:
I don't see where the dangling "gonads" really serve any purpose. I'm not a prude by any stretch but even I think they look absolutely ridiculous. There are some things that are better left to the imagination.

I do feel its deals with "ADULT" humor, and it does have its issues when your kids asks what they are. :shrug: So that being said, I can understand the issue's that would come with having nads hanging.


New Member
Sort of personal experience. I was in a meeting where it was put out by the base CO that they were not allowed. That along with the calvin stickers where he is pissing on one thing or the other. Those along with just about anything else that anyone could possible consider offensive. To top it off, talking on cell phones while driving is not allowed...even if you have blue tooth or the ear buds.
Now, to what degree the enforce it, I can't be sure. I still see plenty of all of it.

bohman said:
Personal experience?


I know nothing
USNavyMike said:
I do feel its deals with "ADULT" humor, and it does have its issues when your kids asks what they are. :shrug: So that being said, I can understand the issue's that would come with having nads hanging.

So what do you say to your kids, when they ask whats that hanging down between the family dogs legs?

This is all complete BS. If someone wants to hang them from the back bumper and look like complete idiots, then let them.

Sweet 16

somdebay said:
...dangling gonads...
While I don't believe they should be outlawed, I fail to see the humor in such "decorations". Have you ever been stuck behind a pair in rush hour traffic? I'm no prude but it was disgusting to look at and it's hard to look elsewhere when you're driving. There is a time and place for everything and the the highway is not the place for these things. :shocking:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LordStanley said:
So what do you say to your kids, when they ask whats that hanging down between the family dogs legs?
Would you agree that the natural location for nads is between the legs of a male mammal, and not on the bumper of a vehicle?

This is just another attempt at blatant rudeness and disregard for civility. I fully support a ban on that sort of thing. :yay:


ya they're nasty...but making them illegal :duh:

I think all those stupid NASCAR stickers are nasty...I'm going to petition my delegate to have those banned also...

I also think that people with big bangs are offensive...should I start a petition?

I think that those hairless cats are really degrading to the cats the have hair..I think they should legally be made to wear littls jackets and sweaters.....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
I think all those stupid NASCAR stickers are nasty...I'm going to petition my delegate to have those banned also...

I also think that people with big bangs are offensive...should I start a petition?

I think that those hairless cats are really degrading to the cats the have hair..I think they should legally be made to wear littls jackets and sweaters.....
None of your examples would even remotely constitute obscenity or pornography. Swinging balls could be considered both.

Would you let your kid hang them from his bicycle?