What the hells happening to Charles County?????



elaine said:
I don't know what "us" you're supposed to be, but anyone can succeed now. Just some people get more handouts than others.

:bs: I have to raise the flag on that.


Im On 1.
Vince said:
Why aren't we focused on the issue of crime instead of which color is performing the criminal acts? High crime rate is the issue, and not if the criminal is black, white, yellow or green.
:yay: :yay: :yay:


rdkarob said:
Why because now you will not get any help? Will you succeed...oh and by they way.....

Myspace????? what a joke.

Why are you bringing up myspace?

It has nothing to do with section 8 and handouts. It is all about the menatality of the country. The mentality that blacks and whites have. It has nothing to do with handouts.


NOT Politically Correct!!
rdkarob said:
This Thread has come to exactly what todays problem is with blacks and whites...focusing on the past instead of what can we do with the future...How bout we start all over and make things even and see who succeeds...I would love to see what that outcome would be.

OK I'll start:

1- Get your a$$es in school
2- Get jobs
3- Loose all the PRO black gear, (we can ask you if we are unsure you're black)
4- Stop shooting and killing each other over stupid sh!t
5- If you live in provety, you have no need for 2,000 dollar rims or 300 dollar sneakers, buy books, a computer and start an educational trust fun.
6- Instead of selling drugs on corners, sell condoms... :wench:

OK, that should be a good start.

Also, I am now a purple person so my opinion is because some suck at life better than others and need that chair kicked out from under them regardless :buttkick: , even if they dislike purple people...


New Member
juggy4805 said:
:bs: I have to raise the flag on that.

You, my friend, could get so much Money from our federal government to start your own business...claim bankruptcy and get more money from our gov't....and live the good life. Could I? Nope, already applied and there is a waiting list....nice huh?


New Member
juggy4805 said:
Why are you bringing up myspace?

It has nothing to do with section 8 and handouts. It is all about the menatality of the country. The mentality that blacks and whites have. It has nothing to do with handouts.

Great word...... I will use it



New Member
chernmax said:
OK I'll start:

1- Get your a$$es in school
2- Get jobs
3- Loose all the PRO black gear, (we can ask you if we are unsure you're black)
4- Stop shooting and killing each other over stupid sh!t
5- If you live in provety, you have no need for 2,000 dollar rims or 300 dollar sneakers, buy books, a computer and start an educational trust fun.
6- Instead of selling drugs on corners, sell condoms... :wench:

OK, that should be a good start.

Also, I am now a purple person so my opinion is because some suck at life better than others and need that chair kicked out from under them regardless :buttkick: , even if they dislike purple people...

PERFECTLY SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


rdkarob said:
Great word...... I will use it


I was going to come back with an insult but I will not resort to such acts. I will say thank you for correcting me. Don't blame me if the people we all voted for screwed you.


SamSpade said:
Because none of the crime is perpetrated by blacks at all. It's just a great big racist scam to keep the black man down. Cops just hassle black kids 'cause they can.

Sheesh. Ask a stupid question!

By golly he's got it! Now solve the conflict in Iraq. :yay:


New Member
Qurious said:
I havent. But let me try:

"like get off my back already, we were like raised in different places okayyyy, go tell your Honkey friends to leave me alone."

how'd I do? :killingme

And that doesn't sound racist on your part at all?


Stretch's Mom
Qurious said:
can u give me an example?

I'll give you one: I used to work as a clerk at the FBI. My unit recruited, tested, and processed applicants for the position of Special Agent within the FBI. In every category, the qualifying score for whites was HIGHER than the qualifying score for minorities. In other words, the minorities didn't have to work as hard to get the same scores as the white applicants to pass. The system had been "dumbed down" for them. If I were going to serve next to this applicant, I'd be pizzed off that they didn't hire the best candidate for the job. More importantly though, if I were a minority applying for that job, I'd be pizzed that so little was expected of me.


Well-Known Member
Most of my early childhood was spent living on U.S. military bases, outside of the U.S. As a child, I had heard about racism, and was shocked and disgusted that there were actually people in the world who hated others for the color of their skin. I was raised that this was WRONG. But I was raised in communities where your neighbors were like family, whatever their color. (I miss that about the military). I was very sheltered from racism.

Then, I moved to the U.S.

I still believe that a person's skin color has NOTHING to do with their downfalls or their successes. Don't we all agree on that?

But... I'm sorry to say that I quickly learned to be cautious of black people. I learned this from black people, NOT from white people. I was treated like *%$& enough times that I became very aware of color. This problem is fueled from both sides. And I agree Juggy, it is EVERYONE'S problem, because we are all Americans.

The fighting and finger-pointing needs to stop from BOTH sides, and we need to look for solutions that work. I don't know what the solutions are, maybe that is the core of the problem... no one does.


professional daydreamer
keekee said:
Most of my early childhood was spent living on U.S. military bases, outside of the U.S. As a child, I had heard about racism, and was shocked and disgusted that there were actually people in the world who hated others for the color of their skin. I was raised that this was WRONG. But I was raised in communities where your neighbors were like family, whatever their color. (I miss that about the military). I was very sheltered from racism.

Then, I moved to the U.S.

I still believe that a person's skin color has NOTHING to do with their downfalls or their successes. Don't we all agree on that?

But... I'm sorry to say that I quickly learned to be cautious of black people. I learned this from black people, NOT from white people. I was treated like *%$& enough times that I became very aware of color. This problem is fueled from both sides. And I agree Juggy, it is EVERYONE'S problem, because we are all Americans.

The fighting and finger-pointing needs to stop from BOTH sides, and we need to look for solutions that work. I don't know what the solutions are, maybe that is the core of the problem... no one does.

I disagree that the problem is fueled from both sides. I'm tired of bending over backwards to be nice, just to have a boot shoved up my azz.


New Member
elaine said:
I disagree that the problem is fueled from both sides. I'm tired of bending over backwards to be nice, just to have a boot shoved up my azz.

I agree. It has become commonplace now that, if you don't like something, you just threaten to sue. You'll get a couple grand out of it and your name in the paper, maybe.

The white people generally just "settle" because they don't want to deal with the black person screaming (literally sometimes) about some wrongdoing.

I guess the whites just react differently to situations. As I said before, we tend to just quietly fade away. The black person will round up every possible person who will listen, publish it in the paper and call 7 On Your Side. When that doesn't work, they get a lawyer and file suit.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
keekee said:
I don't know what the solutions are, maybe that is the core of the problem... no one does.
I do :howdy:

Get off your dead ass, get a job and quit #####ing and whining about how it's somebody else's fault that you use drugs and have 6 bebes by 6 different women. Quit engaging in criminal activity and quit thinking that speaking understandable English makes you a sell-out.

Until they do that, they will ALWAYS be losers who are looked down on by decent people, black and white alike.