what song are you listening to?


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One of the Thrash songs that helped keep my spirits up during the cancer bout.
Gothic Slam, a Thrash band from NJ who recorded just 2 albums.


Well-Known Member
did you know Blue Pond was actually a quarry at one time. The rescue squad had to go up there back in the 50's and even early 60's to dredge for bodies. The water was very cold, due to its depth and swimmers became victims of hypothermia. My father dredged the pond many times and forbade me from going there.....

Across Muirkirk Rd was another pond we used to catch bluegills from....good old days.
Yes, had heard all the stories about Blue Pond, actually scuba dived there once, never went below 25 feet. During the summer, the top 2 feet were warm but after that, it was really cold.