What the hells happening to Charles County?????


New Member
If Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan stood up and said, "hey, brothers - we have to stop this crime wave and stop killing ourselves and others" then the blacks might actually take it seriously - notice I said maybe.

It's not enough that Bill Cosby has been ostracized by the black community because of his stance that black parents don't take responsibility for their children. He also says that blacks have had more opportunities than any other minority group and they blown them. For that, he is being ridiculed by the black community, calling him a traitor.

So, yeah, I guess "denial" is the right word. They aren't hearing what they want to hear so they just deny that there is anything wrong and keep status quo.


NOT Politically Correct!!
flomaster said:
I don't give a flip who you are or what color you are. Opportunity is out there for those who choose to take it. If you want to stay and supress yourself by staying in section 8 housing then go right ahead. Its an easy life. I have sisters and brothers that choose that life in Jersey. Why work hard when you could get it for next to nothing and then rob people for the other things you need? What could possibly make me think that those folks that do that are being isolated by soceity and not given the opportunities that I had. I went to public schools and a Vocational High School and followed it up with 8 years of service to this country as a Marine. Again, I took responsibilty for myself and did what I had to do so I wouldn't have to live by the great stereotypes that exists for hispanics these days. Everyone has the chance no matter who they are.

I'm a hispanic New York escapee... :yay:

Worked hard in school, 24 years military, pulled MYSELF out of the rat hole I lived in on the Lower East Side of NYC. You just have to want it bad enough and never once did I have to use any special password, handshake or social program to succeed. Crime is a personal choice, not a prerequist based on your living conditions... :coffee:

If you're a DEE
And you marry a DEE
Then your kids will be DEE DEE DEEs
Then the cycle continues with the exception of the baby-daddy who will leave and except little to no responsibility over his multiple nests of DEE DEE DEEs... :wench:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Qurious said:
could it be maybe your just paranoid because of the crime that happened so close to your daughter?? :shrug:

Can you seriously say that Waldorf is on the same level as Redhook?? Cuz thats how your making it sound...

maybe the mountains would be best for you and your family. :huggy:
The crime rate in Red Hook is way worse than Waldorf has been. My point is that when I moved here, traffic accidents and farmer Brown's cow was what made the news. Now its shootings a burglaries and drug busts. I don't want my children to have to deal with that. That's why I left NYC. I am not one of those parents that keps his children shielded away from bad stuff because its out there and they should know its there. I can however, protect them from being exposed to it. Therein lies the difference.


Well-Known Member
SamSpade said:
that the black population is increasing by the thousands. But since someone asked:

1990: 18,419
2000: 31,411
2004: 45,533

Why is it so damned hard to just look at the numbers, see what's happening and not assume there's a massive conspiracy to hide crimes committed by whites? For that to happen, *THOUSANDS* of people would have to be in on it, NO ONE would squeal or reveal it, all victims of white crime would ALSO have to keep quiet - it's just damned stupid. Isn't it just easier to see, people are moving from DC and PG, and crime is coming with them?

SE DC used to be quiet and peaceful also, back in the 70's. Now it's what it is today.



J.F. A sus ordenes!
chernmax said:
I'm a hispanic New York escapee... :yay:

Worked hard in school, 24 years military, pulled MYSELF out of the rat hole I lived in on the Lower East Side of NYC. You just have to want it bad enough and never once did I have to use any special password, handshake or social program to succeed. Crime is a personal choice, not a prerequist based on your living conditions... :coffee:

If you're a DEE
And you marry a DEE
Then your kids will be DEE DEE DEEs
Then the cycle continues with the exception of the baby-daddy who will leave and except little to no responsibility over his multiple nests of DEE DEE DEEs... :wench:

Good for you brother! Proof positive that you don't have to stay in it. To the best of my knowledge I never had to wave any flags to get to where I am either.


[*] If as you mentioned the "black population in waldorf (hasnt) increased by the thousands" that makes the previously cited statistice even worse. Shows that Crimes involving blacks are increasing, while at the same time the population (of blacks) hasnt.[*]

* According to the Washington Post, " Charles County has the fastest growing African American population in the state of Maryland."

  • Then you didnt know Waldorf when it was safe to go to Shoppers World, or you could drop your kids off at the Movie Theatre at Smallwood and not worry. Or stop in and say hi to Mrs Kleaver (and hope she didnt yell back). Anyone remember where Circuit City used to be?
  • Basing your experience on living in Waldorf for 5 years is ridicoulus (and pointless if your trying to make any kind of case based on Facts). Look at Waldorf from 20 years ago (when you could get to Waldorf from PG over Sharpersville's wooden bridge anyone remember that?) to how it is now

Yes, I remember these places well. My parents would drop us off at the Skating Rink 2 times a week, and we never had a problem. I took my son there about 2 years ago (before it closed) and I would never think of leaving him there by himself.

I have lived here for over 40 years, and I can tell you that Waldorf has gone to sh**. I was born and raised here, and I hate to see what is happening to what was once a great place to live.


New Member
It's time for all you high and mighty Waldorf- silver-spoon-up-your-azz people to move further south to like the Ranch Club for instance. All is quiet here, and there LOTS of houses on the market. You are close to the water, and away from the city. :yay: Just bring your money. We'll hook you up with a nice house in the woods. We'll even teach you about our local critters. :yay:

Come on down! :whistle:


Im On 1.
johnjrval424 said:
If Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan stood up and said, "hey, brothers - we have to stop this crime wave and stop killing ourselves and others" then the blacks might actually take it seriously - notice I said maybe.

It's not enough that Bill Cosby has been ostracized by the black community because of his stance that black parents don't take responsibility for their children. He also says that blacks have had more opportunities than any other minority group and they blown them. For that, he is being ridiculed by the black community, calling him a traitor.

So, yeah, I guess "denial" is the right word. They aren't hearing what they want to hear so they just deny that there is anything wrong and keep status quo.

All of the people you just mentioned have no credibility in the black community. They all have had filthy hands.

Yeah we could all just listen to the message and not worry about who the messenger is, but its not that easy espeically with Bill Cosby who just came to a settlement with the lady who accused him of sexual assualt. Kind of hypocritical to blast your own people for their flaws yet you yourself have skeletons in your closet.

I have a huge problem with people grouping what "Taneisha Alize Jenkins & Tyrone" do in their section 8 housing with what ALL BLACK FOLKS do.


NOT Politically Correct!!
johnjrval424 said:
If Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan stood up and said, "hey, brothers - we have to stop this crime wave and stop killing ourselves and others" then the blacks might actually take it seriously - notice I said maybe.

It's not enough that Bill Cosby has been ostracized by the black community because of his stance that black parents don't take responsibility for their children. He also says that blacks have had more opportunities than any other minority group and they blown them. For that, he is being ridiculed by the black community, calling him a traitor.

So, yeah, I guess "denial" is the right word. They aren't hearing what they want to hear so they just deny that there is anything wrong and keep status quo.

HAhaha :lmao: , The 3 biggest white collar criminals, they only show up when news cameras are present or Denny's cases... :wench:


How you like me now?
flomaster said:
I grew up in a minority neighborhood in Washington Heights, NYC. We had just about every race in my neighborhood grewing up. Before I was 17, seeing a "white" person meant it was a cop or welfare social worker or teacher. As the black hispanic/population grew so did the crime. I moved to Waldorf in 1995 and I loved the fact that it was your typical white American area where things were quite and the biggest headline in the local paper was that a deer ran through a plate glass window at the local store. Fact of the matter is that I moved here because it was a quite "white bread" area with minimal crime compared to where I grew up. As we have become the hood here in Chuck County, and the minority population has grown, it has turned into the $H!THOLE that Waldorf is today. Nothing screws up an area more than the minorities that come in and destroy it. I am not making a racist coment here. Its just a fact. Of course if you ask the NAACP/Hispanic Heritage Organizations, we are just being put down by the white man. That's a bunch of crap. Not that there isn't any racial bigotry that exists because I would be stupid to think there isn't, but if you put yourself out there and create the hood like environment that Waldorf has become then we need to face the fact and own up to the fact that we as hiapanics and blacks have done this to our town. Yes I said we, because as a Puerto Rican from the Bronx, I get lumped into the minorities that make up Waldorf who have destroyed what used to be a great place to live.

awesome post :huggy:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
There are good people everywhere. We as a minority culture have put ourselves where we are. Who cares if Bill Cosby got in trouble for sexual anything. That doesn't make him a bad black guy who grew up in section 8 housing. Just makes him a horndog who got caught.


New Member
Okay, here's another one:

Karibu Books - books for African-American people. Where are the bookstores for white people?

Million Man March - march on Washington for black men (although not directly advertised as such) - where's the march for the white men?

Historically black colleges - so can the white's have their historically white colleges back now?

McDonald's commercials featuring only black people - isn't that a form of reverse discrimination?

I could go on but these are just a few of the examples of the unbalanced views that exist right now. And the minorities don't get a fair shake? :lalala:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
johnjrval424 said:
Then can you explain the "Million Man March"? Is it not headed by at least two of the individuals I mentioned?

You do realize it happened eleven years ago, right? A lot has changed since then.


How you like me now?
Qurious said:

It is so easy to blame black folks and those living in section 8..... :duh:

Im just gonna sit back for this one. :popcorn:

No it is not easy to blame anyone.........not all black people are bad and not all white people are good but facts are facts. Sitting back and letting things get out of control is the problem.


How you like me now?
Qurious said:
for every stat you have that points to a black person committing a crime, you'll have one that isn't reported yet committed by a white person.

I would like to see documentation on that and more clarification of what you are trying to say.


How you like me now?
Qurious said:
I'm sure we all can agree how overpriced Waldorf is when it comes to renting and buying homes. People who want to move here and live here most likely can't afford it so they apply for section 8. The majority of those people are black and hispanic. There are white ones also, just not that many.

I dont think most of you even know what section 8 housing is. A black family can move into Fairway Village on section 8. If the homeowner is renting out their house and wants to accept section 8 then thats their perogative. Section 8 housing isn't a whole community. Among 13 townhouses you'll have maybe 4 of them renting to a family that qualifies for section 8. And uninformed people like yourself perhaps will make a generalized statement saying "section 8 housing." People who work hard to pay their mortgage or now catergorized as being in a "section 8" community which is soooo not true.

There a low income communities built to cater to the section 8 people as well as individual section housing as you described.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Doesn't take stats to come up with the facts that exist in present day waldorf. Read the paper and it sez it all. Someone earlier said there are good blacks folks and bad white folks. It goes both ways. The fact of the matter is that since the minority numbers came up in waldorf, the area has gone down the toilet and not statistics can dispute that. Call it whatever you want to folks.


How you like me now?
Qurious said:
I find it very hard to beleive that you left BK because of horrible crime and yet aren't at ease when you moved to Waldorf. The crime in Redhook can't even compare to what goes on down here...

Your afraid to let your family go shopping?? :lmao: But your from Brooklyn and now a Waldorf resident and still afraid??? :killingme

If your going to move....you need to move to the mountains....

You are a complete and utter idiot, every single post of yours just proves how stupid you really are.