What Next???


vraiblonde said:
None of your examples would even remotely constitute obscenity or pornography. Swinging balls could be considered both.

Would you let your kid hang them from his bicycle?

I don't understand how seeing a pair of bull testes hanging from a truck is any more obscene or pornographic then seeing them hanging from the bull itself. Hubby was given a set of kangaroo sacks and bull sacks made into little "bags" as a gag gift...should we make these illegal to just in case someone actually used them to carry loose change in and someones kids sees them in the walmart check out line and starts to ask questions about it?


Well-Known Member
nomoney said:
I don't understand how seeing a pair of bull testes hanging from a truck is any more obscene or pornographic then seeing them hanging from the bull itself. Hubby was given a set of kangaroo sacks and bull sacks made into little "bags" as a gag gift...should we make these illegal to just in case someone actually used them to carry loose change in and someones kids sees them in the walmart check out line and starts to ask questions about it?

I'd rather look at real bull testicles over the bumper nuts. Bumper nuts are not made to look like bull balls...they're made to look like man balls...they're gross, with the outline of the 'ball' in the sack. Gross. They look nothing like bulls' sacks.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
None of your examples would even remotely constitute obscenity or pornography. Swinging balls could be considered both.

Would you let your kid hang them from his bicycle?

My son has a pair of titanium balls hanging from the back of his bike....they make a crazy shower of sparks when the drag on the ground......


I know nothing
vraiblonde said:
Would you agree that the natural location for nads is between the legs of a male mammal, and not on the bumper of a vehicle?

This is just another attempt at blatant rudeness and disregard for civility. I fully support a ban on that sort of thing. :yay:

So then using that logic we should ban everything that is unnatural!

having a deer head hanging on a wall is unnatural. We should ban that too.

If my child asks me what they are I would tell them plain and simple. They are a fake representation of Bull testicles. If my child asks why the person has them on the car, I would say cause he is an idiot. But its his right to be one.

Whats so hard about that???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LordStanley said:
So then using that logic we should ban everything that is unnatural!
Re-read, please. I didn't say ban them because they're unnatural - I said ban them because their only purpose is to offend. There is no other reason why a person would have balls hanging from their bumper.


vraiblonde said:
Re-read, please. I didn't say ban them because they're unnatural - I said ban them because their only purpose is to offend. There is no other reason why a person would have balls hanging from their bumper.

I seriously thought when they first came out was sort of like a "see, I have a manly truck" sorta joke. What about those fake arms and legs that people hang out of their trunks? Are they considered "bannable" as well?


New Member
nomoney said:
I seriously thought when they first came out was sort of like a "see, I have a manly truck" sorta joke. What about those fake arms and legs that people hang out of their trunks? Are they considered "bannable" as well?

"Bannable" :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
What about those fake arms and legs that people hang out of their trunks? Are they considered "bannable" as well?
Are you allowed to go out in public, maybe to the grocery store or a restaurant, with them exposed?

There's your answer.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bohman said:
And you have the audacity to say that to a smoker?????

I am severly restricted as to where I can and cannot smoke. Do they intend to restrict bumper balls to certain areas? Can't park it in front of the Chuck E. Cheese or the elementary school? No bumper balls at work?



vraiblonde said:
Are you allowed to go out in public, maybe to the grocery store or a restaurant, with them exposed?

There's your answer.

can some group...say the "mothers of murdered victims shoved in trunks lobby"
be offended by them? :shrug: Someone's going to be offended by something all the time. Heck people are offended by getting lung cancer from 2nd hand smoke but yet you are a strong advocate of letting smokers be right? Just don't see how they're that offensive...so offensive that they need a law to ban them :shrug: We should cover up animal testes to ..you know just on the off chance that someone has animals in a field close to a main road and people are forced to drive by and look at their sacks. :faint:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Re-read, please. I didn't say ban them because they're unnatural - I said ban them because their only purpose is to offend. There is no other reason why a person would have balls hanging from their bumper.

The only pupose is not to offend. Some people may think they are funny or cool. Just because somthing is offensive to some people does not mean it shoul dbe banned. If thats the case I'm sure somone could find almost every pumper sticker out there offensive.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
princess73 said:
Article on Saint Mary's Today Online...

ANNAPOLIS (AP) - A state delegate is seeking to ban fake bull testicles and other vulgar decorations from motor vehicles.

Washington County Republican LeRoy Myers says he's taking a stand to prevent children from seeing giant plastic gonads dangling from pickup truck trailer hitches.

The bill also would outlaw decals and bumper stickers depicting human breasts, buttocks and genitals. Fines would run as high as $500.

The American Civil Liberties Union says Myers' bill is overly broad. An ACLU spokeswoman says it probably would make it illegal to display a picture of the Venus de Milo on your car.

I can't say my kids have ever even mentioned them or asked about them..


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Are you allowed to go out in public, maybe to the grocery store or a restaurant, with them exposed?

There's your answer.

They don't look like real nuts. Do you find it offensive when you see a manican in a store without a top on. hanging nuts are about as realistic as the boobs on a manican.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
pingrr said:
They don't look like real nuts. Do you find it offensive when you see a manican in a store without a top on. hanging nuts are about as realistic as the boobs on a manican.

But those boobs are not hanging from the ole trailer hitch. Nonetheless they are stupid but I don't care one way or the other.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
pingrr said:
Some people may think they are funny or cool. Just because somthing is offensive to some people does not mean it shoul dbe banned.
So what then? Anything goes? Public nudity or even sex? Some people might think it's funny and cool, right? So should their freedom of expression be curtailed just because someone else is offended?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
pingrr said:
They don't look like real nuts.
Actually, the ones I've seen are a grotesque representation of nuts, all nasty and wrinkled, hung down like...ugh! Definitely meant to be offensive.

A mannequin isn't anatomically correct. It's just a shape without any details.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Actually, the ones I've seen are a grotesque representation of nuts, all nasty and wrinkled, hung down like...ugh! Definitely meant to be offensive.

A mannequin isn't anatomically correct. It's just a shape without any details.

:lmao: I was going to respond....but I can't stop laughing.... :killingme
pingrr said:
The only pupose is not to offend. Some people may think they are funny or cool. Just because somthing is offensive to some people does not mean it shoul dbe banned. If thats the case I'm sure somone could find almost every pumper sticker out there offensive.
Not the way society works. Things are made illegal if enough people find them offensive. I'm sure you can think of lots of examples. I for one find spandex stretch pants on very large butts very offensive, but I guess not enough other people do.