What Next???


vraiblonde said:
So what then? Anything goes? Public nudity or even sex? Some people might think it's funny and cool, right? So should their freedom of expression be curtailed just because someone else is offended?


I see your point on that...I just think there's always going to be "something" be it ball sacks, bumper stickers, funny looking plants in peoples yards.....where do you draw the line when you look at it that way?


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
So what then? Anything goes? Public nudity or even sex? Some people might think it's funny and cool, right? So should their freedom of expression be curtailed just because someone else is offended?


you are comparing completly different things. Public nudity and sex are physical actions.

Most of the balls I have seen hanging from the bumpers of cars are not anatomically corect.

I have been with my nephew when he has seen them and he pointed them out and laughed. He didn't seem offended and scared for life from seeing this.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
pingrr said:
you are comparing completly different things. Public nudity and sex are physical actions.
Public nudity is pretty much the same thing as having balls hanging from your bumper. What's the difference if some kid sees it on your car or on your body?

How about a graphic sex act depicted on the side of a van? Is that okay? Where shall we draw the line, or should there be no line at all?


Well-Known Member
desertrat said:
Not the way society works. Things are made illegal if enough people find them offensive. I'm sure you can think of lots of examples. I for one find spandex stretch pants on very large butts very offensive, but I guess not enough other people do.

Exactly. There are a lot crazy people out there trying to pass laws. For example in south Caronina it is considered to offensive to write the word liquor on the side of a store. So all of the liquor stores just have a bug red dot on them. It's just a dumb law. If you get to many crazy peopl ein one area you end up with a lot of stupid laws.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Are you allowed to go out in public, maybe to the grocery store or a restaurant, with them exposed?

There's your answer.

Ever been to dinner at a nudist resort? More than prime rib on that menu i'll tell ya! :lmao:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Re-read, please. I didn't say ban them because they're unnatural - I said ban them because their only purpose is to offend. There is no other reason why a person would have balls hanging from their bumper.

I thought they represented an open invitation to key the hell out of the owner's truck? :shrug:
USNavyMike said:
Ever been to dinner at a nudist resort? More than prime rib on that menu i'll tell ya! :lmao:
No, but we used to go to a certain beach in San Diego that was clothing optional (for the surfing) and let me tell you a nude volley ball game can be both revolting and enthralling at the same time. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Public nudity is pretty much the same thing as having balls hanging from your bumper. What's the difference if some kid sees it on your car or on your body?

so you are saying. If there was a naked person standing beside a car with a pair of nuts hanging from it.

Then asked a parent which one they would be more worried about their kids seing? The naked person or the cars bumper. How many of them would actually say the bull balls? I woul dbet almost none.
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pingrr said:
so you are saying. If there was a naked person standing beside a car with a pair of nuts hanging from it.

Then asked a parent which one they would be more worried about their kids seing? How many of them would actually say the bull balls? I woul dbet almost none.

that's a stupid argument


New Member
desertrat said:
No, but we used to go to a certain beach in San Diego that was clothing optional (for the surfing) and let me tell you a nude volley ball game can be both revolting and enthralling at the same time. :lmao:

I blame it on the Colonialist kicking the #### out of the British way back when, if they hadn't we wouldnt be so prudish and puritan about such topics. So there I blame it on them! :whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
pingrr said:
For example in south Caronina it is considered to offensive to write the word liquor on the side of a store. So all of the liquor stores just have a bug red dot on them. It's just a dumb law. If you get to many crazy peopl ein one area you end up with a lot of stupid laws.
So, in other words, just because some public decency laws are stupid, that means they ALL are?


Well-Known Member
nomoney said:
that's a stupid argument

I'm not the one saying the two are equally bad for a kid to see. I was stating that the two are on completly different levels.
USNavyMike said:
I blame it on the Colonialist kicking the #### out of the British way back when, if they hadn't we wouldnt be so prudish and puritan about such topics. So there I blame it on them! :whistle:
It would have been better had they immitated the natives.


Rocky Mountain High!!
nomoney said:
ya they're nasty...but making them illegal :duh:

I think all those stupid NASCAR stickers are nasty...I'm going to petition my delegate to have those banned also...

I also think that people with big bangs are offensive...should I start a petition?

I think that those hairless cats are really degrading to the cats the have hair..I think they should legally be made to wear littls jackets and sweaters.....
and i personally hate those little dwarf kitties too. BAN THEM along with the nekkid ones...

Oh and some people HATE Appys...how about them? or Appys with NO spots?? Get rid of them all.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
pingrr said:
Then asked a parent which one they would be more worried about their kids seing? The naked person or the cars bumper. How many of them would actually say the bull balls? I woul dbet almost none.
If a couple were having sex on the playground, and a nude man was standing over by the fence, which do you think parents would be most offended by?

Because there are more offensive things, does that make something like this NOT offensive? Because, no matter what you come up with, there's always something worse.

And when people get over the shock value of having bumper balls, they'll come up with something more offensive. Mark my words because that's the way it ALWAYS happens.


No Longer the Kid
So basically, after skimming through all of this, bull nuts, gonads, testicles, whatever you want to call them, are only on trucks to offend people and for the driver to think its cool...

And for that reason, they should be banned...I think is what I'm getting out of this...

But what I think, even though I swear I never ordered them, or would put them on my truck. I do laugh when I see it, do I find it offensive, how can I, I have seen WOMEN driving trucks with them, and I know some who OWN the truck with them on it...

I think it was all done out of being a joke/ like nomoney said trying to say "I have a tough truck/ manly truck, or whatever.

Now close to EVERYTHING else people try to do to be creative, or funny, it is being called offensive...

Honestly, when will it ever stop?
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New Member
pingrr said:
so you are saying. If there was a naked person standing beside a car with a pair of nuts hanging from it.

Then asked a parent which one they would be more worried about their kids seing? The naked person or the cars bumper. How many of them would actually say the bull balls? I woul dbet almost none.

Can you please translate this to english for the rest of the class?
vraiblonde said:
If a couple were having sex on the playground, and a nude man was standing over by the fence, which do you think parents would be most offended by?

Because there are more offensive things, does that make something like this NOT offensive? Because, no matter what you come up with, there's always something worse.

And when people get over the shock value of having bumper balls, they'll come up with something more offensive. Mark my words because that's the way it ALWAYS happens.
I always figured the pr1ck was out there in front of the balls.
Softballkid said:
So basically, after skimming through all of this, bull nuts, gonads, testicles, whatever you want to call them, are only on trucks to offend people and for the driver to think its cool...

And for that reason, they should be banned...I think is what I'm getting out of this...

But what I think, even though I swear I never ordered them, or would put them on my truck. I do laugh when I see it, do I find it offensive, how can I, I have seen WOMEN driving trucks with them, and I know some who OWN the truck with them on it...

I think it was all done out of being a joke/ like nomoney said trying to say "I have a tough truck manly truck, or whatever.

Now close to EVERYTHING else people try to do to be creative, or funny, it is being called offensive...

Honestly, when will it ever stop?
I don't know why, but on some level these things bother me. Like seeing some old hound dog with sacs hanging halfway to the ground. Except that I don't have to keep my eyes front when the hound dog is walking across the yard and I do if its a truck ahead of me sporting juevos.