And JFK was murdered by a Communist.aps45819 said:he was murdered by a islamic fanatic.
So, Qurious, anything else that you'd like to enlighten us about?
And JFK was murdered by a Communist.aps45819 said:he was murdered by a islamic fanatic.
chernmax said:I just flat-lined.................![]()
Capt Stubing was always nice to Isaac on the Love Boat...
vraiblonde said:And JFK was murdered by a Communist.
So, Qurious, anything else that you'd like to enlighten us about?![]()
Check my sig...rdkarob said:You got that right but I have one questions that maybe all of us can answer... I am white do I consider myself an English American...NEGATIVE....AMERICAN!!!!!!!! Do all of you know what I mean?
Qurious said:![]()
Bobby Kennedy.
*thinking of some more whites who were murdered for trying to bring justice to blacks*
elaine said:I've never had a problem with someone saying "you people", but I've certainly seen blacks have a problem with those two words. As for society, if you wanna' fit in, stop trying to be so damn different.
SamSpade said:Two things - one is, JFK did damned close to nothing when it came to civil rights. It was LBJ that did it all. JFK actually wanted to slow things down and was frequently P!SSED OFF at King. People credit him with greatness because he was killed. Trust me, his legacy would be different, had he lived. We sympathize because he was young, and left a young beautiful wife and two small children. But he was all talk and no action.
But two - what's the whooooosh? *MY* point was that great men are frequently hated during their lifetime and frankly, I wasn't even connecting it at all with civil rights or anything else in the discussion. I can name you plenty of people who STILL hate JFK. Who STILL think he was a big-talking blowhard who damned near stole an election.
And the fact that he was killed actually has nothing at all to do with what I'm discussing. People think FDR was great - but people hated him, called him a socialist, felt duped by his last campaign and took their anger out on Truman. People hated Jackson - and Madison - who despite practically authoring the entire Constitution was hated for his policies and getting us involved in "Madison's little war" which we call the War of 1812.
Almost no great man is ever given that honor while he is alive.
rdkarob said:How bout we start all over and make things even and see who succeeds...I would love to see what that outcome would be.
elaine said:Explain "even".
rdkarob said:This Thread has come to exactly what todays problem is with blacks and whites...focusing on the past instead of what can we do with the future...How bout we start all over and make things even and see who succeeds...I would love to see what that outcome would be.
rdkarob said:Where anyone can succeed
elaine said:Explain "even".
rdkarob said:Where anyone can it would be "us"
rdkarob said:Where anyone can it would be "us"
rdkarob said:No grants, no Section 8 federal aide...NOTHING....
Things would be exactly the way they are now and "we" did it to them...yet again..whatever.
Vince said:Why aren't we focused on the issue of crime instead of which color is performing the criminal acts? High crime rate is the issue, and not if the criminal is black, white, yellow or green.
juggy4805 said:You MF'er. You are a part of the problem.
SamSpade said:Almost no great man is ever given that honor while he is alive.