As usual, I'm not sure how I got to Joan Baez this evening. My web surfing for music is more like purposeful meandering; or it starts out that way, anyway. This is, I believe, from the album Any Day Now, not Baez Sings Dylan as I read somewhere; a song called "Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowland." It's a gorgeous song by one of my all-time favorites. I fell in love with Joan Baez back in the '60s, when I first heard her played by my father and his hep cat college friends. This song is probably one of her best efforts, even though Dylan had written it for the woman he left Baez for. That's the thing about Joan Baez, though; nobody sings Dylan like she does. There are a number of reasons for that, including their connectedness, but I think it's because she owns whatever she performs. If you didn't know better, you would think that this song was autobiographical; it fits her that well.