What the hells happening to Charles County?????


24/7 Single Dad
queencity28 said:
That is because of "Media Portrayal". Case in point: During Hurricane Katrina, if you saw a group of black people coming from a looted store with bottles of water and food for their family and friend's survival, they were called LOOTERS on the news.
If a white family was doing the same, they were not called LOOTERS as loosely as the black families. It was all understandable then. They were called SURVIVORS.
:bs: That's winey a$$ I'm a victim crap.
One news paper in France captioned some white folks stealing food as "victims" and it got posted next to a picture of some black folks stealing food labeled as "looters" on the internet.
Boo Hoo :bawl: If you're out stealing anything, I hope the property owner shoots you.


New Member
queencity28 said:
That is because of "Media Portrayal". Case in point: During Hurricane Katrina, if you saw a group of black people coming from a looted store with bottles of water and food for their family and friend's survival, they were called LOOTERS on the news.
If a white family was doing the same, they were not called LOOTERS as loosely as the black families. It was all understandable then. They were called SURVIVORS.

I thought that the City and state had gotten all the white people out? I don't recall seeing any "white survivors" that stayed???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
johnjrval424 said:
It's not enough that Bill Cosby has been ostracized by the black community because of his stance that black parents don't take responsibility for their children. He also says that blacks have had more opportunities than any other minority group and they blown them. For that, he is being ridiculed by the black community, calling him a traitor.
And that comment right there is one of the main problems. Not *all* blacks consider Bill Cosby a traitor to his race. There are plenty of them that are going, "Amen, brother! :yay:"

But you don't hear about them because the white-guilt liberals that make up the majority of our news programs won't let you. There is so much fear that if you say a single word against the slavemasters, you'll have Jesse Jackson banging on your door and calling you a racist.

That's how it works. Jesse is no different than African slavecatchers who sold their countrymen into slavery to make a buck. And you better believe he doesn't want to give up that position anytime soon.


NOT Politically Correct!!
aps45819 said:
:bs: That's winey a$$ I'm a victim crap.
One news paper in France captioned some white folks stealing food as "victims" and it got posted next to a picture of some black folks stealing food labeled as "looters" on the internet.
Boo Hoo :bawl: If you're out stealing anything, I hope the property owner shoots you.

I'm sure the flat panel TV's went down fine with all the bottled water being distributed... :coffee:


New Member
chernmax said:
Most thugwear belts are 20 sizes too big in order for you to get the right a$$ hanging out of your pants look... :coffee:

Yea, that's what I was getting at. Probably just another wardrobe malfunction on a cold night. Not an intended indecent exposure.


Im On 1.
flomaster said:
By news I meant the papers. My apologies for coming off like it was bigger than it was. I live in the Pinefield neighborhood but lived in Wexford Village and St Charles before that.

Just sad to see a good area go downhill like it has. We all want better for our kids and that's my biggest driver.

Wow pinefield got problems too?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
All of the people you just mentioned have no credibility in the black community.
Are you effing insane?????

Jesse Jackson IS the "black community". He leads them, he speaks for them, he tells them how to vote.

If you've managed to miss that little detail (that you can hardly turn on a TV set without seeing), then you are living in la-la land and I don't know what else to say.


New Member
Karibu Books - books for African-American people. Where are the bookstores for white people? BORDERS BORDERS caters to White People? Or, you Race Baiting Hypocrite, is it true that Borders Caters to EVERYONE? where as Karibu does Cater to Black people.

Million Man March - march on Washington for black men (although not directly advertised as such) - where's the march for the white men? KKK March on Washinton in the 1920's So you agree that there is a definite similarity in comparing the Racist KKK Marches and the Racist Million Man March?

Historically black colleges - so can the white's have their historically white colleges back now? Harvard, Yale & Princeton r still around r they not? Not only are they still around, they also practice Affirmative Action (RACIAL Quotas) and have Programs specifically for Minority students. How many programs does Howard have for White students? What you fail to understand, is Yale, Harvard and Princeton are not Geared for a specific color

McDonald's commercials featuring only black people - isn't that a form of reverse discrimination? You must not watch a lot of tv, Mcdonalds is very diverse, they have commercials for with all races in them You must not be able to follow Logic. the Comment was that McDonalds has specific commercials (that run on mainly Black Channels) that prominently feature Black people.

I could go on but these are just a few of the examples of the unbalanced views that exist right now. And the minorities don't get a fair shake? if racism/segregation/slavery never existed in this country there wouldn't be a need for all the programs that minorities have today. You are the only one on here, that has embraced and excused Racism. seems you should look in the mirror before pulling that particular card

Excellent, articulate, well-thought out responses.

One thing I failed to mention previously also - what about BET? How about JET magazine, Essence...the list goes on and on.


vraiblonde said:
The only ones who aren't going to be picky are those who can't afford anything else.

You ask any single Mom who's genuinely trying to better her life and the lives of her children, who lives in S8 housing, and she'll say the first thing she wants to do when she gets some money together is MOVE.



Im On 1.
Ponytail said:
:jet: :roflmao:

Thank you for proving my point there Captain Oblivious. :yay:

The reason I asked was because a co-worker of mine has been living there for over 20 years and has never had any complaints. It amazes me that 2 people can live in the same neighborhood/community and experiance different things.


New Member
Qurious said:
The reason I asked was because a co-worker of mine has been living there for over 20 years and has never had any complaints. It amazes me that 2 people can live in the same neighborhood/community and experiance different things.

How often does your co-worker leave the house? Is she the one that keeps you up to date on the Waldorf happenings?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
queencity28 said:
That is because of "Media Portrayal". Case in point: During Hurricane Katrina, if you saw a group of black people coming from a looted store with bottles of water and food for their family and friend's survival, they were called LOOTERS on the news.
If a white family was doing the same, they were not called LOOTERS as loosely as the black families. It was all understandable then. They were called SURVIVORS.
Horse####. The ones taking food and water were called survivors. The ones taking sneakers and TV sets were called, appropriately, looters.

Turn on MTV or BET. Take a look at how blacks portray themselves in the media.

Now you can get off your high horse.


Im On 1.
vraiblonde said:
Are you effing insane?????

Jesse Jackson IS the "black community". He leads them, he speaks for them, he tells them how to vote.

If you've managed to miss that little detail (that you can hardly turn on a TV set without seeing), then you are living in la-la land and I don't know what else to say.



How you like me now?
Nucklesack said:
St Charles, uh... its the friggin Houses that are all around the Mall.

Dont entertain Debates with Google Searches?? whats that mean?

your problem is you dont have the personal experiences (notice the spelling) of Waldorf to back up your claims.

I was going to say something about the spelling.....I agree with you Nuck...trying to base a debate only on personal experiences is absurd.