I've come to this thread late (just got in from work, took off my tie, heated up the dinner my wife made before going to work (late at the mall....after reading this thread, I'm a little worried), watched a little news, read the mail (paying bills on Saturday), ate dinner, put the dishes in the dishwasher, finished some paperwork and decided to check out SOMD.com) -- WOW! Charles County, etc., etc., is RACIST!
Having said that, I think most of you racists should find and listen to Chris Rock's standup on who is most racist....black people or white people? Rock's position is that black people are more racist...because we hate black people too! He further explains that black people specifically hate Ni&&ers more than white people do. As a black man, I agree...I share the frustration that Chris humorously describes and I have experienced the dispair both as a direct and indirect victim of these misrepresenters of the race. As I've read the many posts in this thread I come away with an even greater sense of the impact of these people on all of us. They only serve to perpetuate the ignorant stereotypes and misperceptions of black people that have been so frequently expoused here on this board. They only serve to make it less likely that blacks and whites will ever see themselves as something other than a skin color. They only serve to hold our community back from what it could become.
I moved my family here about 15 years ago to give my two sons an opportunity to grow up in an environment that was safe, secure and nurturing. For the most part, the move has been positive. They learned early that white people steal, lie, cheat and hate. They also learned early that white people, share, support, nurture and love. They saw every day that hard work and a good education were the keys to a better future. They saw every day that both black folks and white folks who did neither were subject to lives of failure, poverty, drug abuse and incarceration. This is not to say that some folks, the majority of whom happen to be white, did not enjoy certain advantages. They were taught early on that in order for them, and not BLACK them, but they as individuals would have to work that much harder to reach their goals. Though a lot of you may find it hard to believe, most black folks try to instill this in their children from day one. Unfortunately, the everyday success stories are not news and are not reported. What is reported is often slanted more with an attitude of "isn't this an incredible achievement" vs. "this is or should be the norm." I believe that someone else noted that this type of separate and special recognition is in and of itself harmful as it reinforces the stereotype that achievements of blacks or other "minorities" is something that should be heralded separately from those of similar achievements by whites. I am personally tired of these statistics that continue to separate us by race, be it test scores, crime statistics or other demographic data. My distaste is based on how these statistics continue to be used to subliminally and directly lead us to believe that race defines intelligence, propensity to commit crimes or the ability raise oneself from a particular social or economic strata.
To all of you who have expressed your true racist feelings, thanks for the information. I'm not surprised, my education continues. I'm not even entirely sure that I disagree with what some of you have written (green karma has been dispensed), but I am saddened that the actions of a few have poisoned so many of you. However, to paraphrase Mr. Rock, I ain't sayin you should be racists, but I understand.